Twofer, part 3

Jul 28, 2016 12:23

30 Days of Love
Day 04 - The pairing with the most chemistry?
Chemistry is entirely up to the actors. Yes, you can fake it to a degree.. but only to so much of a degree. And, because I'm a rebel, I'm giving you FOUR.

01 Grissom & Catherine (CSI)
02 John & Aeryn (Farscape)
03 Jeff & Hilary (Remember WENN)
04 Wyatt & Adora (Tin Man)

01 It helped, immensely, that Billy and Marg just OOZE chemistry. And God love Gina for letting it happen in public. But, honestly, Grissom and Catherine just had that same page-thing going on and it was wonderful. They didn't even need to speak to each other to say 1000 things.

02 Speaking of chemistry in public, can we also give a MAD PROPS shout-out to Fran?! Because the crap Claudia and Ben get away with (on-screen [and in front of her] and off-)... that woman needs an award. ♥ ((Interestingly, I was not on the Cam/Vala boat, during the SG-1 run. Nor was I on the Daniel/Vala boat, but that's for a different day...))

03 And, don't get me wrong: Nathalie is love; the girls are love.. but there's just something about the way Hugh looked at Melinda and Melinda looked at Hugh. WOOF.

04 Okay, YES, I know. They were only in the same frame for a second. Half a second, actually. But saying Wyatt & Adora's headstone is just... then again, Neal could sell chemistry against a tree. Seriously, though.. watch that scene. If you can't come away from that, knowing that Wyatt and Adora were PERFECT... well, you're just wrong. I LIVE IN MY HAPPY LITTLE VERSION OF REALITY. You get there by way of it's a small world, but only if you have the pin. speaking of Frank & Athena....

July questions
July 28: What's your favorite book and why? (inabsentialuci)
Going to have to go with a tie between my two usual answers.... partially because one's fiction and one's not, y'know? Actually, I could even go off the board and give you my favorite fanfic, because that will never ever be unseated!

Fiction: Raise the Titanic by Clive Cussler -- Just what it says, only the book was written about 10 years before Bob Ballard actually found the Titanic. And they managed to bring the ship up in one piece, in the middle of a hurricane. At the time, though, it didn't matter because it was just that: fiction. Now, of course, we know better. :)

Non-Fiction: Nineteenth-Cent​ury Mormon Architecture and City Planning by C Mark Hamilton -- I happened across this book in the library at college, and ended up managing to get an entire paper written, thanks to it. I have had this book in my Amazon wishlist since amazon HAD wishlists. And It's still listed at $170 new. Yeah. Anyway, I love this book because it combines city planning with the area I grew up in, and it stoked my love for old maps, history, and architecture. and I see there are used copies for $13.55 .. why, hello there, $50 gift certificate I've yet to use...

Fanfic: Burned of the Fourth of July (or What Happened if Mulder & Scully had Been in Independence Day) by [TBD] - I'm pretty sure that was the full extended title.. but I might be mistaken. Again, just what it says - this fella rewrote ID4, with Mulder, Scully, and Skinner along for the ride. SWEET JESUS, THE SCENE ON AIR FORCE ONE, WHEN NIMZIKI ADMITS AREA 51 IS REAL. Anyway, I don't have a link for it, because I've never been able to find it again, once Geocities went the way of the Dodo. Thankfully, I was smart enough to copy/paste it into Notepad, way back in the day. Once I hunt it down on the external drive, I'll give proper authorial credit.

Only one day left! ASK AWAY!

fandom: i ship it, tv: farscape, real life: my useless college degree, fandom: thud, real life: to do or not, tv: csi, fandom: books, fandom: i love movies, i ship it: wyatt/adora, tv: remember wenn, fandom: quizzes and memes (baaa), fandom: i love tv, thud: neal mcdonough, i ship it: grissom/catherine, real life: dork moment, daily: thursday, real life: internet pets are trouble, fandom: from the f-list, real life: bill gates owns my soul, thud: billy petersen, movies: tomorrowland, tv: stargate, tv: tin man, real life: bills come from the devil

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