Title: Caught While Falling
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Gwen
challenge: fallingRating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: No spoilers. Cross-posted to
my LJ and to
Caught While Falling
Jack and Gwen landed on a ledge partway down the cliff. Below, the sea roiled.
Gwen, stricken by vertigo, clutched Jack. He held her tight in steady arms. He smelled beautiful, as always. She buried her face against his neck, feeling the thrill. The cold sea below, the uncaring sky above, and Jack's warm strength pressed against her body.
He whispered in her ear, "'S'a matter, PC Cooper? Scared of heights?"
She glared, immediately releasing him. He grinned.
Bastard. He'd read her thoughts.
He knew their danger as well as she did, and it had nothing to do with falling.