That One Person, You

Jun 17, 2016 15:07

Continuation of here and here

Ninomiya Kazunari sighed as he cannot focus on his work. He glanced at the designer for his new game. The designer, Ohno Satoshi was staring at his computer as he scratched his own head. Perhaps he was struggling to complete the design for the new game which will be launched in a few months. Nino could understand his frustration. The concept for the new game would be completely different from their previous games so it must be hard for him.

He closed his eyes remembering the first time they met in the company. He knew it wasn’t the first time they met each other. They had history together. They used to be in a relationship. He knew and he remembered but he pretended to forget because it was the easiest thing to do.

He never had selective amnesia. When he got into the accident, he begged the doctor to tell his family and friends that he might have selective amnesia due to the accident. He knew his friends were still worried about him after Ohno left him. So, it was easier to pretend not having any memory about the man named Ohno Satoshi. He was a good actor after all and all of his friends believed that he had no memory with Ohno.

Before this, Jun would keep on babbling about Ohno if he saw Nino was lost in his thought. He will keep on preaching that Nino should move on and find another love to forget Ohno. But, he couldn’t do that. Pretending to forget Ohno was easier. Jun stopped talking about Ohno and somehow, Nino himself started to forget the man. All of his memories with Ohno were buried deep in his mind. He wouldn’t even flinch if he heard Sho and Aiba talked about Ohno in private. He believed he had moved on and ready to start the new chapter of his life.

But, he was wrong. Seeing the person and hearing the name had a different impact on him. He remembered the first day he started working in his father’s company. He went to work early because he didn’t sleep the day before. He played game until 5 a.m so he decided to get to work after finishing the game. He was looking outside the window of his office when he noticed a familiar figure approaching the building. He knew it was his ex-boyfriend and he was hoping Ohno wasn’t actually working with his father. But then he remembered how his father described the designer in the company. Somehow, Ohno fitted the personality of the said designer.

He was at loss in how he is going to face the man. He was really anxious. The only comfort he could think of is to play games. He heard the sound of someone entering the office but he simply ignored it. As he played his game, he kept on thinking how to face Ohno but he still didn’t know how. He didn’t realize that everyone had arrived and was looking at him curiously until his father tapped his shoulder. Even though he was still anxious and nervous, he tried his best to show his normal face. He pretended to look at each staff and then hoping he showed his neutral face when he looked at Ohno. On the other hand, Ohno was still looking like the same guy he knew. He looked uninterested to know his new boss and kept on spacing out. He didn’t even realize he was being the center of attention when Nino’s father called him.

To you, I’m a small person
Just someone you know
That’s it for me,
that’s enough
Just the reason of love

Nino never knew for sure if Ohno still remembered him. On the first day, it looked as if Ohno was about to ask him something. Maybe if Nino remembered him. For Nino, it’s better if he pretend not to know Ohno. He could act easily as the bratty guy, not as a fragile and pathetic guy like the way he was when he dated Ohno. He could avoid the awkward situation that might occur if Ohno suddenly decided to talk about their past. Furthermore, how could Ohno remembered him? He was just another person in his life. True, they used to be lovers but it was just the name of their relationship. They never act like a couple. A small person like him wouldn’t have an impact on Ohno, right?

His mind drifted to the night he was left alone with Ohno in the office. It was just a few weeks ago. He wasn’t staying late because of work. He was waiting for Aiba. Aiba promised to treat him dinner on that day but he will be late due to work. As he knew he would be lazy to go out if he went home first, he decided to stay in the office and played game. He knew Ohno was there but as usual, he pretended not to notice him.

When Aiba sent him a text saying that he will arrive in 15 minutes, he decided to wait for Aiba downstairs. He didn’t know why but he decided to greet Ohno. That’s when he noticed a doll on Ohno’s table. He had the same doll in his room. The only difference was his doll was wearing red feather and gold short with letter ‘S’ at its chest. Suddenly, he couldn’t control his feeling. Having the doll on the table and the seductive way Ohno talked to him convinced him that Ohno remembered him and there was a chance Ohno loved him back. He almost gave in when Ohno leaned in to kiss him but thankfully Aiba’s call saved him.

“Ninomiya san,” he opened his eyes to see the man he loved staring at him with concern.
“Sorry, I’m just too tired. Do you need help with anything?” asked Nino flashing his best smile to the guy. He hoped he didn’t sound as awkward as he felt.

“It’s almost time for our discussion,” answered the guy shortly. Oh yes, he told the guy that they will have a discussion on the preliminary design that he created. Taking his notebook, he followed the guy to one of the empty discussion room.

He loved the design Ohno made for his game. However, the new design looked half-assed. It was like Ohno wasn’t in the mood to do it.

“Ohno san, I know I always criticize your work. But, I love it nevertheless. Sometimes, it just lacks a certain criteria I want in the game. However, your design this time was different than what you usually present me. It looked like you have no motivation to do it. Do you have any problem?” He asked with concern. Ohno stared at him for a few seconds. He looked reluctant to answer and simply shook his head.

“Hmmm, should I give you more time to do it? We’re still ahead of schedule so, I could give you…”

“Ninomiya san, can I back off from this project? I don’t think I could continue it. It’s just too hard for me. I’m sure Ryo could do a better job than me,”

Nino was surprised to hear Ohno. It was obvious Ohno was trying to avoid Nino. Did Ohno tried to avoid him because of the kiss?

“Ohno san, are you trying to avoid me because of the kiss? I’m sorry if I make you almost kiss me but I think both of us should be professional. Running away from your responsibility…”

“You don’t understand. It’s more complicated than kissing your boss. It’s painful to see you everyday, to work with you without you remember me. It’s frustrating to see you with another person when I wish that person was me. I am stupid, Nino. You used to love me but I treated you badly and now…,” answered Ohno. Nino stared at him. He was speechless. He knew if he wanted to keep acting as if he didn’t remember Ohno at all, he should pretend not to understand anything. But, he couldn’t do it. Maybe now it’s the right time to sort out the mess. Maybe by talking about their problem, he will be able to move on.

“Did she leave you again?” He asked without thinking. He watched how Ohno was surprised to hear his question.

“What do you…?”

“Did your ex dump you again? Did she cheat on you again? If she did that, are you looking for someone to be your victim again?”

“Nino, do you remember me?”

“You told me it’s painful to see me everyday without me remember who you really are. But you don’t know how painful it is to see you when you’re not even looking at me. Do you know how pathetic it is to talk with you but you simply ignore me? Do you know how jealous I am when I am right in front of you but you were thinking about someone else? The worst feeling of all, to hope for you to be there for me but you ended up breaking my heart on my important day. I may not understand your pain, your complicated situation, but I’ve felt pain too and I’m sure it was worse than yours,”

“Nino,” Ohno tried to grab his hand but Nino immediately pushed his hand away.
“But, I am more stupid than you. Even after all you did to me, I still love you,” he couldn’t help but to cry at the moment. He felt satisfied to have the guy who broke his heart listened to his feeling.

“Please get out from this room. I want to be alone,” he pleaded to Ohno as Ohno tried to comfort him. Ohno was about to protest but he simply dismissed him with a glare. He didn’t know how scary he might look, but Ohno finally give up in trying to talk with him.

My heart can’t let you go
Just as much as I love you
Each minute and each second hurts so much
The one person who appears
even when I close my eyes
The person who is next
to me even in my dreams
Do you even remember me?
Do you even think of me?
I miss you, please

He didn’t know what time it is. He felt asleep while crying. He checked his phone and felt relief to know it was already 8 pm. He guessed the office was empty now as it’s already passed working hour. It would be good because nobody would see his bloated face.

When he went out of the discussion room, the office was dark. As he walked to his table, he noticed another person sitting. He hoped it wasn’t Ohno.

“Ah, Nino,” called the other person. He recognized the voice and wondering why Aiba is here.
“What are you doing sitting in the dark? You scared me,”

“Ah, gomen. Your ex-boyfriend called Sho. He told Sho about what happened. Wow, he said that it’s the first you looked scary, venting your anger at him,” answered Aiba. Nino let out a sigh. He didn’t expect Ohno will call Sho. He knew Sho ended his friendship with Ohno because of him. Now that Ohno told Sho about what happened, all of his friends would know about his acting.

“We always knew you acted to have selective insomnia. It seems weird to have you forgetting about Ohno only. But, we don’t want…,”

“It’s called selective amnesia, baka,” Nino cut him off when he realized what Aiba was talking about. He smiled. Having Aiba here made him feel better.

“Grrr, whatever. The thing is we know you pretend to forget about Ohno. But, we wouldn’t talk about Ohno because we respected your choice. Matsujun blamed himself for making you remember about Ohno with his constant babbling about Ohno. He thought that maybe you pretend to have selective anaemia because…”

“Amnesia. Geez, is amnesia a very difficult word for you to say?” He laughed at Aiba. Aiba scowled at him for cutting him off and making fun of him.

“You pretend to forget because you don’t want us to talk about him anymore,”

“Yes, it will be easier if you just used forget. It will avoid wrong pronunciation,” Aiba smacked his head as he kept on teasing him.

“You looked livelier when you acted that way. Sho also thinks that by stopped talking about Ohno and pretend he doesn’t exist would make it easier for you to forget him. You looked better than before the accident. But…”

“Seeing Ohno again created the mess. I realized I was just running away. I never truly forget him. In fact, I’m still in love with him. You know, as we worked together with him, I love him more and more everyday. I just love how dedicated he is in doing his work. I also love the chance I have to tease him, something I couldn’t do before this. Aiba, am I stupid for still loving him?”
Aiba shook his head.

“I don’t think you are stupid because you’re still in love with him. But, I think you are stupid with the way you complied with him back then. I mean you are a brat, but you acted pathetic when you dated him. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t into you back then. You are boring. You know he still loved his girlfriend so instead of being pathetic, maybe you should show him your charming personality. You should show him the reason to love you back. I don’t think he accepted you back then only as a mean to forget his ex-girlfriend. I heard it’s not only you who confessed to him back then but there may be a reason why he accepted you. Perhaps he was attracted to you in some way but the way you behave back then made him feel bored with you and acted that way,” hearing Aiba’s opinion made him realized something. As much as Ohno was guilty for causing him pain, he was equally guilty. He never gave Ohno the reason to love him. But, isn’t it too late to realize it now?

“It’s not too late. You meet him again and I think he loves you too. So, maybe you could do something about it?”

“I don’t know, Aiba. I guess I’m a bit paranoid to accept him back,”

“If I was you, I won’t know what to do either. I want to be with him but I’m afraid at the same time. Maybe, you shouldn’t accept him completely until he proved that it was worth to be with him again,”

“Hmm, I would think about it,” said Nino. Looking at a poster of the first game he worked on, it gave him an idea on how to solve the mess he had with Ohno.
“But, no matter what, you shouldn’t pretend anymore, okay! Come, I will treat you dinner tonight,” said Aiba as he pulled Nino towards the exit. Nino simply nodded.

“Speaking of pretending, didn’t you pretend to mispronounce amnesia?” said Nino. Aiba just grinned at him.

The only thing
I can do is cry but
Like a fool, I am waiting
Please come to me now
Come to me just like this
My last wish is
that one person, you

He arrived early to work on the next day. He decided that he will confront Ohno today and solve whatever issue he had with the other man. He didn’t know if he was making the right choice but he couldn’t move on unless he was ready to talk with Ohno.

When he arrived, Ohno was already there doing his work. Realizing that Nino was there, Ohno greeted him.

“Good morning. I’m sorry about yesterday. I redo the design and I will show it to you later. After that, can we talk about us if you are ready?”

“It’s good to know that you’re going to continue with the project. I hope your design will be satisfactory this time,”

“I hope I will not disappoint you. Can we talk after that?” asked Ohno again. Nino simply nodded his head.

“Okay, I will finish my design in about two hours. I will tell you when it’s ready,”

Nino nodded again and walked to his table, ready to do his work. Soon after, his other staff started to arrive and he became busy with his work as most of them required his help for the job. He almost forgot about Ohno until the other man stood in front of him.

“My design is ready. Are you free to look at it now?” asked him. Nino nodded again while at the same time his heart was beating fast. He tried to hide how nervous he was to be left alone with Ohno again.

They started to discuss about the new design in a professional way. This time, Ohno’s design was much better than before. He was pretty enthusiastic to explain his design and Nino loved the design. He just had a few comments about the design.
“I guess the design is better this time. Congratulations,”

“Thank you. Can we talk about us now?”

“What do you want to tell me?”

Ohno sighed for a few times. He stared at Nino and Nino could see how nervous Ohno is.

“I’m sorry for the way I acted before. I know I was a jerk and I’m really sorry. Well, you’re right, she cheated on me again. But, it was me who dumped her this time. Our relationship wasn’t like what I imagine it to be. I guess it was me who expected too much from her. I started to compare both of you. I guess I was missing you. You know how they said we only realized how important someone is when we lost them. I only realized that I love you when we broke up,”

“Ohno, did you compare me with her when we’re dating?”

“I don’t remember. In my mind, you’re there but I kept on thinking about her. If I have to be honest, you’re boring. I admit I might accept you to be my boyfriend because I want to forget her. But, with you being passive and obedient like that, it reminded me of her. I wish that you will be more…. I don’t know… perhaps, like the way you are now. When we first met, you annoyed me with your bratty attitude towards your friends. Somehow I found it amusing to know you like me. I thought maybe you could help me move on but when we started to date, you remind me more of her with, like I said before, passive attitude,” explained Ohno. It reminded Nino of the conversation he had with Aiba yesterday. It was exactly like Aiba suspected. He felt relief that he talked with Aiba yesterday. That idiot guy showed him different perspective of his relationship with Ohno. That guy wasn’t as stupid as he appeared to be.

“I talked with Sho yesterday. I called him. You looked miserable yesterday so I thought you might want to talk with someone other than me. But, when he arrived with Aiba, he said that I looked miserable too. So, somehow it ended up with both Sho and I talked about this. I asked him if there was a chance for me to be with you again. But, he told me that I should ask it myself. He told me that both of us should talk about this,” Ohno looked nervous before he continued. He sighed for a few times before he finally ready to talk again.

“So, Nino, I love you and I want to be with you again. Do you want to be with me?”

Nino sighed hearing that. He cannot help but blushing to hear the confession. It was something that he wanted to hear for a long time. After all, this man, Ohno Satoshi, is someone he wished for. But, he had determined not to make it easy for Ohno. Like Aiba said, he needed to make sure it would be worth to be with Ohno again.

“Ohchan…” he started. He could see how surprise Ohno to hear the nickname. He could notice Ohno was looking at him with hope. Then, he smirked at him to show that this is not going to be easy.

“Like I said yesterday, I still love you. Of course, I want to be with you. But…” he enjoyed the look on Ohno’s face that turned into disappointment when he deliberately showed a sad expression.

“I am still worried that you will do the same to me again,” Ohno was about to protest and Nino cut him off before he could say anything. “I think I could allow us to have a trial version of a relationship,”

“Trial version?”

“Yes, like before we buy a game, we’re allowed to play the trial version. So, I think we should have a trial version of relationship. I will give the terms and conditions and if you agreed with it, we could start dating. Hmm, the trial version is for two months. If in two months, I could feel that you truly love me and want to be with me, I would date you for real. But, if I think otherwise, I would leave you,”

He didn’t know what happened next but suddenly Ohno was hugging him and his face was full of happiness.

“Thank you, Nino. I will show you how much I love you,”

“I guess I would allow hugging in the trial version,”

“How about kissing?”

“You could only peck me. I need to make sure you’re not with me because of lust,” said Nino. Ohno was about to protest but then he shook his head and started to peck Nino’s lips repeatedly. Then, he stopped and stared at Nino with puppy eyes.

“Could you please just allow me to kiss you this time?” said Ohno seductively. With his hand roaming Nino’s back, Nino found it hard to refuse him.


“Please. Just once. I wouldn’t ask for more after this,” Nino tried again to refuse but it was hard and he nodded without thinking. Ohno was beaming with happiness and started to kiss him. He couldn’t deny how much he loves the kiss.

They broke apart to catch their breath. Ohno was staring at him with a satisfied expression. Then, he took out a doll from his pocket. A small sized doll like the one he had. The outfit of the doll was familiar. It was overly large shirt with a bear at the front. He remembered the outfit. It was the outfit that Aiba forced him to wear during their sports festival.

“Happy birthday, dear Nino. This is for you,” said Ohno. Nino was surprised. He never thought Ohno remembered his birthday.

“I don’t remember. Sho told me yesterday. I made this a long time ago. I always hope that we can meet again so I can give you this. I guess now is the perfect opportunity considering I don’t prepare anything for your birthday,”

“I don’t want this. You said you made it a long time ago. Did you sleep with it, thinking of it as me?” Ohno was silent, proving that he may be right.

“I think there could be traces of your saliva on this doll. Make me a new one but with different outfit. I want it to wear the singing brother outfit that you once wear to perform for the kids,” said Nino and he laughed to see Ohno’s shocked expression.

“Already show your bratty attitude, aren’t you? But, it’s okay. I love it. I’ll make you a new one. Anyway, it’s lunch time. Let me treat you for lunch today,” said Ohno as he released Nino from the embrace.

“Okay. I want the most expensive hamburger,”

“Anything you want, my dear. But it’s only for today because it’s your birthday,”

Nino just laughed hearing that. He hoped this time they would be able to make the relationship better than before. Hopefully, he was making the right choice for accepting Ohno again.

A/N: So, I decided to write the continuation for this again. I don't know if I was able to portray that Nino doesn't accept Ohno back easily into his life. Like he said, he wants a trial version first. It's like when you were playing games. If you play the trial version, you won't be able to use all features. So, it was the same concept. There are some things that Nino will allow him to do. I think it will wrote another one in this environment. Perhaps from Ohno's POV for him to prove his worth to Nino. But, we will see about that. I also hope that I could show a different perspective about their relationship before that Ohno wasn't the only one to be blamed.

A/N2: Like the others, I used lyrics from a song to write this. This time I used the song from Jessica, ex member of SNSD, That Person, You. I hope it was suitable for the story. I think that if I am going to write the next one, I would use a lyrics from a song as well. I would appreciate if you could suggest a song that I could used.

A/N3: Happy birthday, Ninomiya Kazunari! I love you with all my heart. You're the number one for me.


A/N4: This is my version of the doll in this fic. The one that Ohno gave is the one with the bear. Of course, it was based on Nino's legendary outfit in VS Arashi. The other one is based on Ohno's character in Uta no onii san. I used to post this before. I named them as Bear Miya and Yano Kentang.

A/N: I wrote a lot this time, right? Lastly, I just want to thank you for reading and for your support. Those comments you gave encourage me to write more. I hope I could post my new version of Magika as soon as possible. Once again, thank you for reading!

personal, ohmiya, that one person you, fanfic

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