Valentine's Day Dance | Town Hall | Saturday Evening [8pm on]

Feb 13, 2010 13:42

As Desperation Day dances went, this was probably not the most tacky ever.  Of course given that it was Desperation Day, so tacky really went with the territory.

There was glitter, oh, was there ever glitter in a multitude of sparkly colours.  But even more so, it seemed that the decorators had taken the 'Hearts Afire' theme literally as large cut ( Read more... )

karla, hyuuga hinata, alex karev, jacob black, town hall, liir thropp, warren worthington iii, elena, dances, ino yamanaka, zack fair

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Shadowy Corners noearsyet February 13 2010, 18:44:49 UTC
If you want to practice your best Edward Cullen impression.


Re: Shadowy Corners unborn_renegade February 13 2010, 18:54:50 UTC
...Jak hadn't been planning to show up.

It just, you know. Kind of happened.

...It was Dax's fault.

He had some punch and a shadowy place and that was fine, really.


Re: Shadowy Corners life_inshadow February 13 2010, 19:14:30 UTC
And, at some point, when the crush of people got to her, Tara wandered away from Kennedy and found a shadowy corner.

It was possibly not entirely coincidence that she found the one Jak was in, though she did look surprised.

"Oh! I -- I really didn't realize you were back here." She didn't know he was still the dance type. "Hi."


Re: Shadowy Corners unborn_renegade February 13 2010, 19:19:58 UTC
He... wasn't.

But again: Dax. Dax was, and Dax was going to make damn sure Jak wasn't going to 'miss out on all the fun stuff'.

Jak rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey," he said. Lamely.


Re: Shadowy Corners life_inshadow February 13 2010, 19:24:27 UTC

Tara wasn't exactly proving her brilliance as a conversationalist, either, and she bit her lip a bit as she tried to decide if she should keep talking or flee.

She must have decided to keep talking. One Jak, weird aura or not, was easier to deal with than a couple dozen other people.

"So this is -- kind of a nice dance."


Re: Shadowy Corners unborn_renegade February 13 2010, 19:26:27 UTC
"It's a little sparkly," Jak volunteered, shooting the glitter a difficult look. "I don't know. I haven't been to a lot of these." Barring that one semester in Fandom.


Re: Shadowy Corners life_inshadow February 13 2010, 19:30:30 UTC
"I like sparkly," Tara said, glancing about. "The fire coming out of the hearts is ... a little weird." She shrugged. "I got dragged to Homecoming but that was my only other school dance, unless the New Years party counts."

Like Tara had ever gone to a dance back home.


Re: Shadowy Corners unborn_renegade February 13 2010, 19:33:23 UTC
"I just figured someone shot the hearts with a flamethrower," Jak admitted. Hello, random insight into his brainspace. "I remember homecoming. I think."


Re: Shadowy Corners life_inshadow February 13 2010, 19:43:13 UTC
"It was the one where Emma Frost made fun of the way I dress," Tara volunteered. (Yeah, she still had a grudge over that one.) "... why -- why would someone shoot hearts with a flamthrower?"


Re: Shadowy Corners unborn_renegade February 13 2010, 19:45:37 UTC
Jak shrugged both of his shoulders. "To light them on fire...?" he posed.

Yes, thank you, Jak.


Re: Shadowy Corners life_inshadow February 13 2010, 19:53:05 UTC
"Okay...." Tara stared for a minute, then decided some paths were best left unpursued.

"So how have you been?"


Re: Shadowy Corners unborn_renegade February 13 2010, 19:55:23 UTC
"Busy," Jak said, and waited a second or two before he realised that wasn't... much of an answer. "Things seem to be picking up speed."

Yeah, because that was a lot less vague.

[[ and now I flee to do my Dutchly duty and support Sven Kramer in kicking speedskating ass. ... it's hardly my fault they planned the Olympics around Mardi Gras and its horrible songs, okay? ]]


Re: Shadowy Corners life_inshadow February 13 2010, 20:03:40 UTC
"... is that good or bad?" The vagueness was ... vague, yes.

[Hee, have fun being Dutch. My entire knowledge of speedskating is that Apolo Ohno is hot.]


Re: Shadowy Corners unborn_renegade February 13 2010, 20:22:31 UTC
"I don't know yet," Jak said, finally. "It just means we're doing some real damage to the Baron." ...He'd told her about the Baron, right?

[[ *does a little Dutch dance between significant races* ]]


Re: Shadowy Corners life_inshadow February 13 2010, 20:28:53 UTC
Apparently not, going by the blank look she was giving him.

"... he's the bad guy?"

[Are there clogs? Please say there are clogs.]


Re: Shadowy Corners unborn_renegade February 13 2010, 20:32:16 UTC
"Yeah," Jak said, rolling his eyes skyward, infusing his words with more than a little bit of bitterness, "You could say that."

[[ why, if you'd just said you wanted a clog dance... ]]


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