falling slowly / sing your melody / I'll sing along"

Feb 10, 2009 03:07

1. HERE'S A NEWS FLASH: MY JOB = FULL OF SUCK. Well, okay, that's not a news flash, it's a friggin' sad fact of my life. But I'm pretty certain I'm never going to get to go home at a normal time again - not for the next week... make that month (year? decade?), anyway. I am very much not looking forward to having even less of a life than I already do. And yet that is what shall happen. Fuckity. I whipped out a four-page paper in a few hours (again earning my stupid boss' five-figure salary for her) and went home at 11.30pm and STILL I'm not done with the work I have to do.

2. Is it any wonder that I actually looked up my vacation quota for the rest of the year? *weeps* Turns out I have 30 days, if I use my FULL quota, accumulated over years of service. How tempted am I to go back to NYC, like, yesterday? Also, I am having a minor Twitter war with chenogasm and llyfrgell right now, and I want a New York bagel with cream cheese and irnbruise has offered to buy me one if I go back! SURELY THE BEST REASON TO GO BACK TO NEW YORK EVER, Y/Y?!

3. Also, I super hardcore want to go back because llyfrgell watched The Marvellous Wonderettes on Sunday and I flailed about it with her and am now missing the show MORE THAN EVER. I want to see it again SO badly, especially with the original cast, and I'm bummed that Farah is leaving in early March. SAD. :( BTW, new icon inspired by Meredith and meepette - wtf, guys, I really did NOT make the pink & green connection until you pointed it out to me! How perfect is that, though. XD

4. I guess the one good thing about being made almost entirely of flail is that, no matter how depressing my work life can get (and trust me, it's heading in that direction as of today), my fandoms can and always WILL sustain me. SO MUCH AWESOME TODAY.

5. Julia's new hairstyle - or lack thereof - is worrying to me. She needs a hairbrush. Hair aside, however, she looks great in this interview for her Oklahoma production of Tommy. She talks about having been on SATC! XD And then she sings a bit from Tommy here. Again, I feel the need to reintroduce her to the concept of a hairbrush. But I think she is going to be FIERCE as Mrs Walker, who's with me?

6. Here is Reason #5,385 why Meryl Streep is better than you. You know, aside from the 15 Oscar nominations, her sass and her general awesome? She recently said in an interview that she needs to start recycling the expensive dresses she only wears to award shows - and she's gone and done just that: recycling a dress at the BAFTAs yesterday that she first wore thirty years ago, in 1979. WTH, SERIOUSLY. Way to make the rest of us feel like slovenly failures at life, Meryl. Unlike you, I'm going to look like this in thirty years, I know it.

7. The FLAILIEST thing I discovered today, however?? It's Emil-related, of course! I don't think it's FAIR, but his kids have inherited his musical ability - certainly his daughter Anya has a gorgeous voice (and is also gorgeous, which is good for her since, you know, her dad, bless his heart, really isn't). So I happened upon her Youtube channel, and she uploads videos of her singing duets with her dad while he plays the guitar. CUE MY BRAIN EXPLODING. Oh my god, seriously - they harmonise like crazy, and it's KICKASS, and they sound amazing AMAZING together. OMG OMG OMG OBSESSED. Plus they cover awesome English songs, like Two Of Us by the Beatles, and my personal favourite:

Falling Slowly - from Once the movie

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8. Right, it's 3.45am. And it's not like I won't have a shit-ton of work to do tomorrow. I'm an idiot. Bedtime.

lj - meepette, rl ftl, lj - chenogasm, nyc, iconage, lj - irnbruise, julia murney, beth malone, lj - llyfrgell, meryl streep, marvellous wonderettes, worker bees die faster, emil chau

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