I was really tempted to fill this out using only the pairings that my and
eulogytobiko's morning of playing with the Ace Attorney Random Pairing Generator threw out for me. I may do that anyway at some point.
Six Ships I Love
1. L/Light (Death Note)
2. Neku/Shiki (TWEWY)
3. Franziska/Ema (Ace Attorney)
4. Sephiran/Zelgius (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn5. Klavier/
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gawd do I ever agree with snape/hermione dislike.
THE TENNIS MATCH god, so lulz.
The tennis match makes me :D :D :D every time I've watched it. It is simultaneously made of massive win and massive lulz.
And that's cool; it was kind of a shot in the dark, tbh, given how hard I've found it myself to find anything approaching decent DN fics. Oh, Death Note fandom, why so alarming?
And Fire Emblem has its own kink meme that doesn't see a lot of activity but keeps chuggin' along, and it has made me ship Ashera/Laura. WHY CAN'T I BE NORMAL.
Man, I have a copy of FF8 and I want to play it, I do, but I've never gotten past the very beginning. Like, go to the cave and come back beginning. There was a hundred-chapter shoujo-ai epic someone wrote for it (Quistis/Fujin, I think? I dunno who Fujin is though) that I have been intensely curious about -- in addition to just loving Final Fantasy games, of course.
I shipped Snape/Hermione way, way back when, when I was thirteen and shipped Snape/Everybody, Possibly at the Same Time. Now I look back and... urgh.
I like this meme too, and may borrow it as well! ;D
FFVI was my first Final Fantasy, so that's the one that has a special place in my heart. Great cast of characters, everybody has their own motivations. And the girls really take the lead, although there's not really a main character. I love it so much. :D But I'm thinking over Christmas break (when I have a nice big TV and a brother to play it with) I'll make another attempt. The story is Frozen; I haven't read it, but I've heard good things. And it's really, really, really long. Probably longer than Absence, the ginormous Rei/Usagi story that's probably the longest femslash piece I've ever read ( ... )
Hm, a trioshipper, eh? I've always quite liked the idea of that setup. I've never read much of it, but then I've never tended to read much younger generation HP fic anyway, tbh. My favourite Harry ship, though, is actually Harry/Luna - I never really thought it would happen, but it was still kind of irritating to see him end up with Ginny instead.
I love FFVIII, but like I said to miss_prince, I wonder if it's something of an acquired taste. I've explained that more in my ( ... )
Is there any good Hermione/McGonagall fic? I would totally read that.
I should get my Wii fixed. I'd just started PoR (never had a Gamecube) when it bricked itself. My GBA (FE7 -- FE8 was kind of lame) pairings were the two heavily-implied-in-canon Lyn/Hector and Eliwood/Ninian (the only one I did extra work for the supports), plus Lowen/Rebecca (horsetank + best. archer. ever. and my Lowen won the RNG sweepstakes -- I could just throw her onto horseback, rush them behind enemy lines, and unload and they'd just kill everything).
I'm interested in your ships now, you know :D I'm all about the HP rarepairs; you might give me new ideas.
I wrote a little Daryan/Klavier again last night :D Was playing with a half-finished fic set just after 4-1. I've still got so many things I want to say about these two; I just wish I had the time to write them all.
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