2013 in Fandom: "I Threw My Pie for You."

Dec 30, 2013 21:12

End of year fandom meme time. This one was gakked from bessiemaemucho.

Fandom Faves of the Year )

novels, fandom, meme, movies, music

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falafel_musings December 31 2013, 12:34:33 UTC
Waah? You wrote a 100k fic? I've written novels and the longest of them haven't been more than about 80k. Glad to hear it was successful!! I wonder what the final word count of my all seasons Walt and Jesse meta essays were? They got pretty damn long.

I like John Green's writing style in general, so yeah I liked Fault in our Stars and it successfully made me cry. But if you were going to read a book of this sort (you know, teen love story with terminal cancer) I still think Jenny Downham's 'Before I Die' is a better book with a stronger angry teenage girl voice.

Yes, the Killing! I almost gave up on that one because I heard it had been cancelled and I hate not getting closure on shows I get into. But I hear that Netflix is going to bring it back to life for a final run of episodes to resolve the story. So yes, it's back on my list. Thank you Netflix. At the moment I've mostly been watching documentaries and stand up shows on my Netflix. I want to get back into movies and tv marathoning soon though. I think I finally have BrBa closure and I can move on now.

Are you still in touch with elliot? She's on my facebook but I hardly ever use FB and I don't see her on LJ anymore. *sigh* Miss her so.


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