erestor the boygroup elf

Mar 04, 2005 15:33

so erestor/glorfindel has become well-liked. a good reason to dislike the pairing! the indie-band nobody but you and your friends loved has become popular, and now you have to burn their cds. a new speshul sekrit band has to be found, so that the elitary needs may be fulfiled ( Read more... )

rant, fanfic, fandom, elves, article

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Comments 68

usagi92 March 4 2005, 15:17:09 UTC
*applauds ( ... )


erestor March 4 2005, 15:29:11 UTC
fully agree! I get equally annoyed with the "I hate orlando bloom, and that's why I don't like legolas anymore" crowd. good grief, don't these people have an imagination they can use? is it really that difficult to read "lord of the rings" and NOT think of orlando bloom? especially if one doesn't like it? meh. I think very often it's complaining for the complaining's sake, and to proof that one is "special".

well, I prefer to stay a peasant. :)


I hear that... morgulq March 5 2005, 00:04:29 UTC
...granted, I'm one of the "Yuk! Orlando Bloom!" people and I truly do not like Movie!Legolas (He comes off as a complete dumb-ass and all the things that I loved about him in the book were watered down or surgically removed) but they need to come to terms with the fact that the Book and the Movies are two very different canons.

Complaining for complainings sake can be fun, but you have to do it right. Bitching about big things (OMG! Haldir's at Helms-deep!) is no fun, it gets worn down very easily. The little things, however...(Gandalf's supposed to whistle 3 times for Shadowfax, not 2)...are extremely amusing. See what you can find! Get drunk while you do it!


Re: I hear that... erestor March 5 2005, 00:25:58 UTC
oh yes, nitpicking can be fun (wingend balrogs, mmmmmm!) but as soon as things are taken too serious, they are not fun anymore but boring. at least to me. I have the low attention span of a trout, anything that takes weeks to dissect makes my brain boggle.


ford_of_bruinen March 4 2005, 15:35:52 UTC
The only thing that happens when a pairing gets popular is that there are more fics written with that pairing. All fics are not to everyones taste but to brand a pairing as 'done' is something that often annoys me. I have had that too since I like Erestor and Glorfindel and *gasps* I am writing another done pairing too which is Maedhros and Fingon ( ... )


erestor March 4 2005, 16:57:57 UTC
There is always new life to find and different angles to write

exactly. the more stories written, the bigger the challenge to come up with something new. :) and personally I love to read how other people see a character. isn't fandom all about sharing and exchanging? and I fully agree, it's the writing that makes the story, not the pairing. :)

I feel it's unfair, especially towards young writers who maybe just started writing and picked erestor/glorfindel to play with, to declare the pairing as "out" or "overdone". it is disouraging - but certainly not to me. if any, it encourages me to write even MORE erestor/glorfindel, with a lot of mpreg, sap and, just to annoy the canon police, sex before marriage. the horror! ;)


ford_of_bruinen March 4 2005, 17:10:24 UTC
Heh fanfic wise I am still all new :p Less than a year but yes I agree, it is discouraging and was actually part of what DID make me write Erestor as a Balrog.. jsut as this latest spur of Erestor complaint made me play with mine and others preconceptions. We set our own limits but I think you need a certain amount of self confidence to realise that. If not then it is easy to get initimidated if people shout at you and stop writing and lets face it.. best way to grow as a writer isto write ( ... )


erestor March 4 2005, 17:19:26 UTC
and can I say that you are an enrichment for the fandom, my dear? may you write for many more years to come. :)

there are writers that are uncomfortable about posting different cahracterisations of dear Erestor because the common version of him is so established in fanfictionI know what you mean. there where quite some arched eyebrows when I published "shelter". het-erestor? abandoning his child? TEH HORROR ( ... )


jaiden_s March 4 2005, 15:50:35 UTC
You brought out several excellent points, my favorite being and the world outside of the fandom, my dear elitists, will not make a difference between you and me - to them, we are all a couple of geeks who need a life.

So often, fanfic writers forget that they are a teeny-tiny subset of a small fandom to begin with. Fanfiction, and especially slash fanfiction, really is a small universe. So you're an elitist reader or a much-lauded slash author? Big deal! It matters not to anyone outside of a few folks who muck around in this sandbox. Thanks for handing out a hot, steaming dish of reality! It was much needed.

I agree with Uli. Write what makes you happy and to hell with what fangrrrls say.


erestor March 4 2005, 17:00:27 UTC
I guess it comes down, once again, too "don't take yourselves so darn serious and important". all this yadda yadda about fanfic. ok, I yadda along, so I can't really complain. ;)

imagine a school-teacher who tells his/her colleagues "you know, it is really annoying how much erestor/glorfindel slash is out there these days, this is SO 2004, don't you agree?" ;-)


loll_3000 March 4 2005, 16:07:53 UTC
Are you kidding?? I could never give up to my Glorfindel and Erestor! They are like spaghetti and pizza. I just cannot live without them.
And shoud they win the Oscar of Populiarity, well, I'll make a toast!


erestor March 4 2005, 17:01:49 UTC
word! as if one could ever have too much spaghetti and pizza! especially if we consider how many different variations and tastes there are, in spaghetti and fanfic. ;)

ah... erestor alla carbonara...


tuxedo_elf March 4 2005, 23:25:51 UTC
Carbonara... is a *cream* sauce... oh my...


erestor March 5 2005, 00:31:32 UTC
heeh - evil elfie, you got my bad pun ;)


mirien March 4 2005, 16:51:13 UTC
I made a comment in someone else's lj recently that where you find Erestor these days, there too, on many occasions, is Glorfindel. And vice versa. Why is this? Because people LIKE them together. There is something innately appealing about them as a pairing which is why they are popular *says she, stating the blindingly obvious ( ... )


erestor March 4 2005, 17:13:14 UTC
The only thing that matters to me is that I love to write these elves, I don't give a tinker's damn whether they are popular or not.

and this is, at the end of the day, really the only thing that matters: that the author loves what s/he does. I have tried to write stories according to the wishes of readers out of fun. it was not easy, and it was not really the same fun as my "normal" stories.

I wrote elrond/glorfindel for the yuletide tales challenge. it ended with them in bed but not doing anything, because I just couldn't write this pairing.

elvish in fanfic... *sits on the lid of pandora's box*... what can I say? I agree. if people want to use elvish words once in a while, why not? who cares? whose business is it? and if an author writes half of the fic in elvish, then I admire the skill but will not read it, because, well, I don't understand elvish. ;-) which does not keep me away from calling eldanar "penneth" as often as I wish, ha!

how people can get in a huff about a made-up language is beyond me, anyway.


geek6 March 4 2005, 20:52:17 UTC
as i don't feel i'm at all involved in the fandom whatsoever.. and i really don't count the elfling fics as they don't get posted in the places where said fanatics lurk.. i really can't say much.. except that.. i write for ME.. mainly..

though i guess i do commit the awful sin of using both occassional quenya and sindarin words..but strangely enough.. the world has not yet ended..*snickers*

which does not keep me away from calling eldanar "penneth" as often as I wish,

and he loves it when you do..*grins*..


morgulq March 5 2005, 00:11:25 UTC
//Maedhros and Fingon being one, and *grins* Elu Thingol and Celeborn being the other. One is very popular, the other to my knowledge has never been done before.//

Marnie ( has done a few Elu/Celeborn fics and has several more archived on her site. She also has some very good Celeborn-centric stories on her page. JastaElf's Dark Leaf isone that, while not starring Celeborn, does let him take over at some points and has excellent characterisation.


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