Keeping busy at procrastinating....

Jul 07, 2016 10:09

It's a few days late, but snagged from the f-list:

[via inabsentialuci and ama_ranth_827]
Feel free to ask as many questions as you'd like, about whatever you like! I'm willing to even answer with icons, drabbles, songs, or sigtags (if that's your fancy)

July 01: How many fandomy things do you own? (ama_ranth_827)
July 02: Tea or coffee, why? (ama_ranth_827)
July 03: Do you drink? If so, what's your drink of choice? (inabsentialuci)
July 04: If you could pick any character from tv/movies/book etc. to be stuck on a deserted island with, who would it be? And why? (ama_ranth_827)
July 05: Have you jumped onto the Pokemon Go craze? If so, can you share a picture of where you found your favourite pokemon so far? (fizzbuzz)
July 06: When did you discover Neal McDonough? (hughville)
July 07: What would you do if your favorite actor showed up on your doorstep? (ama_ranth_827)
July 08: If you could take any dream vacation, where would you go? (inabsentialuci)
July 09: If you could invent a monster, what would it look like and what would you call it? (ama_ranth_827)
July 10: What is your favorite book series? (ama_ranth_827)
July 11: What is your favorite candle scent? (inabsentialuci)
July 12: If you could be a character in any fandom, which fandom would it be and what would your character be like? (ama_ranth_827)
July 13: What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong? (ama_ranth_827)
July 14: Are you a shoe person? If so, what kinds are your favorites? (inabsentialuci)
July 15: When did you get hooked on WWE and who are your favorites? (hughville)
July 16: If you had to change lives with another HiHer for a week - who would you choose and why? (fizzbuzz)
July 17: How do you feel about the new Star Trek? (The reboot?)? (hughville)
July 18: Have you ever been in a fist fight? If so how old were you? (ama_ranth_827)
July 19: If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? (ama_ranth_827)
July 20: What is your favorite thing to eat? (hughville)
July 21: Do you have a favourite museum? (fizzbuzz)
July 22: If you were an alien from another planet... What's your name, what planet are you from and what do you look like? (bizarra)
July 23: If you had a superpower for a day, what power would you choose and what would you do with it? (fizzbuzz)
July 24: What's the first thing you do in the morning, and the last thing you do at night? (twirl_madly)
July 25:? (ama_ranth_827)
July 26: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? How do you feel about that job now? (fizzbuzz)
July 27: Have you ever caught a butterfly? (ama_ranth_827)
July 28: What's your favorite book and why? (inabsentialuci)
July 29: Your first fandom crush, do you still have a crush on that character/actor or has it changed within that same fandom? (ama_ranth_827)
July 30: What is your favorite part of your body and why? (ama_ranth_827)
July 31: Fave things to watch when everything is just a little too much? (femme_slash_fan)

Also, I have the previous posts to finish answering -- will get to those ASAP, I promise!

fandom: quizzes and memes (baaa), daily: thursday, real life: dork moment, real life: internet pets are trouble, real life: to do or not, fandom: from the f-list, real life: bill gates owns my soul, real life: i don't like spam

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