2013 in Fandom: "I Threw My Pie for You."

Dec 30, 2013 21:12

End of year fandom meme time. This one was gakked from bessiemaemucho.

Fandom Faves of the Year )

novels, fandom, meme, movies, music

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Comments 23

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falafel_musings December 31 2013, 12:34:33 UTC
Waah? You wrote a 100k fic? I've written novels and the longest of them haven't been more than about 80k. Glad to hear it was successful!! I wonder what the final word count of my all seasons Walt and Jesse meta essays were? They got pretty damn long ( ... )


Great list hollywoodlawn December 31 2013, 21:04:29 UTC
I just got my sister watching OITNB, so rewatching it with her. The very second Crazy Eyes...oh, sorry, Suzanne came on screen I told my sister, "you will fall in love with this character". Just thinking about her listening to Dickhead on NPR gets me all weepy again ( ... )


Re: Great list falafel_musings January 1 2014, 23:42:53 UTC
I hear that S2 will include Suzanne's backstory. I'm really curious about her past and what crimes she committed but I fear it could be really heartbreaking ( ... )


Holy Shit hollywoodlawn January 2 2014, 03:53:48 UTC
PERFECT CHOICE OF SONG. One of my favorite Bjork tracks, actually, but perfectly wedded to those images and Will's state of mind. You did an amazing job.


On Books hollywoodlawn December 31 2013, 21:34:48 UTC
I have eight books that I started reading this year and still have bookmarks somewhere in the middle of them. It's bad.

But--and I'm hesitant to say it--I DID read Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl and I liked it. Most of it. Till it sort of fell apart at the end. But that book made me pick up her previous novels, and I gotta say, Dark Places was really good.

I have both Jonathan Lethem's new novel, and Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell sitting on my nightstand if I ever get Blood Meridian finished.


cylune9 January 1 2014, 20:28:39 UTC
Pretty much same here. Breaking Bad was an amazing show, best tv show of all times but the fandom sucked. Dexter, yeah WTF. Six Feet Under, Hannibal and Orphan Black = love. I need to watch Orange is the New Black & Sherlock pronto.

Have you watched The Hollow Crown? I think you might enjoy it.

I read American Gods a while back and I know what you mean.

I'm way behind in movies. :( Although I watched The Artist last month and I enjoyed it a lot.


falafel_musings January 1 2014, 23:50:59 UTC
Yes, you must watch Orange! I think you'll love it. And I just watched the first ep of Sherlock S3 which was outstandingly awesome. I'll look into Hollow Crown. Hmmm, I wonder if that's on Netflix?

The Artist is adorable. That little dog!


cylune9 January 2 2014, 18:05:40 UTC
The Hollow Crown wasn't available on Netflix here... maybe it's too recent.

yeah, that little dog was adorable. :) I loved the dancing number at the end.


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