Valentine's Day Dance | Town Hall | Saturday Evening [8pm on]

Feb 13, 2010 13:42

As Desperation Day dances went, this was probably not the most tacky ever.  Of course given that it was Desperation Day, so tacky really went with the territory.

There was glitter, oh, was there ever glitter in a multitude of sparkly colours.  But even more so, it seemed that the decorators had taken the 'Hearts Afire' theme literally as large cut ( Read more... )

karla, hyuuga hinata, alex karev, jacob black, town hall, liir thropp, warren worthington iii, elena, dances, ino yamanaka, zack fair

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Comments 1252

Arrival/Mingling noearsyet February 13 2010, 18:43:24 UTC
To show off your outfits and chat with your friends!


Re: Arrival/Mingling bitch_prince February 13 2010, 18:52:46 UTC
Arthur had on his suit (if not currently demonstrated by ways of icon) and his usual I-am-at-a-feast expression on hand. And his usual manservant.

Listen, it'd be weird if he didn't show up to a party with Merlin at his side. It was just how this worked.


Re: Arrival/Mingling bigdamndestiny February 13 2010, 19:03:24 UTC
And it wouldn't be normal if Merlin wasn't fiddling with Arthur's collar as per usual.

"You need a new tie."


Re: Arrival/Mingling bitch_prince February 13 2010, 19:09:55 UTC
"I'll buy one later," Arthur told him, enduring the fussing as he generally did.


Punch and Food noearsyet February 13 2010, 18:44:06 UTC
Punch the drink, not your date, geez.

And it's not spiked yet...hopefully.


Re: Punch and Food bitch_prince February 13 2010, 18:53:56 UTC
Arthur had assembled some worthy food. He was now also eying the punch, and making the difficult judgement between what was technically morally correct and what promises he may or may not have done to Reno in regards to the alcohol content of the punch.

He'd probably need a few more boring conversations before he tipped one way or the other.


Re: Punch and Food kestrelswolf February 13 2010, 19:04:12 UTC
Firekeeper eyed Arthur eyeing the punch. "No fermented-grains drink mixed in yet!" she observed cheerfully, grabbing herself a glass. "Good."


Re: Punch and Food bitch_prince February 13 2010, 19:09:21 UTC
"It would appear so," Arthur agreed, pouring himself a glass as well. "Firekeeper," he greeted, somewhat merry (for once). "Haven't seen you in a while; how's the island treating you?"


Shadowy Corners noearsyet February 13 2010, 18:44:49 UTC
If you want to practice your best Edward Cullen impression.


Re: Shadowy Corners unborn_renegade February 13 2010, 18:54:50 UTC
...Jak hadn't been planning to show up.

It just, you know. Kind of happened.

...It was Dax's fault.

He had some punch and a shadowy place and that was fine, really.


Re: Shadowy Corners life_inshadow February 13 2010, 19:14:30 UTC
And, at some point, when the crush of people got to her, Tara wandered away from Kennedy and found a shadowy corner.

It was possibly not entirely coincidence that she found the one Jak was in, though she did look surprised.

"Oh! I -- I really didn't realize you were back here." She didn't know he was still the dance type. "Hi."


Re: Shadowy Corners unborn_renegade February 13 2010, 19:19:58 UTC
He... wasn't.

But again: Dax. Dax was, and Dax was going to make damn sure Jak wasn't going to 'miss out on all the fun stuff'.

Jak rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey," he said. Lamely.


Chaperones noearsyet February 13 2010, 18:45:27 UTC
We like you guys so much that you get your own OCD!


Re: Chaperones chose_humanity February 13 2010, 18:49:44 UTC
Late night, teens milling about, repressing both his own personal issues and his faint spot of worry about Kate, Mitchell felt the dance was an excellent distraction.

Which was why he was floating near the corner, trying not to give in to the urge to smoke.


Re: Chaperones angelandwitch February 13 2010, 19:11:25 UTC
Paige had better things to do with her time than chaperone a high school dance.

Oh, who are we kidding? She absolutely did not have better things to do. Which was why she was there and wearing a simple, yet elegant dress.


Re: Chaperones suit_of_awesome February 13 2010, 19:46:16 UTC
It was Desperation Day and Barney thought his little pal George had done a fantastic job making it the tackiest dance Fandom had ever seen.

Barney himself was still on a high from kicking ass at laser tag and looked like a double oh in his sharp suit.

Since the punch wasn't spiked, Barney was making no effort to hide that he was slipping something from a flask into his own glass.


Dance Floor! noearsyet February 13 2010, 18:45:54 UTC
Boogie, boogie motion...


Re: Dance Floor! robinthefrog February 13 2010, 20:02:51 UTC
Robin currently lacked a partner, but that wasn't stopping him from getting into the groove, and using the dance floor for it's intended purpose.


Re: Dance Floor! bloody_luck February 13 2010, 21:27:44 UTC
Mat led Hinata onto the dance floor and smiled down at her. "This will be fun."


Re: Dance Floor! shyest_eyes February 13 2010, 21:35:14 UTC
Well, now that she'd been convinced to come out and dance, Hinata couldn't be anything but gracious, could she?

And in full honesty, she was enjoying herself. "It will be," she said, as the next song started up. "Th-Though I recall now that I never asked if you could dance?"

Teasing, teasing.


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