friends-cut and a random assortment of flail

Jun 24, 2009 02:56

1. Minor friends-cut has been done! If you feel I have erred (either in cutting or NOT cutting you) and/or want to be added back, please message me now or forever hold your peace! (Comments are screened and, if necessary, will remain screened for discretion!)

2. WORK IS MADE OF FAIL. Seriously now. I should not be awake at 3.07am, but I am. And I have to be back at work in far too few hours, rewriting an entire paper again. After I left at about 1am. D: D: HORRORS.

3. GOOD THING MY FANDOMS MAKE UP FOR THE LOUSY. OMG seriously there has been SOOO much random lollerskating/random flailworthiness involved in my fandoms over the last couple of days:

a. It was just Meryl's 60th birthday on June 22! :) I missed it, because I suck big time, but girlie_girl_23 didn't and her lovely tribute is here.

b. Next To Normal: The Abridged Script <-- omg I howled laughing at this, especially the way ALICE RIPLEY always and only refers to herself in the third person as ALICE RIPLEY, and Bobby, poor guy. *weeps*

c. Random thought: Alice is actual going to be bereft when her FB account reaches its maximum number of users, isn't she...!? And that's coming up soon, she just needs, like, 2,000 more people...

d. Official site for Julia's upcoming show - the Cy Coleman revue. She is looking classy. David's goatee, on the other hand, amuses me far more than it really should. So who's going to see this, other than Not Me?

e. OMG the Wonderettes universe is going to expand! - I swear I flailed when I got that google alert: now we get the story from the point of view of the Crooning Crabcakes! I'm hoping it includes - other than Billy Ray - Johnny and Richie as well, so there'll be shout-outs to my Wonderettes. ♥

f. And as a perfect example of how my life is full of random lollerskaty flail, guess what show's coming to Singapore in August? CLEARLY I would rather be watching Beth in this show in Aspen (OH GOD I WANT TO GO SO BADLY), but I guess I can make do with a local production of Spelling Bee. SO RANDOM A COINCIDENCE, AMIRITE?? It's the last show I thought would get a run here, just because it's not well-known at all (usually we get Phantom or Les Miz or some such well-worn chestnut of a show, ad nauseum).

g. Also, I got this comment on one of my random House!flail posts and was ridiculously amused. I can't decide if poster was being sarcastic, LOL.

4. Also, I think I am legit insane. Today I decided to embark on a flail project of complete insanity. OMG. Details... at some later point. XD BUT THE PROSPECT OF IT EXCITES ME.

5. How is it that I am wide awake NOW, when I am flailing, but will be half-dead when I'm at work, trying to work? Urgh. I PROMISE TO CATCH UP ON COMMENTS SOMETIME IN THIS MILLENNIUM.

alice in wonderland, broadway, lj - girlie_girl_23, julia murney, lollerskating brb!!, n2n, beth malone, meryl streep, flist-love, housespam, randomness, marvellous wonderettes, worker bees die faster, sleep patterns of fail

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