friends-cut and a random assortment of flail

Jun 24, 2009 02:56

1. Minor friends-cut has been done! If you feel I have erred (either in cutting or NOT cutting you) and/or want to be added back, please message me now or forever hold your peace! (Comments are screened and, if necessary, will remain screened for discretion ( Read more... )

alice in wonderland, broadway, lj - girlie_girl_23, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, n2n, beth malone, meryl streep, flist-love, housespam, randomness, marvellous wonderettes, worker bees die faster, sleep patterns of fail

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Comments 25

timeofyoursong June 23 2009, 19:50:30 UTC
1. I always feel relieved when I survive these things, even when I know I won't be cut. XD

3b. I think my favorite is the u with the umlaut replacing every "o" in ALICE RIPLEY's dialogue.

3d. ETA: HOW DID I MISS THIS? LOLOLOL. Omg, David was my first Fiyero and I legit spent that entire show lollerskating over how hilariously bad he was. But then I love him in that Defying Gravity concert, so who knows. Facial hair fail, though.

3e. LOLOL I like that we both flailed over that. You know we are going to stalk that show to death for Wonderettes references. *sobs*

3f. OMG, go see it! It is such a cute show.

4. I APPROVE OF THIS FLAIL PROJECT. Imagine the hilarity insanity of those email addresses.


ellixian June 24 2009, 10:53:22 UTC
1. Should be working. Still am not. But omg, you KNOW you would actual have to get an exorcist (ahahaha, Notebook reference ftw) to get rid of me, right ( ... )


timeofyoursong June 24 2009, 17:28:08 UTC
1. I HOPE YOU ARE GOING HOME NOW. D: And lololol I heart you and your Notebook references. That legit made my day.

3b. It is sad that I know that off the top of my head. *sobs*

3d. Oh, Oliver Tompsett is one of the few Fiyeros that I actually just plain adore. His voice is amazing. I've had a terrible track record with Fiyeros - Kevin Kern is the best I've had. David just seemed kind of bored and his voice really didn't impress me, although he randomly had really wonderful chemistry with Lisa. Unlike the little understudy I got in Chicago - poor guy.

3e. I figured it'd at least have Billy Ray! WTF, fail. Sadly, still excited for the off chance that they might toss out a reference or two to the Wonderettes. And, oh Johnny, I was looking forward to more of your douchebaggery. Sadface.

3f. LOLOLOL that poor woman, whoever ends up being your Logainne. So now we have a BJ AND Logainne complex? Dammit, Beth ( ... )


ellixian June 26 2009, 07:41:34 UTC
Oof your icon makes me happy. I want to upload a Bee one I made too, but I'VE NO ROOM. And still no Misty icon, what is my fail?? D ( ... )


inafaugh June 23 2009, 20:09:58 UTC
1) Phew, made it. :-D
2) Oy, Work!Fail. Focus on your coming adventure. It's a means to an end, right?
3) Fandoms are fun a)60? Wow. Amahzing. b)It had some really funny moments, but seemed more bitter than the others they've done. But yes, Enter a graduate from the MARY LOUISE PARKER SCHOOL OF CRAZY EYES. Awesome. c)Egad. Whatever will she do? That will be some fan page. d)not me. Wah. (why does mom's 60th have to be in July?) They look spiffy in the pic. Love that Ms. White's appearance has been underwritten -- aka everyone's getting about scale, 'cept the diva. Not that there's anything wrong with that. e) Saw that and immediately thought of you. But will it EVER live up to its predecessor? f)proof again that the fates have a sense of humor.
4) Oh boy. Your flail!ventures are always fun to follow. *claps*
5) Because Flail>>>>>Fail.


ellixian June 24 2009, 11:05:13 UTC
1. LOL, of course you made it - you have a surprisingly high tolerance for my inexcusable amounts of flail, why WOULDN'T I keep you on? ;)

2. Urgh, it still means at least another 14 months of work though. Don't even know if that's SUSTAINABLE, oof.

3a. 60. And still looking better than I'll look ever. Sigh.

b. LOLOLOL I liked the bitterness, I thought it fit the show perfectly. Hilarity.

c. She can't get a new fan page though, because someone else already set that up - I LOL-ed when she became a fan of HERSELF. Oh Alice.

d. Me neither, oh well. :(

e. My flail is THAT noisy and impossible to avoid, huh? I've no idea it'll live up to Wonderettes - probably not, nothing could again, for me. But it sounds like I'll love the music, so still excited for it. :D

4. *weeps* OKAY. We'll see how soon the project can be unveiled.



spoopy June 23 2009, 20:45:21 UTC
Man, I can't believe Meryl Streep is 60. She so doesn't seem it. I love how gracefully she's aged, too.


ellixian June 26 2009, 07:56:10 UTC
Absolutely agreed. She's one of the classiest actresses I've ever known - and has stayed that way throughout her career. Not easy.

And oof, don't understand how she looks so good NOW. This was taken earlier this MONTH, sigh:

... )


shutterbug93 June 23 2009, 22:24:21 UTC
re: e. I was just talking with Roger & David about this show and it sounds GREAT!! I plan to try to see it over Labor Day weekend. Just found out too that someone whose work I love is in the cast. :)


ellixian June 26 2009, 08:04:21 UTC
Oh this sounds so exciting! :D I already love the songs that were mentioned in the press release, so I'm excited to hear what you think about the show when you do get to see it. I'm glad one of your favourite performers is in the show, that's always SUCH a bonus! XD


llyfrgell June 23 2009, 23:14:27 UTC
2. I'm sorry work is made of so much fail again. :-(

3.b. I don't know, the N2N wasn't as funny to me as some of the others. The Tony Awards one? BEST EVER. xD

d. Thank you for reminding me to buy tickets! Second row center for the closing performance. :-D

e. Hahaha, I want to see that spinoff! I kind of agree with the commenter who said "I saw that show and it was called Forever Plaid" - but I am certain that the book for this one will be far funnier and more clever. I hope Johnny's in it - and knows his girlfriend is gay. xD

4. Intrigued.


ellixian June 26 2009, 08:12:56 UTC
2. It pretty much always is - this is why I flail. :(

3b. I cracked up throughout the whole thing, I think I just love it for how rude it was. I've not seen the Tonys one, will have to go hunting.

d. Yay!

e. I want to see it too, but boo - the press release made it clear that these Crooning Crabcakes don't include Billy Ray, Richie OR Johnny. Do not like. Although I suppose it'd have been hard to put in main characters that (a) die (b) cheat on their wives (c) are douchebags. DAMN. ;)

4. I'm insane, I actually am.


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