falling slowly / sing your melody / I'll sing along"

Feb 10, 2009 03:07

1. HERE'S A NEWS FLASH: MY JOB = FULL OF SUCK. Well, okay, that's not a news flash, it's a friggin' sad fact of my life. But I'm pretty certain I'm never going to get to go home at a normal time again - not for the next week... make that month (year? decade?), anyway. I am very much not looking forward to having even less of a life than I already ( Read more... )

lj - meepette, rl ftl, lj - chenogasm, nyc, iconage, lj - irnbruise, julia murney, beth malone, lj - llyfrgell, meryl streep, marvellous wonderettes, worker bees die faster, emil chau

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Comments 51

irnbruise February 9 2009, 20:52:07 UTC
Wow, I already LOVE that song, and this version is gorgeous. :) Total collision there.

I was totally set on eating Korean fried chicken today, but I may just go get this instead:

... )


llyfrgell February 9 2009, 21:46:57 UTC
LOL, you are NOT nice. I approve. :-P

Also, Shawne, I feel that you would like to know that Evil Cat is currently sitting on my lap and purring. O_o World must be ending soon - you better make it back to NYC fast.


ellixian February 11 2009, 17:47:49 UTC
That's a surefire sign if ever I saw one. I'll just go book my tickets right away. ;)

IF ONLY I COULD. Man, that would be awesome.


ellixian February 11 2009, 17:47:09 UTC
SQUEE. I'm glad you like that version. Am SO used to his diction that I never think anything's wrong with it anymore, so it's good to know you guys could understand him. *weeps*


Stop making me want to come back to NYC so soon. I ONLY JUST LEFT, WTF.

Hee, I wonder if you're the only one who clicked and discovered Jabba. Honestly that's what I'll look like in 30 years, am sure of it.


phineas_gatsby February 9 2009, 20:53:47 UTC
That is so awesome about Meryl Streep. 'Cause seriously...how many gorgeous dresses must she have that have been worn one time each?

(although she could also donate them. that would be equally awesome, i think)


ellixian February 11 2009, 17:49:30 UTC
I don't even know how anyone can be that awesome, but there we go. I read another interview in which she said she would never waste money on another dress for awards shows. Talk about being down-to-earth. She donated all her clothes from Devil Wears Prada to a charity auction, if I'm not mistaken. THOSE would have fetched a pretty penny!


in48frames February 9 2009, 20:56:00 UTC
Okay, number one, Julia KNOWS HER SOAPS. She got all excited at the thought of him kissing Erica Kane. MY GOD.

Number two... shurtainly. Ily Julia.

It looks like she had just taken her wig off and let down her hair? Like, maybe she brushed it but it was all kinked from being tucked away? I'm going with that theory. xD

Now to run off and watch the video, since I love that song. How cute that they sing together.


ellixian February 11 2009, 17:54:05 UTC
LOL I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT LITTLE FACT. But I totally lol-ed when she dorked out about Erica Kane. She is too many kinds of hilarious. XD

How does one not do a last quick check in the mirror before going on air? I guess maybe Julia... either that or she DID check and thought she looked fine. In which case, she's awfully used to going around with hat hair. *weeps*

Oh I hope you liked the video. It's one of the prettiest songs ever. And harmonisation! ♥


tamoshan February 9 2009, 21:25:27 UTC
5. forget the hair..we need to discuss her pants/tights/whatever -g-


ellixian February 11 2009, 17:55:21 UTC
5. LOL THEY'RE SHINY. The hair and the tights - oh Julia. I enjoy your faily fashion sense. Very much.


tamoshan February 11 2009, 19:39:10 UTC
5. i wanted her to stand up so i could tell what the heck they were, but alas

she wouldn't be julia if she didn't do these things and that would be sad ;)


pinkykay February 9 2009, 23:41:44 UTC
# 5 RE: the hair....maybe it's the winds on the plains of Oklahoma ha ha! And the shiny leggings...very 80's!

PS...do you know how to save those 2 clips on the computer?


ireadtolive February 10 2009, 02:04:14 UTC
5. Maybe she's trying to channel a rocker-chick? Definitely Pat Benatar leggings/pants/whatever. Seriously. Google images, Pat Benatar, no kidding.

And if she's gonna volume up the hair, she needs to be careful of her head shape. ILY, Julia, really, but this was a don't. Haha.


ellixian February 11 2009, 17:59:49 UTC
5. Rocker chicks with bad hair then, ha. Agreed on the Pat Benatar leggings. Oh Julia, why so awesome.


ellixian February 11 2009, 17:59:09 UTC
5. I should have made that joke. *weeps* At least the top is kind of nice? Though she keeps adjusting it...

Someone posted the downloadable clips on the julia_murney community! XD


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