Room 234/236: very early Saturday morning

Mar 09, 2007 23:17

So after the glee of having Isabel back and getting her settled back in, Parker spent the rest of the day catching up on homework, and practicing her swordwork. Nothing that should have caused any rumblings in her subconscious.

And yet.

She was in the elevator, wearing the gray suit her mother had worn on the day she died. Pearls around her neck, and in her ears, just like Mom. Her hair up in the style her mother favored. The elevator doors reflected back Catherine Parker, only younger, and with dark red nails. Parker turned to look over her shoulder, and the bullet hole wasn't there.

Wake. Up.

The doors were opening.

Wake up!

Brigitte stood there, looking fifteen, maybe sixteen. Smiling. "Mrs. Parker."

"No, I'm not--"

Brigitte's arm came up, a silver .Sig (my gun, she's got my gun) in her hand, and her finger tightened on the trigger.

Parker sat straight up in bed with the echo of a gunshot in her ears, gasping for breath.

muahaha, i don't sleep to dream, 234/236, links

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