I was really tempted to fill this out using only the pairings that my and
eulogytobiko's morning of playing with the Ace Attorney Random Pairing Generator threw out for me. I may do that anyway at some point.
Six Ships I Love
1. L/Light (Death Note)
2. Neku/Shiki (TWEWY)
3. Franziska/Ema (Ace Attorney)
4. Sephiran/Zelgius (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
5. Klavier/Daryan (Ace Attorney)
6. Squall/Irvine (FFVIII)
Three Ships I Liked, But Don't Anymore
7. Squall/Seifer (FFVIII)
8. Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy (Harry Potter)
9. Ike/Soren (Fire Emblem: PoR & RD)
Three Ships I Don't Like
10. Squall/Rinoa (FFVIII)
11. Snape/Hermione (Harry Potter)
12. Klavier/Ema (Ace Attorney)
Two Ships I Am Curious About, But Don't Actually Ship
13. Phoenix/Mia (Ace Attorney)
14. Squall/Selphie (FFVIII
1.) Why do you dislike Snape/Hermione so much?
Oh god, where to start? Every time I've ever seen this done, I've seen it as a "meeting of intellectual equals", usually Overcoming a Great Social Barrier to find True Love, or some kind of pseudo-feminist crap about playing with power differentials and Hermione asserting herself by emasculating Snape. It totally, utterly baffles me. Snape is outright cruel to her, inexcusably so, at least once and arguably more times over the seven books, and what's empowering about Hermione involving herself with someone like that in the first place, whether she Changes Him for the Greater Good or not? He shows no "grudging respect for her intelligence" whatsoever (in fact, he seems to deeply resent it), and given that he's a incurably bitter, cripplingly insecure man, is never likely to. Meanwhile, whatever admiration Hermione may have for his intelligence and bravery (which I don't think she ever expresses in the books, mind), I find it really hard to believe that she would ever be able to overlook the fact that he is a bully, that he is immature and holds grudges, and all the other things that make him a shitty person, if a great character. There's nothing but his intelligence drawing her to him - I like Snarry, with certain caveats, because I can see how there's enough that would draw Harry to Snape that would cancel out or overcome a lot of the barriers between them. I don't think that's true with Hermione. Basically, I can't see it happening the way people write it happening, and I've never seen it written any other way. Every time I've ever read it, it's read like the fantasy of the fic writer identifying with Hermione and wanting to fuck Snape. Maybe I've just been reading the wrong stuff, idk.
2.) Who is someone you know that ships Phoenix/Mia?
Er, I think the only person I've ever seen write it is
pyrasaur, and her fics are actually partly what got me interested. Oh, and I'm sure I've talked to
alienchrist about it a couple of times.
3.) What would be your ideal scenario for Franziska/Ema?
Ema eating snackoos in bed and Franziska stealing them from her with her whip :D
4.) Which is your favorite episode for L/Light? Try to pick just one.
Haha, that's easy: the one where they play the Great Tennis Match of Overthinking and UST. "I'd better not try too hard to win, because then I'll look like Kira. But if I try and lose, then he'll think that I think that he thinks that if I try too hard to win I'll look like Kira. But if I try and win, then he'll think that I think that he'll think that I'll think..." It basically sums up everything I love about these two: melodrama, UST, completely inappropriate lulz, and that awful, tragic sense that in another universe they could have been beautiful together.
5.) How long have you been following Squall/Irvine?
Oh god, years. They were the first ship I ever wrote fic for, back when I was sixteen ish. The fic was dreadful, and there's no canon support for the ship whatsoever, but I still love it. I think Squall could do with someone who's got a bit of emotional sense, and out of all that game's cast of emotionally stunted teenagers, Irvine's the only one with his head even remotely screwed on right in that respect.
6.) What's the story with Severus/Lucius? What made you stop liking them/caring?
Meh, I was only ever in it for the angst/melodramatic overwrought none-more-aristotastic Slytherfic you used to get early in the fandom, and a) people stopped writing that, because b) book canon made it increasingly difficult to see it working and being at all IC (you could argue that it never was to start with, but it REALLY wasn't after HBP and DH). Some of those old fics, though, I still love as AUs/quasi-original fic.
7.) Which ship do you prefer - Neku/Shiki or Sephiran/Zelgius?
Sephiran/Zelgius. I love this ship; I think everyone who plays the game should ship it, and if you haven't played the game, you should play it just for these two. Eternal loyalty and boundless devotion and courtly restraint; it's gorgeous. Neku/Shiki is much cuter/more feelgood, but hey, when have I ever enjoyed that? Sephiran/Zelgius has a depth and an epicness and a tragicness about it that makes me really really wish I could find ANY fics for it.
8.) You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from Squall/Rinoa or Klavier/Ema.
9.) What interests you about Squall/Selphie?
I think Squall/Selphie could be what Squall/Rinoa wanted to be. I like the idea of Squall loosening up a bit, I honestly do, and I think Selphie could do it in a non-coercive way - Rinoa was constantly making an effort to change Squall, which I find really off-putting, but I think just being around Selphie being herself would help Squall feel a bit happier/act a bit more his age, without doing a complete personality 180. You already see in the games that she has a positive effect on him, and I think they're really cute together.
10.) When did you stop liking Squall/Seifer?
It's not so much that I stopped liking them, but I stopped actively shipping them, i.e. seeking out/wanting to write fic. I think I just started to feel like I'd seen everything fic writers could do with them - their dynamic's there, in the games, there's only so many directions you can take it. I do still think Squall was very gay for Seifer pre-game/at the start of the game, and vice versa, though.
11.) Did your waning interest in Ike/Soren kill your interest in the show?
Not at all! I still love these games, and I still think the love of Ike and Soren is great and true. I just don't really want to read it/write it any more, like with Squall and Seifer. Only even more so, because the games actually do a really good job of giving you this ship - it's not explicit, but it's canon enough if you want to see it, so there's not really anything I'd want out of fic except smut, and with these two, much as I love them, it doesn't appeal.
12.) What's a song that reminds you of Klavier/Daryan?
The Libertines: Can't Stand Me Now 13.) Which of these ships do you love the most?
Klavier/Daryan. I just get endless mileage out of these two; they fascinate me.
14.) Which do you dislike the most?
Snape/Hermione. Er, in case you couldn't tell. And for me to hate it more than I hate Squall/Rinoa means I really hate it, trust me.
15.) If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)
Franziska/Ema and Klavier/Daryan. Oh, the whipping. There would be so much whipping. And sniping, and flirting, and snackoo-pelting, and it would end in a stand-up fight and I, for one, would love to see it.
16.) Have Neku & Shiki kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like.
Not that I remember, but I imagine they did after the end of the game.
17.) Did Sephiran/Zelgius have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
Er...define happy? From one angle (the, er, most obvious angle), they had a totally miserable and tragic ending. But from another...yeah, I think they were happy. Content, maybe, rather than happy.
18.) What would make you start shipping Phoenix/Mia?
Nothing, really. I'm pretty convinced that they both fancied each other, but I really can't see Mia being unprofessional enough to make any moves while Phoenix was her subordinate, and, well, she dies before anything could happen between them at a later date.
19.) If only one could happen, which would you prefer - Neku/Shiki or Squall/Irvine?
Neku/Shiki. Because it is cuteness itself, and I'd feel bad making anything happen that wasn't guaranteed to work (apart from in my own fic, it seems ¬_¬).
20.) You have the power to decide the fate of Squall/Rinoa. What happens to them?
They're together for maybe a year or so after the end of the game, during which time Rinoa realises now that Squall's all smiley, a) she doesn't have a project any more, b) HE'S STILL JUST AS MELODRAMATIC AND EMO just in a soppier kind of way, c) he's the 17 year old commander of a large military organisation and has no time for anything but paperwork, d) the mindsets of a born-and-bred soldier and a political activist are not really all that compatible, and e) he may or may not be massively gay. So she chucks him and takes up with Quistis instead, who is far more receptive to both the good and the bad bits about Rinoa. Squall spends a while in the Throes of Despair, Completely Jaded about Love and Women, Vowing that he will Never Again Open his Heart to Anyone, before Irvine gently points out to him that during the year they were together they only ever kissed twice and never really spent that much time together and he's actually being a bit of an idiot, at which point he picks himself up and resumes being standoffish and asexual and terribly commanding and efficient. Then everyone in Garden falls in love with him again, and he is completely oblivious to it until Irvine/Selphie/Seifer/all of the above jump him one day, by which time he's hopefully grown up enough to handle an actual relationship instead of some Romeo and Juliet-esque surge of melodrama and hormones.
aaand, so as not to double-post, I don't suppose anyone reading this has any Death Note fic recs they'd be willing to share? I've been re-watching the anime this past week, and it's making me crave fic. But, idk if I'm just looking in the wrong places, I'm having trouble finding anything good :3 The only thing I've actually enjoyed has been Aja's A Tithe To Hell (which absolutely blew me away). And the fandom kind of scares me a bit. Help? Good L/Light would be appreciated, or anything with Misa, Matsuda, or Soichiro in, but I'd take anything decent, tbh.