All or Nothing

May 25, 2014 03:32

I know when he’s been on your mind
That distant look is in your eyes
I thought with time you realized it’s over, over
It’s not the way I choose to live
And something somewhere’s gotta give
As sharing in this relationship gets older, older
You know I’d fight for you
But how could I fight someone who isn’t even there
I’ve had the rest of you now I want the best of you
I don’t care if that’s not fair

The song has been played continuously from the stereo and Nino doesn’t even have the intention to stop the song. Being left alone in his room, his mind drifted somewhere else, thinking how the song describes his feeling right now perfectly. Having a boyfriend who still cannot forget his ex-girlfriend and making Nino doubted if the guy will ever love him after all.
It has been three years since he has been in a relationship with Ohno Satoshi. He knows him when they took a few classes together in the university. All these time, he never ever fell in love with anyone else. A lot of girls and guys have confessed to him but he never accepted them. Maybe this is a punishment for him for rejecting all those guys and girls. Right now, when he is finally loves someone, it feels like he doesn’t have anyone at all. Ohno doesn’t know anything about him. He only goes out with Nino when Nino asked, not even once he ever initiates anything in their relationship. Even when they went for a date, Ohno will always space out. And, Nino knows that Ohno was thinking about his ex-girlfriend all the time.
Before he confessed to Ohno, he has been warned by Sakurai Sho, Ohno’s childhood friend, about Ohno’s past. He has been cheated by his girlfriend. However, he loves her too much that he cannot bring himself to hate the girl. Sho chan thought that there is no way Ohno will accept his feeling but he ignored the warning and tried his luck to confess to Ohno. Much to his surprise, Ohno accepted him.
And so, he thought that Ohno had forgotten the girl. But, it was only his wishful thinking. Dating Ohno makes him understand Ohno more. He still remembers the girl and he only date Nino to forget her. Until today, Ohno never tell him anything about his girlfriend. He doesn’t even know that Nino knows about the girl.
“Ah, you’re home. I thought you won’t return until next morning. So, how is the celebration?” turning to the door, Nino just noticed his roommate, Matsumoto Jun just get home from his date. Nino just simply sighed hearing the question. Usually, he will not show his true emotion, of how he is extremely hurt with the way Ohno treated him but today, he is too tired to keep on hiding his true feelings. Actually, today is his birthday and he was hoping to have a special celebration with Ohno. So, he refused any plan that J has made for him today. But, he didn’t get any invitation or even a phone call from his lover. Perhaps, he forgets that today is Nino’s birthday.

“Hey, what’s wrong? You don’t look good. Did something happen between you and Ohno san?” asked J with a concern face. But, Nino just shrugged him off and lies down on the other man’s lap as tears starting flowing to his cheeks. J, become confused with him just stroked his back without asking anything more. One thing that Nino likes the best about J is his understanding on Nino’s situation. He never forced Nino to do something. Feeling better, he didn’t realize that he has fall asleep on J’s lap.

“I’m worried about Nino,” said Jun as he took a seat in the café where both Aiba and Sho are waiting for him. Both of them do not look surprised hearing that, as if they know what actually happened to their little friend.
“It must be because of Ohchan right?” asked Sho. Jun just nodded. It is true Nino didn’t tell him anything about what makes him so sad yesterday, but he could guess that his lover is the reason.
“Matsujun, do you know anything about their relationship?” asked Sho again. Jun just shook his head. Nino never told him anything about his love life as if there is something that he wants to hide. In fact, he doesn’t really know Ohno. He just know him as his roommate’s lover but they never talk except for a few greeting words.
“How long have you been in a relationship with Mao chan?” this time, it is Aiba’s turn to ask the question. Jun just frown when he heard that. What does his love life has anything to do with Nino’s?
“A year but what does this has to do with Nino?”
“Have you ever kissed her?”
“Of course. A lot of times. But, why are you asking this?” asked Jun. He doesn’t understand anything at all about what the other two are trying to say.
“How long has Nino date Ohchan?”
“Three years, I think. Look, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say,”
“You know, three years together and they never ever kiss. Not even at the cheek. It’s not like Nino didn’t try to initiate the kiss or anything, but Ohno would just pretend to not notice what Nino wants. Didn’t it tell you something?”
“Maybe he has the same hygienic concern like Sheldon in Big Bang theory?” said Jun but he knows it is wrong. He knows Nino loves Ohno so much but he doesn’t know if Ohno loves Nino. Are both Aiba and Sho actually wanted to tell him that Ohno doesn’t love Nino? But, if that’s true, why the guy would date Nino? Wouldn’t it be better to reject Nino when he confessed than let him suffer right now? To have a guy who you love with you but he doesn’t really treat you well. That is worse than rejected by the guy you love.
“You know the correct answer for my question. Now, listen properly to the story,” said Sho as he began to tell Ohno’s past. About how Ohno has a girlfriend but then she cheated on him and they broke up. And then Ohno never met her again but he still loves her. He met Nino and then Nino confessed and then much to Sho’s surprise, Ohno accepted him. Sho was hoping that he accept him because he really loves him but it turns out Ohno just used Nino to forget her.
“But, we have another problem right now. Yesterday, I was trying to know what Ohchan planned for Nino’s birthday. I want to test him to see if he remembers Nino’s birthday. I asked him to have dinner with me but he said that he had another plan and I was thinking maybe he prepared something special for Nino. But when I asked what his plan is, he looked reluctant to answer and that’s when I noticed something is wrong. He said that he has to finish his work. So, I spied on him yesterday,”
“And what do you see?”

“I saw him having a dinner with his ex-girlfriend and they’re kissing and then they went to Ohchan’s house. I guess they’re back together. So, I think Nino and Ohno will break up soon. I know that Nino may expect this to happen but it will still be too much for him to handle. All three of us should support Nino when this happened. Ohchan is my friend but I cannot accept what he did to Nino. I’ve tried to advised him to treat Nino better but he never listen to me,” listening to the Sho makes Jun feel angry with his roommate’s lover. How could he do this to Nino? Accepting Nino three years ago is like giving Nino’s hope that he will love him someday but then when he is back with his girlfriend, he dumped Nino just like that. He knows Nino make a mistake too by confessing to Ohno even though he knows he still hasn’t forgotten his girlfriend. But, in Jun’s opinion, Nino confessed to Ohno because he wants to be rejected so that he can move on. He didn’t expect Ohno will accept him. This guy should really learn to respect people’s feeling.
Cause I want it all or nothing at all
There’s nowhere left to fall when you reach the bottom
It’s now or never
Is it all or are we just friends
Is this how it ends with a simple telephone call?
You leave me here with nothing at all

The song keeps on repeating in Nino’s head. He can’t believe whatever happened in the song is really happening to him right now. For three years, he decided to treat Ohno better so that one day Ohno will truly love him. He gives too much to Ohno but at the end, he was the one who was left alone.
He woke up this morning with a few missed calls from Ohno. Maybe Ohno called him because he wants to say sorry for forgetting his birthday. So, he immediately called the other guy, but he didn’t expect to hear a girl answering the call. The girl passed the phone to Ohno.
“Let’s break up,” said Ohno simply and Nino tried to gather his courage and say okay. Then, he ended the phone call and cried. How could Ohno do this to him? Three years together and who is him in Ohno’s life? He was hoping that there would be at least something for him but he guessed he is a fool to believe in that. But, whatever, maybe this is his fate. At least, this will make it easier for him to make a decision regarding his future. He is strong man and he will not let break up affecting him. Deep down inside, he hopes Ohno will be happy with whoever he is with right now. True, Ohno broke his heart but he is someone that he loves. So, he wants Ohno to be happy with person he loves, even though that person is not him.

A/N: This fic is inspired by the song All or Nothing by O-Town. I'm sorry for making Ohno as an asshole in this story. That's how I view the girl in the song. Maybe it's wrong for the guy to confess to the girl at the first place, but like I mention in the fic, sometimes you need to be rejected to move on. And that's why I think the guy confessed in the first place and it would be better if the girl just reject the guy at the first place. Well, that's how I view the song. You may not agree with me. I guess I should make a continuation to this fic because I hate giving a sad ending to Ohmiya. But, I don't know if I could write one.As always, comments are appreciated :)

ohmiya, all or nothing, fanfic

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