Here and Now - A Friendzy

Jul 27, 2021 12:45

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Comments 490

ellinou July 27 2021, 19:38:25 UTC
The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)
Name: Elise
Age: 32
Location: Montreal, Canada

Currently, what are you...
... Reading? My main read is Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr (I got a review copy from NetGalley), which I'm very much enjoying so far. I'm also reading the first Harry Potter in Italian at the rate of two chapters a week (I have reasons), and on Sunday evenings I read an episode or two of the comic W.I.T.C.H., which I loved as a teen but never read completely, so now that I've found them all scanned online I'm working through the whole series.
... Watching? Last month I watched the Friends reunion, and since there's nothing interesting on TV at the moment, well I gave into the urge to rewatch all 10 seasons for the gazillionth time. I'm on season 5 right now.
... Listening to? Life Burns! by Apocalyptica. I swear I didn't time this so I would get one of my favourite bands for this questions, my Spotify is on shuffle and I have 3K songs saved!
... Playing? The Sims (4) is pretty much the only game I play. I'm more of a ( ... )


lil_1337 July 28 2021, 06:11:11 UTC
What a gorgeous kitty!


ellinou July 28 2021, 14:03:31 UTC
Shh, don't say that too loud, it'll go to her head!

(I agree though!)


panda July 28 2021, 07:07:07 UTC
I would love to be friends. Mind if I add you?


dadi July 27 2021, 20:03:54 UTC
Great idea!


manue7a July 27 2021, 20:13:10 UTC
The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)
Name: Manuela
Age: soon 42
Location: Germany

Currently, what are you...
... Reading? While I don't get the chance to read at the moment, I listen to audiobooks in bed. Right now it's something from Maeve Binchy and I wonder why I thought her books are cozy..
... Watching? Technically Carnival Row in Amazon Prime, but it's been ages since I saw the first episode.
... Listening to? Volbeat in my car.
... Playing? All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy...
... Working on (job-wise and/or leisure-wise)? Getting my work-life balance back on track. I mean, it's never been on track, but right now it's down the drain.
... Looking forward to? Mid of August when the worst will be over.
... Worried/concerned/annoyed about? Some health issues.

What were your last three LJ entries about and when did you post them?Today I posted four weeks worth of daily questions I missed ( ... )


liminal_space July 27 2021, 21:29:54 UTC
people who work at animal shelters are beautiful, wonderful, special treasures. <3


manue7a July 29 2021, 10:59:23 UTC
aw, thank you, what a kind thing to say.


panda July 28 2021, 07:08:31 UTC
I would love to be friends, especially with someone that is involved with animals like you are! May I add you?


yamamanama July 27 2021, 20:57:45 UTC
The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)
Name: Yamamanama
Age: 37
Location: Massachusetts

Currently, what are you...
... Reading? Sheri Tepper - Singer From The Sea
... Watching? Nothing
... Listening to? Akira Yamaoka
... Playing? Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
... Working on (job-wise and/or leisure-wise)?
... Looking forward to? The end of the pandemic. Concerts. Museums. Getting back to my volunteering at the wildlife rehabber. Making more art.
... Worried/concerned/annoyed about? It's taking too long to end and there are variants. And the changes in the world aren't good ones.

What were your last three LJ entries about and when did you post them? The annual music I've been listening to post on July 6, a post about a Famicom game based on the 1988 US Election (!?!) on January 5, and a post about an early NES Metroidvania that didn't get released in the US because Nintendo on January 4th.

Anything else? I'll get back to semi-regular posting soon.


divinedrabbles July 28 2021, 10:21:37 UTC
Final Fantasy is the ultimate game. I commend you.


verdande_mi July 27 2021, 21:07:29 UTC

The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)
Name: Lily
Age: Late 30s
Location: Norway

Currently, what are you...
... Reading? Alberte og Friheten, second book in the Alberte trilogy by Cora Sandel, a trilogy I can recommend, but I don’t know how well they are translated. I am also reading a very interesting book about romantic friendships between people of the same gender, common in the 1800's.
... Watching? Just started Finding Alice yesterday and it is just the right amount of humour and sadness I needed at the moment. I plan on getting back into Schitt’s Creek and I have been thinking of watching more of Mr. Robot, which I stopped because it is quite too dark for my liking, but it is also excellent. The series I most recently finished was The Blacklist.
... Listening to? An audiobook, The time machine by HG Well (I like it a lot) and some different podcasts in Norwegian, mostly about history, sexuality, health and social issues, social and natural science.
... Playing? Board-games now and again.
... Working on (job-wise and/or ( ... )


daphnep July 28 2021, 07:41:46 UTC

I suspect I would really appreciate your content, and am adding you.


verdande_mi July 28 2021, 09:59:26 UTC
Hello :) I am adding you!


divinedrabbles July 28 2021, 10:21:05 UTC
Finding Alice! I have that on my bookshelf at the moment and haven't gotten around to it! I'm glad to hear good things about it.

I read the Time Machine a few years back and I must admit, I wish I'd done the audiobook, because reading it felt so dull. I also read The War of the World's when I was younger and found that much better.

We worry about similar things.


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