
Mar 31, 2016 13:38

I'm so lost and confused right now. It was weird. I was not born as a leader. Mostly, I'll be the one to follow instructions, not the one to instruct. So, when I was suddenly asked to lead a group of 5 people, I don't really know what to do. It has been 5 months since they start working. I know I shouldn't be too harsh on them but when I am not strict, they are totally abusing the freedom. For example, every month, they will absent from work at least one day. Not all five but three of them. Even if I don't approve their holiday, they don't care. According to them, they have family emergency. But, seriously, how could I believe that if it happened not once but many times a month. Even when I talked to them about the mistake they make in work, they would never learn from the mistake and will keep repeating it. Most of the time, they are just too careless in their work. They would never check the work before submitting the work to me. When I talked about the mistake they make, this is how they usually respond:

'Human are not perfect. They always make mistake,'

Yes, I will agree with that. That's why we need to be very careful. But, that is not the case with them. They do the work while browsing their phone, taking selfie and replying to message. Of course there will be mistakes but they don't even consider to check their work.

Today, one of them scold me back when I scold her for not starting her work yet. 40 minutes after work start, she was still looking at her phone when another one was halfway finish. Wouldn't you be annoyed to see that. She said that I should relax and not be moody in the morning in an angry tone. Wow, interesting.

Another one was telling me to relax when I asked her if she had finished her work. How could I be relax to know she hasn't finished her work yet because she keeps on taking selfie.

It's the end of the month. Soon, I will need to submit their time card to the HR. I was planning to give the time card a bit late this time. Usually I will give the time card on the first day of each month. Maybe I will give the time card around 4th or 5th April. If they ask, I will just said:

"Relax. You need to be patient. Why do I need to send your time card early when you couldn't finished your work on time."

Serve them right. See if they will get annoyed with that kind of response.

I don't really want to write about my workplace but this time, I just feel the need to express it. 


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