falling slowly / sing your melody / I'll sing along"

Feb 10, 2009 03:07

1. HERE'S A NEWS FLASH: MY JOB = FULL OF SUCK. Well, okay, that's not a news flash, it's a friggin' sad fact of my life. But I'm pretty certain I'm never going to get to go home at a normal time again - not for the next week... make that month (year? decade?), anyway. I am very much not looking forward to having even less of a life than I already ( Read more... )

lj - meepette, rl ftl, lj - chenogasm, nyc, iconage, lj - irnbruise, julia murney, beth malone, lj - llyfrgell, meryl streep, marvellous wonderettes, worker bees die faster, emil chau

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Comments 51

pdt_bear February 9 2009, 19:50:59 UTC
Vacations in NYC are ... not yet on the scale of Meryl!Awesome-ness, but they could touch the very, very tip of her dress yes... ;)


ellixian February 9 2009, 19:52:12 UTC
LOL, Meryl's awesome is on a whole other scale of amazing; I can't even compare it to, you know, stuff I do. ;) But I think my recent NYC trip MIGHT come close to comparing. MAYBE.


pdt_bear February 9 2009, 19:59:12 UTC
I think I might hope that she does another play in NYC (another In the Park/Delacorte production?) Or another stage play altogether. I'm so sorry that I'd missed Mother Courage by a week. :/


ellixian February 9 2009, 20:00:48 UTC
That was a ridiculous show to get tickets for, though. Right? I mean - it was free or something insane like that. If (when) Meryl goes back to the stage, there is no question about it, I will be back in NYC in a HEARTBEAT. Well, in 24 hours' worth of heartbeat, anyway, however long it takes me to travel there! :P


leagirl February 9 2009, 19:55:30 UTC
Yeahhhh you should come back. Like in April or something. Or May. YES May.


ellixian February 9 2009, 19:56:37 UTC
Omigod, I am TEMPTED. Very tempted. 9 To 5 being ONE reason. Let's see how crazy my job makes me over the next two months. Probably crazy enough to really contemplate it.


llyfrgell February 9 2009, 19:55:49 UTC
2. OMG, 30 DAYS? Why have you not planned a trip already?? That's like TWO trips' worth! I'm sure you will be fully supplied with bagels upon your potential return. xD

3. ICON. I ♥ it!

5. Oh, I didn't see the interview. Darn you for posting this right when my class started. Will have to watch (and ponder the apparent lack of hairbrushes in Oklahoma) later.

7. Rats, I love that song, as well as Two of Us - but again with the being in class. Timing. :-(


ellixian February 9 2009, 19:58:55 UTC
2. LOL, that's the same thing Leslie said to me! 30 days indeed, but it's accumulated from, you know, never having gone anywhere for my whole first year of work. Fail. I'm excited for bagels and NYC.... whenever that next happens. *weeps*

3. Thanks to you guys! XD

5. Definitely plz to be watching the interview and lamenting the lack of a good hairbrush in Julia's vicinity. She's still cute though. Talks about Wicked because, you know, she has to. But fun.

7. Oooh, definitely watch when class is over! Finally songs that Emil is singing that you can UNDERSTAND, LOL. ;)



llyfrgell February 9 2009, 22:09:57 UTC
2. But it is NOT fail that you didn't go anywhere for your first year, because it means you can NOW! Come back in May for 9 to 5 and Blithe Spirit and Guys & Dolls and Hair and more Wonderettes and...LOTS! And bagels! And LOX! (Okay, I amused myself with the rhyme. Leave me alone.)

5. LOL, Julia looks kind of stiff and awkward in that interview. Also why are her pants/leggings/whatever so shiny? Yikes. And how jealous am I of those OU students now? Man.

7. Yay songs! Falling Slowly sounds freakishly like the original version. I like their Two of Us best, I think - more fun and creative. And brave kid, to post videos of herself singing next to her famous dad.


ellixian February 11 2009, 17:38:30 UTC
2. Let's not remind me of that awful weekend trip to Malaysia I DID take in my first year that made me swear off any such nature-related trips in future. ;) I don't know WHAT this says about me but I am super SUPER tempted to make another trip later this year. I'm not sure if I can swing May, though that would be GREAT. What's the weather like then? I APPRECIATE THE RHYME. AND AM JEALOUS THAT YOU ARE SEEING WONDERETTES AGAIN SOON. *cries ( ... )


timeofyoursong February 9 2009, 20:03:20 UTC
2. DO ITTTT. (But really, only 30 days? And how long have you been their slave, again?)

3. Cast change FTfuckingL. Although I have reached the point of manic laughter at my lack of luck.

5. Ouch. Normally I am distracted by whatever woeful thing she's pulled out of her closet, but that hair? :\


ellixian February 9 2009, 20:05:30 UTC
2. Wait, only 30 days?! I thought that was pretty good, especially since I've already taken ten this year for my trip in January! DUDE, IT'S INSANE. You guys are all terrible for me. *weeps*

3. I FUCKING AGREE. I had hoped the full cast would stay for a few months yet so that I'd have a chance of seeing them all. Instead, EPIC FAIL. I'm so so sorry you're missing Farah though. EXTRA sorry since I know how much you love her. :)

5. LMAO, THE HAIR THE HAIR. The outfit actually is not too bad this time. Or maybe I was too distracted by THE HAIR.


momentsofbeing4 February 9 2009, 20:11:26 UTC
1. I know this isn't helpful but i'm actually really glad to hear about someone else's work woes right now because i'm SO sick of my own. Work fails so much.

4. Totally agree with you - fandom provides a wonderful distraction from the mundane that is work :)

6. I cannot believe she's wearing clothes that are even older than I am and still manages to look THAT fantastic. All credit to her for going ahead with the recycling idea though.


ellixian February 9 2009, 20:13:53 UTC
1. Urgh, I am SORRY that your work fails too. We can commiserate over how sucky our work lives are, boo. :(

4. ♥ Honestly, it's all that keeps me sane at times like these.

6. Dude. I totes did not think of it that way. You are right, that dress is OLDER THAN ME, WTF. Just look at her in the dress, how amazing does she look, argh?!

... )


momentsofbeing4 February 10 2009, 08:18:57 UTC
1. You definitely have my sympathy ;)

6. Love that dress, love that pic, it's inspired me to picspam WAY too much. All the papers over here said she looked terrible when they were reviewing the fashion from that night. I thought she looked amazing. Even from an unbiassed view I can't see what they found so wrong?! One of them even said she looked as though she was still in costume for her role in Doubt. WTH?


ellixian February 11 2009, 17:40:13 UTC
6. They said she looked terrible?! WERE THEY BLIND? DO I HAVE TO CUT A BITCH?! WTF. She looked fabulous. And when you put a picture of her from 1979 and one from the BAFTAS side by side, she doesn't look like she's aged much at all. SO. BEAUTIFUL. And it's such a lovely, classic black dress. Those people are just bitter that she looks amazing even 30 years on. :P


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