Here and Now - A Friendzy

Jul 27, 2021 12:45

I don't know about you, but lately I've been bored by the redundancy of LJ friending memes. It feels like I'm always being asked the same thing - favourite books/movies/games/fandoms, things I post about, things I look for in friends... This is all well and good, I don't have anything against those questions - I've found so many good LJ-friends through them, why would I? - but I find myself hoping to be asked something new at every friendzy I participate in.

And then I thought, why not organize one myself?

So here I am, with an attempt at an original friending meme! Share, comment, find friends, you know the drill!

The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)

Currently, what are you...
... Reading?
... Watching?
... Listening to?
... Playing?
... Working on (job-wise and/or leisure-wise)?
... Looking forward to?
... Worried/concerned/annoyed about?

What were your last three LJ entries about and when did you post them?

Anything else?

*If your comment gets marked as spam, don't panic! I still get the notification that you posted and I'll go unspam it as soon as I can ;)

The more, the merrier:">">

Follow me to a different kind of friending meme, where you won't be asked about your favourite anything! (But you'll still find friends, hopefully!)

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