friends-cut and a random assortment of flail

Jun 24, 2009 02:56

1. Minor friends-cut has been done! If you feel I have erred (either in cutting or NOT cutting you) and/or want to be added back, please message me now or forever hold your peace! (Comments are screened and, if necessary, will remain screened for discretion ( Read more... )

alice in wonderland, broadway, lj - girlie_girl_23, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, n2n, beth malone, meryl streep, flist-love, housespam, randomness, marvellous wonderettes, worker bees die faster, sleep patterns of fail

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ellixian June 26 2009, 07:41:34 UTC
Oof your icon makes me happy. I want to upload a Bee one I made too, but I'VE NO ROOM. And still no Misty icon, what is my fail?? D:

3b. Sad, cute, one or the other. XD

3d. OMG A FELLOW OLLI LOVER!!!!!!! I saw him twice - and didn't come away with a really strong impression the first time because that was my first experience of Wicked ever and I was too busy fangirling over the show in GENERAL i.e., going down the Idina/Cheno/Julia route. :P But when I went back for Kerry's last show in London pre-Broadway? OMIGOD. OLLIVER TOMPSETT YOU ARE MY FIYERO FOREVERMORE. Seriously, he did these impossible riffs in ALAYM that made my heart explode. Tell me you've got an audio of that performance?

And Kevin was pretty good! I definitely liked him better than poor lacklustre David (again, not his fault since he could have tapdanced naked and I'd have been YOU'RE NOT TOMPSETT, EFF OFF).

3e. I am upset that the new show doesn't more closely align with the Wonderettes timeline!! :( I guess Roger Bean couldn't include as a star a character who DIES in the show... that would be too tragic for his jukebox musical happy? Boo.

3f. My Logainne is Beth Malone, fyi. Even though I will never see her. This poor woman coming through Singapore... SIGH. She never had a chance. ;)



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