Here and Now - A Friendzy

Jul 27, 2021 12:45

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regisjr July 27 2021, 22:34:43 UTC
The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)
Name: Regis Jr
Age: 42
Location: Outcrop, Pennsylvania, USA

Currently, what are you...
... Reading? No Books right now.
... Watching? Schitt's Creek and Columbo
... Listening to? Last song was E O Eleven by Sammy Davis Jr. I just watched the original Ocean's Eleven recently.
... Playing? Detroit: Become Human and Cuphead
... Working on (job-wise and/or leisure-wise)? perfecting my LJ icon skills.
... Looking forward to? Halloween
... Worried/concerned/annoyed about? I am Bipolar so I have a LONG list.

What were your last three LJ entries about and when did you post them?
Picture of flowers with why I left church early - Sunday
Picture of my nephew in Black and White and a video on Richard Hunt and his involvement as a gay man with the Muppets - Monday
The Preview to Ghostbusters Afterlife - Today

Anything else? I am gay, BTW and do talk about that.

... )


liminal_space July 28 2021, 17:19:18 UTC
#1 - Eww, David. (Schitt's Creek is one of my favorite things in the world; what really solidified things was when I listened to an interview with Daniel Levy and he spoke about how he wrote the world of Schitt's Creek where two men running a shop together and being in love was nothing of note - it was just "normal". I'd like to live in that world.)

#2 - Columbo! My favorite episode is the one with Johnny Cash. =D

I'd love to add you! (And I did...) :)


regisjr July 28 2021, 18:47:40 UTC
It's good to have another friend that remembers Columbo. Added back.


fbhjr July 27 2021, 23:11:48 UTC
The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)
Name: Frank
Age: 57
Location: An hour west of Boston

Currently, what are you...
... Reading? I’ve been reading the Elizabeth Cage book as the next one comes out next week…
... Watching? My wife likes White Collar and Brokenwood Mysteries and I often also watch, but can’t really say I’m dedicated to them. I had been watching the New Miss Fisher Mysteries, but the season just ended.
... Listening to? I listened to a lot of Vivaldi this week, but listen to a lot of different things…
... Playing? Not much. My wife’s trying to get my to play WOW more, but I’m pretty bored with the new expansion.
... Working on (job-wise and/or leisure-wise)? I design robot freezers, and am working on a new one now.
... Looking forward to? The vacation my wife and I have planned a bit from now
... Worried/concerned/annoyed about? The vacation my wife and I have planned a bit from now

What were your last three LJ entries about and when did you post them? Mostly what’s going on in my life

Anything else? My wife ( ... )


divinedrabbles July 28 2021, 10:19:00 UTC
I have never been a fan of World of Warcraft myself. I find it repetitious.


fbhjr July 28 2021, 10:56:35 UTC
There was a time I didn’t feel that way. But, now it just seems to be doing the same thing over and over just with a different background.


divinedrabbles July 28 2021, 11:03:53 UTC
Would you mind if I added you?


ghost_light July 27 2021, 23:22:52 UTC
I love this friending meme, well done!


ellinou July 28 2021, 14:12:39 UTC
Thank you!


withlovebethany July 27 2021, 23:30:37 UTC
The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)
Name: Bethany
Age: 35
Location: California

Currently, what are you...
... Reading? Talking as Fast as I Can by Lauren Graham (recently on a Gilmore Girls rewatching kick so I decided to read the book she wrote, might listen to Scott Pattersons podcast soon, as well)
... Watching? In between Ghost Whisperer and Heartland... depends on my mood really
... Listening to? Kelsea Ballerini station on Pandora, my mood does a lot of back and forth in this area though
... Playing? What is this "playing" you speak of??? LOL. But no really, not a lot of extra time for that at the moment.
... Working on (job-wise and/or leisure-wise)? I am currently working on getting my home life and financial life organized and in a stable routine. Also trying to work on my mental and physical health, part of which was starting a new journal on here.
... Looking forward to? Possibly going to the beach soon, eventually being able to go see my best friend and her new baby
... Worried/concerned/annoyed about? annoyed that I ( ... )


panda July 28 2021, 07:11:08 UTC
I would love to be friends, and you have animals in your life so that's awesome. May I add you?


withlovebethany July 28 2021, 13:27:37 UTC

You may! It’s public for now, so no worries on that front. I’ll be posting starting Sunday 😊


panda July 28 2021, 15:37:02 UTC
Awesome, just did! :-)


ex_oneill112 July 27 2021, 23:56:38 UTC
The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)
Name: Amber
Age: In my 30's
Location: Southern California, USA (unfortunately)

Currently, what are you...
... Reading? On Basilisk Station & The Mortal Instruments. Plus anything Horror or Scifi. I also love fanfiction, especially when I don't have new books to read.
... Watching? AGT, Stargate (I'm new to the fandom almost done with SG-1, finished Atlantis already), Lucifer, MacGyver (just got into the old one), Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Discovery.
... Listening to? Country, Pentatonix, Kid Rock and a lot more.
... Playing? The Sims 3.
... Working on (job-wise and/or leisure-wise)? Never been allowed to work. I do charity work through my Star Trek club though.
... Looking forward to? My Universal Studio Hollywood trips, I haven't been since I was a kid. Looking forward to Horror Nights. Also any trips my club takes.
... Worried/concerned/annoyed about? Worried about money for club events, concerned about club events with covid, annoyed with some family members who I am stuck living with.

... )


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