Fandom Radio, Saturday, March 10, 2007

Mar 10, 2007 23:32

Hello Fandom! This is a slightly damp Willow Rosenberg reporting to you for WTFH where tonight the W stands for Water and the F stands for don't Forget to set your clocks Forward because it may be seriously wet outside but Daylight Savings waits for no one. Except for Arizona where frankly nobody can blame them for not feeling overly eager about an extra hour of sunlight. Because you know what else is a dry heat? Ovens. 'nuff said.

School, where I'd point out that at least the library isn't wet yet but then I'd jinx it and the subsequent flooding would be all my fault

The office is closed, because the members of whatever union number the office workers are may be very dedicated to their forms, but not so much that they'll both come in on a Saturday and use snorkling equipment to do it.

Gun club does the gun clubby thing. There is lather, rinsing, and repeating of the usual gun club tasks.

Sam who is related to Dean opens up the library, which is a very happy thing for those of us who know that when weirdness happens, books are the things that you want to have handy. Angela is there and wonders if we're drifting out to sea. If the island starts rocking back and forth we'll know we're in deep trouble. I'm there to make with the research-fu. Angela and I trade theories. When it comes to researching I find it never hurts to consider theories like baseball cards and therefore you should collect 'em all. Then put them into a spreadsheet and make graphs about them. After that comes the PowerPoint presentation.

Naomi arrives to help out with all things bookish on the topic of water. Hermione and I talk computers, which reminds me that yet again I should thank Bridge for my spiffy upgrades. Sam asks Hermione if she can lend a hand or two with the books. Tannim's there to add two more appendages into the equation, and he and I say hello and I probably bore him by talking about my boyfriend but I've been without for over a week here, people! Poutiness is to be expected!

Sakura arrives to be our Giles and Dawn arrives to both be our Dawn and to ask Sam if he's got an Old Testament handy.

Dorms: an excellent place to stay dry, unless you're taking a shower in which case a little moisture is both desireable and to be expected

Billy and River have a staring competition. I have no idea who blinked first but given the names in question and the sorts of things going on this weekend I can't help but imagine somebody with a water-based connection of some sort would have the advantage.

In the common room that needs two floors to be cool, Tori and Summer watch surfing on TV. Because just looking out the window doesn't give you the fun of hearing the "boo-beep!" you get when you push buttons on your Tivo.

Around the dorms, Parker has a bad dream. Was it about file folders? They can be very sneaky when the circumstances are right. Dick looks out the window and immediately puts the Weather Channel completely out of business. Cedric is all wet - oh no he is not! He's a perfectly nice per... oh, actually wet. I knew that. Anyway he and Jack make up. I hadn't realized that they were previously making down, but regardless I am happy for them.

Teddy is not feeling well. Luckily Will stops by to bring some medicine. Chicken soup! I cannot stress this enough! Kaylee and Al have a chat about how Kaylee is leaving. I'm going to miss you! Please be careful back in the future!

Jim proves that amazingly some boys are smart enough to come in out of the rain. Lana rewards him for this wisdom. Rory calls Anakin to check on him. I suppose if you're originally from a desert planet all this wet stuff falling from the sky can be a little bit freaky. I'm told turkeys have problems with this too, but only when they look up.

Isabel tells Greg about how she got back. I hope her front, top, bottom, and sides came with her as well. And Anders cuddles an orca. The orca then lectures him about how many years of his life he is losing by sucking on cancer sticks, and also points out that if he's not careful smoking-related death is going to come sooner in the form of a redhead who packs a mean punch.

Town, where if you're wondering if something's different it's not so much that everyone got new hairstyles as it is that tons of real estate are now underwater

Prior to Gilesing her way into the library, Sakura sits on the roof of her house and makes a phone call. That strikes me as a very good way to void your cell's warrenty. Deadpool gets electrocuted! Oh my goodness! Do not blow dry your hair during a flood, people! It will not end well!

Emma wakes up to discover a flooded house and a waving crab. Flooded House, Waving Crab was the title of my fourth album, by the way. Leo has space available for anyone who's been displaced by the flood. That's very kind of you Leo!

Miho and friends are on the roof of the Sin so that they can escape the water. Barbossa stops by to offer them a ride, which is very kind of him and I shall leave you extra cookies for it later. 33 Apocalypse Ave is proving that the street name is not false advertising because wow is it flooding fast. But do not worry! I have it on authority that the computer equipment has been moved to safety. Thank goodness.

Parker rafts her way over to the place where our Park used to be and checks out the castle that is there now. She then talks to a mermaid. As does Annette, who is floating around in an inner tube while she does it.

Aeryn hangs out in the junkyard. Because you know what makes being in a junkyard oodles more fun? The smell of trash when it's wet.

A giant squid and a shark totally give lie to the name Serenity Cove. I'd suggest hugging it out but let's face it, the squid would have the advantage there. Hamlet and Evie wear foam fingers that say Squid's #1!, as does Walter. Sokka thinks this live-action sushi in the making is completely awesome. Given my own history with tentacles I cannot wholly fault Sokka for rooting for the shark. Anakin, Tyler, and Ares, on the other hand, successfully answer the question of "What's dumber than not coming in out of the rain during a huge flood and also involves a high likelihood of getting squid ink in places you'd rather not mention?" Jim may now bask in the glory of possibly being the smartest boy on the island today.

A merperson runs Photo Hut and offers photos with humans. Are autographs included? John Connor braves high water, with or without hell, to get chocolate over at Wonka's. Now that is a priority that I can fully support. Afterwards he heads to Sparky Repairs and begins to build a paddle boat. I bet you could do a lot with steam energy this weekend.

Jude opens the thankfully unflooded Luke's. Make sure there's plenty of chicken soup on hand!! People are going to be catching their death of cold this weekend, I can tell. Barbossa offers boat services to those who are not Miho. River and Luna, Jude, Emma, and Rose take him up on it. Make sure to tip! He likes rum. That's a little known secret about him.

Over at Y? Because we like you! MCA Xander has towels and hot food available for people, which just goes to show that I have trained him well. Emma shows up to make use of one of the free apartments. Make sure she filled out the proper form, Xander!

Tyler watches merpeople fight in the preserve. The post office proves that the whole rain/sleet/snow/dark of night/and oh yeah FLOODING, thing is totally true because it is open and staffed today. Staffed by merpeople, granted, but you can't say they're not suited for the needs of the job right now.

The church has a special on baptisms for those of you who weren't born right the first time around. John Connor shows up to offer Rosette and Chrono a boat ride. Turtle and Canary, home of excellent gift baskets for all occasions, is also one of the many places with a mermaid on staff today. Xander and Evie find this out when they go shopping there. And over at Not So Much With Dancing With Myself or Anyone Else For That Matter Ellen is in charge of things, but things are still on the wet side.

And finally, a whole herd o' Jamies perform Swan Lake in the park. Please tell me somebody got pictures of him in all the outfits.

And that's all the news I have to report! Good night, Fandom, and stay dry and safe!

willow rosenberg

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