gotta believe it's getting better... (yeah right)

Feb 12, 2009 03:17

1. I wasn't going to post today but ah, whatever. You can't keep me away for long. Again, I am mildly horrified at my retarded ability to just... bounce back from soul-crushing amounts of work. Honestly I was just about snapped in two yesterday; rewriting an entire draft because, IDK, my subordinates just weren't THINKING hard enough or something, and my brain wasn't working even though I tried to focus and ARGH. I left work at 2230H and met noldoparma for a bitch-session/supper, and went STRAIGHT HOME TO BED. I couldn't even flist or anything I was so tired. Then today I got up early and WORKED and turned in my five-page draft at about noon - up to that point, I was wrapped in about twenty thunderclouds worth of unhappy and grumpy. But once I got it out (and my boss hardly had to work on it beyond a few amended lines here and there), my mood steadily improved.

2. Then I snuck out early - by which I mean, sadly, at 7.45pm - and went book-shopping, which made me a LOT happier. Not that I bought books, since I'm not allowed unless there's a sale. But J and I DID go for epic epic Japanese dinner. Omigod, they're having some kind of special Hokkaido promotion in Sushi Tei, so crabs and scallops are on their promotional menu. We both had deep-fried salmon skin and seared scallops with mushrooms to start, and then each had a bowl of Japanese rice (dusted with sesame seeds) layered over with salmon sashimi, scallops, and snow crabs. ♥ With black sesame ice cream to finish! God. One of the best meals I've had in EVER.

3. OH. We also went to HMV, because clearly paying for a trip to Taiwan - which I've neglected to do but will get around to doing tomorrow, J - isn't enough retail therapy for me. I picked up the Boss' new album, because hai I love Bruce. I'm pretty sure I will not be listening to anyone but Emil for a few days yet, but after that, jukebox_grad, I'm switching to Bruce, I promise. In the meantime, I also bought an old Emil album I seem to have lost and then... came home and made a mix CD of EPIC AWESOME containing my favourites of the songs HE wrote, and not the ones written by other people which became massive hits for him. ♥

4. FINALLY: OMIGOD VIDEO. I love how no one even bothers to stop people from filming in concerts in Singapore. No point in doing so, after a while, since every idiot has their camera out all the time anyway. Thank goodness for that, because video has turned up of Emil's closing song at our concert on Saturday - as I flailed here, he sang Radiant (璀璨), an utterly beautiful, heartbreaking ballad he wrote maybe 16 years ago now, about the sadness and loneliness and desolation that comes over him when the curtain falls and he leaves the stage. And he PROMISED not to cry, but when he segues into You All (你們) at 2:08? God almighty, he starts crying, and can't sing, and then everyone sings FOR HIM and he chokes up even more. Yeah, I was crying too. Fucking EPIC this was. EPIC.

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5. I have a zit on my cheek. A BIG ONE. I disapprove. :( I get one every six months or so, something like that, and it's ANNOYING, urgh. I guess I should be glad they don't pop up more often. Still, I'd rather they didn't pop up at all. :P

6. OKAY DONE BEING FRIVOLOUS. Bed so I can work tomorrow. Yuck.

lj - jukebox_grad, lj - noldoparma, cpop, worker bees die faster, emil chau, om nom nom nom, music

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