Have a twofer!

Jul 26, 2016 10:21

30 Days of Love
Day 02 - What was your very first ship?
If I had to guess.... it was probably Lee Stetson and Amanda King, of Scarecrow & Mrs King. Otherwise, it was either Angie and Cordy in The Happiest Millionaire or Gabe and Ivy, in On the Town... because those are the earliest things I actually remember watching.

July questions
July 26: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? How do you feel about that job now? (fizzbuzz)

I'm not sure... I know at one point I wanted to work for NASA, but not as an astronaut. I also wanted to be an archaeologist and dig up ancient cities. A ballerina, an actress, a rock star... I even wanted to work for Disney, for a while.

Only one of those was ever achieved..

I still would love to work for NASA, but I don't know how much archiving they're really doing. Still would also love to be an archaeologist, but that requires WAAAAY more schooling than I ever had. No skill in dance or musical instruments... I'd love to be back at Disney, but to get the job I always wanted at Disney is near-impossible. And if I ever even had the chance, I'd have to be in California, anyway.

The one thing I would have LOVED to do, overall - and still do - was to do voices for cartoons. Because I have no poker face, so acting is right out. But, being a voiceover... that would be awesome.

There are still days to fill, so ask away!

fandom: i ship it, real life: walt disney world has issues, fandom: quizzes and memes (baaa), fandom: disney, real life: my useless college degree, daily: tuesday, fandom: i love tv, real life: dork moment, real life: past where the sun sets, real life: to do or not, fandom: from the f-list, real life: work has it's moments

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