2013 in Fandom: "I Threw My Pie for You."

Dec 30, 2013 21:12

End of year fandom meme time. This one was gakked from bessiemaemucho.

Fandom Faves of the Year )

novels, fandom, meme, movies, music

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Re: Great list falafel_musings January 1 2014, 23:42:53 UTC
I hear that S2 will include Suzanne's backstory. I'm really curious about her past and what crimes she committed but I fear it could be really heartbreaking.

Yeah, I basically agree with all your Dexter opinions. Except I only started watching this Spring after my SFU marathon. MCH is addictive. I loved him in both roles though the Hannah character kind of ruined Dexter Morgan for me by rendering him so *ugh!* I can't even get into it. I'm sure there's rants on my Dexter tag. And yes, Deb finding out about Dex had such potential to revive the show but then they ditched it in favor of Deb inexplicably accepting her brother being a serial killer who forced her into murdering an innocent person. Which is like S5b Hank and Jesse deciding they are okay with Walt and letting him off the hook. Grrr. I can't believe I was defending Dexter S8 in the early episodes. I thought the return to the origin story was going to be a great move but it ended up being worthless.

Oooh, please tell me how you like the Llewyn Davis film!

Can I pimp my Hannibal fanvid to you? I love its gory beauty too.

I think I'll definitely add Recify to my 'to watch' list especially if it's only six episodes so far. I've had a lot of people reccing it to me lately.


Holy Shit hollywoodlawn January 2 2014, 03:53:48 UTC
PERFECT CHOICE OF SONG. One of my favorite Bjork tracks, actually, but perfectly wedded to those images and Will's state of mind. You did an amazing job.


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