Valentine's Day Dance | Town Hall | Saturday Evening [8pm on]

Feb 13, 2010 13:42

As Desperation Day dances went, this was probably not the most tacky ever.  Of course given that it was Desperation Day, so tacky really went with the territory.

There was glitter, oh, was there ever glitter in a multitude of sparkly colours.  But even more so, it seemed that the decorators had taken the 'Hearts Afire' theme literally as large cut out hearts adorned the walls.  Each with a tissue paper 'flame' bursting from the top of it.  Streamers in all shades of pink twisted across the ceiling, forming almost a canopy.  Which hopefully would not be literally set afire.  The Fire Department would probably disapprove of that. Also a lot of people's dresses would be ruined.

Let's stay away from any literal fire, okay, guys?

[Up early for timezones.  Wait for the OCD or I will STAB YOU, OKAY? is up! And thre'll be a second post up later if this one gets insanely large (well, hell, why even say 'if')]

And the magic links:  Arrival/Mingling | Punch and Food | Shadowy Corners | Chaperones | Dance Floor | OOC

[It never said Friday.  Rly.]

karla, hyuuga hinata, alex karev, jacob black, town hall, liir thropp, warren worthington iii, elena, dances, ino yamanaka, zack fair

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