Have you ever?

Mar 21, 2016 15:37

Continuation of this

The name is Ninomiya Kazunari. Nickname Nino. A cute, good-looking guy who is very popular among girls and boys. Everyone wants him as their boyfriend. Not only that, he is also a smart, bratty guy who is a game maniac. Everyone loves him. EVERYONE. Except for someone. And surprisingly enough, the great Ninomiya Kazunari falls in love with the one who doesn`t like him.
So, are you curious to know who is the lucky person who won Nino`s heart? That person is me. My name is Ohno Satoshi. I am a quiet guy who doesn`t want anyone to notice me. Unlike Nino, I would prefer calm and serene surroundings, with no one to call me every five minutes to ask me out or shouting my name in the middle of the hallway whenever they see me. I don`t like this kind of attention, but Nino loves to be in the centre of attention.
I don`t hate him, I just don`t like him either. I mean, what`s so special about him? Agreed, he is a good-looking guy but there are other guys who are more handsome than him. His best friend, Matsumoto Jun is better-looking than him. He is smart, but he is not the smartest guy in the university. He is not as smart as my friend, Sho. He is kind? Euwww, I won`t call him kind. He is not as kind as Aiba Masaki, Sho`s boyfriend. In fact, he is the wicked person I ever met. Aiba is a proof of his wickedness. Aiba is always the victim of his prank, his insult and his jokes.
What else? Hmmm, what I don`t like the most about him is his high pitch voice. It is so annoying especially when he squeaks. I would say he thinks he is cute whenever he talks with his high pitch voice. People keep on saying how cute he is because of his baby face so he thinks it would be an advantage if he also talks with his child-like voice. It works on other people but not on me.

Ohno laughed as he read an entry of his diary. He loves to write in his diary. It is the habit that he has been doing since he was a kid. Back then, he always wrote his diary everyday but now, he will only write in his diary if there was a major event going on his life or when he missed Nino.
He can’t believe it has been a year since he broke up with Ninomiya Kazunari. He still remembered the day he decided to leave the other guy. It was a day after he met his girlfriend before Nino, Minami. They met in a restaurant and Minami found him more attractive than when they were together. She invited him for dinner together. As he still had feelings for her, he accepted the offer and they ended up spending the night together. The next morning, he woke up and decided to end his relationship with Nino. He never loves Nino and he accepts him only because he wanted to forget Minami. But, once Minami is back with him, there is no use of being with Nino anymore.
He called Nino a few times but the guy didn’t pick up the phone. He went to take a bath and when he done, he saw Minami was holding his phone. Noticing him, Minami passed the phone back to him. It was Nino. He went straight to the point and told Nino they are going to break up. At first, he thought that Nino would beg him to stay but he was surprised to hear the guy was taking the break up calmly. He was pretty sure that Nino was deeply in love with him so why would Nino just accept his decision easily?
Soon after they broke up, Sho came to see him, punching his face while lecturing him at the same time. He knew he was being an asshole and he didn’t blame Sho for being mad about it but he thought he was being nice by letting Nino go. He gave Nino the chance to move on. Nino was fine with it, but, why couldn’t Sho accept his decision?
That was the last time he met Sho. Sho ended their friendship because he couldn’t accept what Ohno did to Nino. But, Ohno didn’t really care about that. He had Minami now; it doesn’t matter if Sho didn’t want to be his friend anymore.
Thing was fine between him and Minami at first. Minami moved in to live with him. They had fun being lovey dovey. But after three months, things started to change. Minami was extremely jealous and clingy. She wanted to follow Ohno wherever he go and would always make Ohno followed her. She would glare whenever a girl talked to him, even though it was just asking for direction. If Ohno get home late after work, she will start acting like a detective.
At first, Ohno didn’t have any problem with the attention given from Minami. But, soon, he found himself to start complaining for the lack of personal space. He didn’t even have the time to go fishing anymore as Minami kept on asking him to go shopping with her on weekend. And, that’s when he started comparing the time he had with Nino and the time spent with Minami. He would start spending more time in the office to do his work. Even on weekend, he would pretend to go to work. Minami then would accused him of having someone else and they would end up fighting.
Then, as if the history repeated itself, he found Minami with another man. But this time, their role was reversed. He still remembered the first time they broke up, he begged Minami not to leave him but she said that he was too boring for her. But, now, she was begging him not to leave her. He still remembered how she said that the other man was just a one-night stand and she went out with him because Ohno neglected her. But, Ohno had decided. There’s no way they are going to be together anymore. He felt good to dump her.
Then only he realized how foolish he was for letting Nino go. Nino truly loved him and even though he was an asshole, Nino never cheated on him or asking for more attention. In fact, Nino was patient enough to wait for him to love him back.

I only realized how much I love him when he was gone. Soon after I broke up with Minami, I went to Nino’s house. I want a second chance and this time I will treat him better. I will not let him go anymore.
But, he was not in the house. The one who opened the door was Matsumoto. Before I could say anything, Matsumoto punched me.
“Don’t you ever dare to show your face here anymore! If you dare, I will not hesitate to kill you. If I know what a jerk you are, there’s no way I’m going to let you date Nino in the first place,”
I still remembered how angry and grumpy Matsumoto was when he closed the door. He wouldn’t let me defend myself. But, I know he was right. From my one and only phone call to Nino, Nino sounded okay and composed. But from the way Matsumoto and Sho reacted after they knew about the break up, there could only be one reason. I had caused too much pain for Nino. I would understand if Nino doesn’t want to see me anymore or if his friends wouldn’t let me to be with him anymore.
I was too blind to see. I thought I was the only one suffering because of Minami when she left me before this. I never thought that I did the same to Nino. Now, when I finally realized how much I love him, there’s no way I’m going to get him back. I should just let him go and move forward. This is my punishment for torturing him.

Ohno re read the entry a few times before finally decided it was time to go to sleep. Tomorrow, there will be a new manager in his workplace. He doesn’t know if the new manager is okay or not, but he needed to make a good impression.

Ohno was always the first one to arrive in the office. But, today, someone else came before him. When he entered the office, someone else was there. It was the new manager. From where he sat, he could hear someone punching the keyboard at the manager’s desk. He wondered how the new boss looks like. From his position, he couldn’t see the face as the new manager was hidden behind the computer. Ohno went to make himself a cup of coffee and when he was back at his table, everyone else had arrived. Everyone else was talking about the new manager but he still sat at his place, not even stand up to greet them.
“Good morning, everyone,” Ohno turned to the door to see his big boss, Mr. Yamada along with the human resource manager entered his office. The company president went straight to the new manager’s table and touched him slightly. He could hear a gasp from the manager and he couldn’t help but thinking the voice sounds familiar.
“Oh, papa. Sorry. I arrived early and was bored. So, I played games,” that voice. He recognized that voice. There’s no way he’s going to forget the voice. The high pitched voice that he used to hate but now the voice is the best melody he ever heard.
He raised his head to have a look at the manager who was now facing him and the other workers. It’s really him. Ninomiya Kazunari was standing in front of him as he scanned the faces of all of the workers. However, Ohno was surprised to see Nino doesn’t show any sign of recognition when he saw Ohno. Not even a flinch or disgust shown in front of him. In fact, he was giving him the same blank look like gave the other workers. Ohno kept on wondering if Nino was just pretending not to recognize him that he didn’t notice the big boss was calling him. It was when his co-worker jab his elbow that he noticed everyone was looking at him. Even Nino was looking at him curiously.
“Yes, sir. Do you need anything?” asked Ohno. However, it wasn’t a surprise for everybody to see him spacing out like that.
“I’m just introducing you to my son. Kazu, Ohno san is responsible for the design of the character for our game. He may look unreliable but he is the best designer,” said Mr Yamada. Ohno couldn’t help but wonder how Nino is the son of the president when they have different surname.
“I am his step-son, if you are wondering why we have different surname,” Nino told him. Even the way he spoke to Ohno showed that they never has any history together before. Ohno could only stare at Nino, wondering if the man in front of him was really Ninomiya Kazunari, his former boyfriend.
After all of them were dismissed to resume their work, he kept on looking at Nino. When Nino stood up to get a cup of coffee, he quickly finished his coffee to have another cup and talk with his little boss.
“Oh, hi, Ohno san. Do you want another cup of coffee,” asked his boss. Ohno could only nod and let his boss pour the coffee to his cup.
“Ano, hmmm…,” Ohno started to talk but couldn’t form the sentences.
“Yes, do you want to tell me anything?” asked Nino, flashing him a killer smile. The smile didn’t do anything to him back then but now he understands why a lot of people love Nino. It was the most adorable smile ever.
“Ah, it’s okay,” said Ohno, couldn’t bring himself to ask if Nino remembers him.
“Okay. Tell the others we’re going to have a meeting in 10 minutes. I want to talk about a new game I’ve think about,” said his little boss as he went back to his place. Ohno could only stare at him while thinking maybe it’s better not to ask about their past.

It has been six months since Nino started working as their project manager. He may look inexperienced and people would think he gets the job because of his stepfather but he has proved that he is capable for the position. Being the game maniac himself, no one could make a game as interesting and challenging as he wants to be. As a proof, a new game they launched about two weeks ago received positive comments.
Nino was very particular about his work. There are a few times he and Ohno get into a heated argument about the design for the new game, a side of him that Ohno never seen when they were dating. Back then, Nino was always complied with whatever he said. If he doesn’t want to go on a date, Nino wouldn’t force him. If he agreed to go on a date with Nino, he would choose the place and Nino wouldn’t have any say in it. But, now, Nino kept on voicing his opinion and ideas, even rejecting a lot of Ohno’s idea for their project.
Frankly, he doesn’t know if his little boss is really his ex-boyfriend. He could see the similarities. Same name, same face, same obsession. However, the personality seems a bit off. His Nino was always a fragile and pathetic little man that begs for his attention. But, his boss was strong. He wouldn’t let anyone control him so easily like the way he controls Nino a few years ago.
They were left alone in the office after working hours. Ohno wanted to finish the preliminary design for the characters of the new game. He has no idea why his boss stayed late in the office.
“What are you doing, Ohno san?” asked Nino from his back. Perhaps he was too focused on his work; he didn’t realize Nino was walking behind him. Nino looked like he was ready to go home.
“Oh, I’m trying to get ideas for the new game. Do you want to have a look and tell me your opinion,” said Ohno as he gave his design to Nino. But his boss was looking at something else. A doll on his table.
It was a small doll. The size is about the same as a handphone. The doll was wearing spectacles with blue headband and feather on his head. He was wearing silver short and top with letter ‘K’ in blue at its chest. The doll was a present from Nino for their first anniversary. It was his favourite gift from Nino.
“It’s cute, isn’t it? It has the same name as yours. Kazu,” said Ohno as he caressed the little doll.
“It’s cute. It reminds me of someone. Why did you named it after me?” asked Nino. His eyes looked teary as if he was about to cry. For a moment, Ohno saw his boss was as fragile as his ex-boyfriend.
“It was the name of my boyfriend. Who do you remember when you saw this doll?” asked Ohno. Perhaps he could confirm if his boss is indeed his former boyfriend. And if he is indeed his Nino, he wants to know why Nino pretended not to know him.
Nino looked reluctant to answer. Instead he was just staring at Ohno. Ohno noticed the way Nino looked at him, especially his lips, as if he was begging Ohno to kiss him. Ohno doesn’t know what possessed him but he closed the distance between them, ready to lean in to kiss his boss. Nino doesn’t object so it gave Ohno the courage to kiss him. However, when their lips almost met, Nino’s cellphone rang and they immediately separated.
“Ah, Ai chan. You’re here. Okay, I will be downstairs,” said Nino and without saying goodbye, he immediately left the office.
Ohno could only stare. Perhaps things will be awkward from now on with his boss.

The next day came. Ohno could notice how his boss was trying his best to act normal with him. But, sometimes, Nino would try to avoid him. He wondered if it was because of their almost kissing moment or if it’s for completely different reason.
He got his answer on the next day. Nino was absent from work because he is not feeling well. After work, Ohno decided to pay a visit to Nino’s house with some of his co-worker. They get the address for Nino’s house from the human resource manager.
Even though Nino is the step son of the company’s president, he doesn’t stay with his family. Instead, he stayed with his friend not far from the office. It was only a few stations away from Ohno’s house.
They rang the doorbell and a woman opened the door. She was small with chubby cheek. Perhaps this is Ai chan. The one who called Nino a few days ago.
“Good evening. May I help you?” asked Ai chan.
“We’re here to visit Ninomiya san. Is he okay?” asked Ryo, one of his co-workers.
“Ah, please get inside,” said Ai chan and she opened the door a little bit to allow Ohno and the others to get inside.
Nino’s house was just like he had imagined. There isn’t much stuff. In fact he doesn’t have a sofa. Instead, there was a futon lying in front of the television. A few consoles were beside the television and Ohno could imagine Nino played the game the whole day during the weekend. Perhaps he wouldn’t even going to his room and just sleep on the futon when he’s done playing.
“I’m sorry if he makes you worried. He is just tired. Since he started working, he barely rest. I’m going to get him. Just make yourself comfortable,” said Ai chan and she went to one of the room. However, a few minutes after, she returns alone.
“I’m sorry. He is not feeling well. I don’t have the heart to wake him up,” said Ai chan. His other co-workers just looked at each other before deciding to get home. Ohno, on the other hand, decided to wait for a while, in case Nino woke up.
Ai chan doesn’t mind that. She even allowed him to go to Nino’s room to look after Nino as she cleaned the house.
He touched Nino’s forehead and realized it was really hot. He turned to look at Ai chan who just gave him an apologizing look as she put a wet towel on Nino’s forehead.
“He doesn’t want to go to the doctor. My husband was against the decision but he couldn’t force Nino. He is stubborn like that. My husband said that if he didn’t get any better tonight, we will send him to the hospital, no matter what,” said Ai chan. Ohno was surprised to hear that. He thought Ai chan was Nino’s girlfriend but it turns out to be she was married to another guy.
“How long have you known each other?” asked Ohno.
“Five years, I think. He is my husband’s roommate before we get married last month. I think Nino missed my husband too much after he moved out from the house. They’re always bickering with each other but they are best friend,” explained Ai chan.
“Ah, it’s almost the time for my husband to get home. Could you please look after him while I prepare dinner?”
“Ah, okay, Ai chan,” said Ohno, earning him a confused look from the other girl.
“I am not Ai chan. I am Mao chan. What makes you think I am Ai chan,” asked the girl. Ohno could only blink before explaining how he heard Nino calls someone Ai chan. So, he assumed Mao chan is Ai chan. However, Mao chan was laughing at him.
“That must be Aiba chan. Nino is like that. Whenever someone is interested with him, he will call Aiba chan and call him Ai chan, making other people to think he has a girlfriend. But, he was just trying to run away. He doesn’t want to be with anyone. He preferred to be alone. He had a sad love story, you know,”
“Yes. His ex was a jerk. I don’t know the details but apparently he broke up with Nino soon after he reconcile with his ex-girlfriend. Nino, being heart broken, decided to work in US. But he refused to be in a relationship. He was far away from his ex boyfriend but he still didn’t move on. Almost a year after that, he went back to Japan. However he was involved in an accident which caused him to have a selective amnesia. Apparently he forgot his relationship with the jerk. We were happy to know that because we haven’t seen him happy for a while without thinking about the jerk,” said Mao chan. Ohno was left dumbfounded to hear that. But, he could finally see why Nino doesn’t recognize him. Because he couldn’t remember him. However, seeing the doll the other day might make him remember their relationship. He felt bad for that.
“Ah, I think I should go home. I remembered I have to do something,” said Ohno, leaving in a hurry. He couldn’t help but feel bad to know that he had make Nino refused to believe in a relationship. If Mao chan knew he was the jerk that had caused too much pain for Nino, there’s no way she will treat him nicely. He admit, he hoped to be with Nino when he met him again but now after listening to Mao’s story, he wasn’t sure if he should be with Nino. Nino seems happy without the memory of him after all. And he thought Nino’s happiness is the most important thing. He shouldn’t be selfish. He should pretend not to have any history with Nino so that Nino will not remember all those painful times he had with him.

Tell me, have you ever loved and lost somebody
Wished there was a chance to say I'm sorry
Can't you see, that's the way I feel about you and me, Baby
Have you ever felt your heart was breaking
Looking down the road you should be taking
I should know, cause I loved and lost the day I let you go

Ohno went home and stayed in his room for the whole night. He didn’t even go out to eat. He kept on thinking, regretting everything he had done to Nino. If only he took a different route back then. If only he chose Nino, and not Minami. Perhaps there will be a chance of happiness for him. But, now, there’s nothing he could do to change his destiny. Even if he apologized to Nino, there’s no way Nino will forgive him if he remembers everything that Ohno put him through.
The next day, he went to work. He was determined. Their relationship would be completely professional. He will not bother to try to get his boss back. Nino was better without him. If he really loves Nino, he should let Nino go to find his own happiness.
“I miss you. I love you. I’m sorry for everything,” he thought to himself as he watched Nino teased a female worker, ready to leave behind his memory with Nino.

A/N: Hi, It's been a while. I really miss writing. I've been writing this for a while but could only finish it now. This is the continuation of a fic I wrote two years ago. I felt bad for the way I portray Ohno previously. So, I decided to write something from his POV. I hope you like it. Comments are loved.

As for Magika and Cutie and the Beast, I will find the time to write it again. In case you didn't know, I decided to drop the original Magika. I've decided to rewrite it again. I have about seven chapters right now. I promise to post it once I finished and satisfied with it.

Finally, thank you for the support!

ohmiya, have you ever, fanfic

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