Here and Now - A Friendzy

Jul 27, 2021 12:45

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manue7a July 27 2021, 20:13:10 UTC
The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)
Name: Manuela
Age: soon 42
Location: Germany

Currently, what are you...
... Reading? While I don't get the chance to read at the moment, I listen to audiobooks in bed. Right now it's something from Maeve Binchy and I wonder why I thought her books are cozy..
... Watching? Technically Carnival Row in Amazon Prime, but it's been ages since I saw the first episode.
... Listening to? Volbeat in my car.
... Playing? All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy...
... Working on (job-wise and/or leisure-wise)? Getting my work-life balance back on track. I mean, it's never been on track, but right now it's down the drain.
... Looking forward to? Mid of August when the worst will be over.
... Worried/concerned/annoyed about? Some health issues.

What were your last three LJ entries about and when did you post them?Today I posted four weeks worth of daily questions I missed ( ... )


liminal_space July 27 2021, 21:29:54 UTC
people who work at animal shelters are beautiful, wonderful, special treasures. <3


manue7a July 29 2021, 10:59:23 UTC
aw, thank you, what a kind thing to say.


panda July 28 2021, 07:08:31 UTC
I would love to be friends, especially with someone that is involved with animals like you are! May I add you?


manue7a July 29 2021, 10:59:46 UTC
But of course, adding you right back! :)


panda July 29 2021, 11:44:08 UTC


divinedrabbles July 28 2021, 10:23:10 UTC
I tried watching Carnival Row after it got so many good reviews. I think I got to episode 3 and kept falling asleep every time I went back to it. I so want to be able to watch it though.

You work in an animal shelter? Oh my god, this sounds like the dream. Although I'd end up taking everyone home.


manue7a July 29 2021, 11:01:57 UTC
I have to admit there's not much that makes me want to see the next episode, obviously. Perhaps when I get in the mood for the darkish fantasy atmosphere..

I see the animals at the shelter more than my own, so it wouldn't make sense to take everyone home :D


divinedrabbles July 29 2021, 17:27:49 UTC
You do it for all the best reasons though. <3

Would you like to be friends?


manue7a July 30 2021, 11:30:01 UTC
I'd love to :)
Added you just now.


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