Magika - Chapter 15

May 27, 2014 03:48

“Erika chan, can I talk to you?” asked Nino the next morning in the class while they’re waiting for the teacher to arrive.
“Sure, what do you want to talk about?” asked Erica. Nino could guess that she was surprised with Nino. Maybe it’s because he never really asked for permission to talk with her before.
“Not now. Can we talk after class today? There’s something private I need to talk to you about,” said Nino. Erika just eyed him curiously, not understanding why he was acting strangely with her right now. Accidentally, she noticed how Kame and his friends were looking at both Nino and her. Analysing the look from the trio, she turned back to Nino, as if she understands what this is all about.
“Do you think I am involved in the incident? Nii, you know me. Do you think I will attack him? What did the three of them tell you?” asked Erika, almost whispering so that no one will hear them. But, Nino just shook his head, denying the fact that he is accusing Erika for being responsible in the incident. Honestly, he does not think Erika is responsible but he needs to clear Erika’s name.
“Then, why are you asking me as if I’m the one to be blamed?” asked Erika again, almost shouting and everyone turned to look at them. Nino just told everyone that there is nothing to worry about while Erika was just pouting. Nino wants to talk more with Erika but as the teacher has arrived, he quickly writes a message to Erika in a paper about their meeting place later.
“She looks angry. Do you think she will come later?” asked Ohno as Nino takes a seat next to him.
“I don’t know. Hopefully she will come,” answer Nino and he turned to look at Erika who was glaring at him. Nino feels guilty for making Erika thinks that he accused Erika for the attack. But, the reason he wants to talk with Erika is not because he thinks she is the culprit, but he wants to clear her name. He doesn’t want anyone to think his sister is involved in the incident. Silently, he prayed that Erika will show up at the meeting place.
After the class ended at 4 pm, he approaches Erika, reminding her to meet him later but the girl just glared at him. It was obvious that the girl is mad at him. Hoping that Erika will change her decision, he immediately goes to Ohno’s room to retrieve the extendable ear that was left there and to finalize the plan with the rest of his friends.
“Do you think it will be okay? She looks so scary just now. What if she attacks you?” asked J concernedly and Nino just shook his head.
“No, don’t worry. She is just upset because she thinks I accuse her. I need to see her, to clear her name. I know her and she will not attack me. Furthermore, we don’t know for sure it was Erika who attacked Junno,” said Nino reassuringly. After making sure that he is ready to meet Erika, he left his friend to meet Erika in one of the female bathroom which has not been used for a long time. According to the rumors, all of the girls don’t like to use the bathroom because it was haunted by a female ghost. She is not scary but she is kinda annoying which makes everyone doesn’t want to see her. Well, that is just a rumor and Nino was hoping it was not true because he doesn’t have time to entertain a ghost. He needs to settle this matter as soon as possible.
As he opened the door to the bathroom, he noticed that Erika wasn’t there yet. Well, maybe she is still thinking whether or not to show up at the meeting place. He waited in silent until he heard a noise from the one of the cubicles. Being curious, he immediately went to the source of noise only to see a transparent female student wearing a spectacles staring straight at him. He blinked a few times, looking at her. Oh, so this is the famous annoying ghost.
“My, my. Don’t you know this is a female bathroom? Why are you here?” said the ghost to him and he just ignored her and waited patiently for Erika to show up.
“I never have a visitor for a long time. I can’t believe that when finally someone visits me, it is a cute guy,” said the ghost again, touching his face.
“Go away. I’m not here for you,” said Nino angrily and the ghost laughed looking at him.
“My, my. Aren’t you the one who should go? This is my place. But, because you’re a cute guy, I will let you stay but with one condition,”
“What is the condition?” asked Nino and then he realized something wet and icy cold is in his cheek. The ghost has kissed his cheek!
“Thank you for the payment. If you’re lonely, you can ask me to keep you company,” said the ghost and she mysteriously disappeared. Nino glancing all around the bathroom, to find where the ghost has gone when he feel someone is behind him. When he turned at the back, he realized Erika was staring at him. When did his sister arrive? Why didn’t he realize it at all? Stupid ghost! The ghost distracts him until he didn’t pay attention to his surroundings.
“Erika, you finally come!” said Nino but Erika just smirking at him. Somehow, Nino couldn’t help but feeling there is something wrong with his sister. She is not like her usual self. It looks like something possesses her.
“You came here alone?” asked Erika and Nino just nodded, feeling confused with the way Erika keeps on walking around him.
“Well, I thought that you will bring Ohchan. If you bring him, I can steal his power right now. Nii, you disappoint me!” said Erika and Nino feel surprised. Is that a confession from Erika? Is she trying to say that she is the one who is after Ohno’s power? But, this morning, she looks so upset with Nino. Why did she suddenly change? Is it because there is no one here right now and she can finally show her true self?
“Erika chan, what’s wrong with you?”
“There is nothing wrong with me, Nii. Well, as you disappoint me, I guess I have no choice but to do this,” said Erika as she takes out her wand and began to cast a spell. It was a weird spell that Nino never heard of before and out of thin air, a white snake appeared.
“You’re the clever one. You should know better than to come here alone, Nii. Kill him,” instruct Erika to the snake as she walks happily to door.
“For more entertainment and adventurous, I will lock this door so you cannot escape. Good luck!” said Erika while smirking and the door finally closed as she walked outside of the bathroom. Nino immediately went to the door, just to make sure Erika was not lying about locking the door. Indeed, she is not lying as the door cannot be opened anymore and the snake was chasing after him. He is too shocked to think on how to escape from the snake. He could only run from the snake as he doesn’t have anything to kill it with. He prayed that his friends will come here to save him but he knows it is futile. The bathroom is too far from Ohno’s room where the others are gathering, listening to the conversation. He should really allow Kame to hide near here if he knows this will turn out this way. As the snake approaches him, he immediately closed his eyes so that he will not see the hideous face of the snake. But, instead of feeling hurt, suddenly he felt someone hugged him. He opened his eyes and realized Ohno was hugging him while J was looking at him concernedly. And the snake was dead and Nino has no idea how the two of them killed the snake.
“Are you okay, Nino?” asked J and Nino just nodded his head. He is still too surprised and couldn’t believe that his friends have come to save him. He felt something wet on his shoulder and break free from Ohno to see he was crying.
“I thought I almost lost you,” said Ohno and what he did next surprised Nino. He leans to Nino and catch his lips. Nino was shocked but slowly responds to the kiss.
“Err, get a room if you want to kiss. Not in front of me, please!” said J. “I told you, Nino. Something is strange. Thank god Ohchan and I decided to follow you. If we’re not here, who knows what will happen to you,”
Suddenly, they heard a set of foot hurrying to the bathroom and when they looked at the door, Erika was standing right in front of them.
“Nii, what happened?” asked Erika concernedly as she noticed a dead snake lying on the bathroom floor. Nino was just snickered at her, feeling annoyed to see her pretentious expression.
“Why are you asking me that? Aren’t you the one who asked the snake to kill me,” said Nino and Erika looked surprised.
“Nii, what are you talking about? I just came here. This morning, you accused me of attacking Junno and now you said that I tried to kill you. How could you,”
“Stop pretending to be innocent. Do you think I am stupid to forget what happened just now?” said Nino and Erika kept on shaking her head, denying Nino’s accusation.
“What happened here?” suddenly, Kitagawa sensei appeared with Sho, Aiba, Kame, Nakamaru and Ueda behind him. He looked at Erika and Nino and then at the dead snake. An understanding look appeared on his face as he analysed everyone in the bathroom.
“Toda san, is it true that you sent the snake to kill Ninomiya san?” asked the headmaster and Erika is still denying it even though the other testified that they heard her voice through the extendable ears.
“Ohno san, bring Ninomiya to the infirmary. Toda san, you follow me to the headmaster room now,” said the headmaster and Erika just nodded. Not far away from the bathroom, a guy was smirking looking at the situation. He was happy to see everything goes according to what he planned.

A/N: Hopefully this is okay. As always comments are appreciated.
A/N2: Have you watch Arafes 2013? It was awesome! I love NIno's voice in Still and then Aiba, J, Ohno and Nino rap in Lucky Man. And the ending for Hello Goodbye when they sang together with Aiba and of course Nino's himitsu. I love when Nino said Konnichiwa to Jun and of course the interaction between Nino and Kappa. Ah, I really love this concert.
A/N3: The annoying ghost in the bathroom, as everyone would guess is moaning mrtyle from harry potter. I don't know any other kind of ghost to put here so that's why i just use her. I need this ghost character for later chapter.

ohmiya, fanfic, magika

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