Here and Now - A Friendzy

Jul 27, 2021 12:45

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ellinou July 27 2021, 19:38:25 UTC
The Basics (Can't Really Change Them)
Name: Elise
Age: 32
Location: Montreal, Canada

Currently, what are you...
... Reading? My main read is Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr (I got a review copy from NetGalley), which I'm very much enjoying so far. I'm also reading the first Harry Potter in Italian at the rate of two chapters a week (I have reasons), and on Sunday evenings I read an episode or two of the comic W.I.T.C.H., which I loved as a teen but never read completely, so now that I've found them all scanned online I'm working through the whole series.
... Watching? Last month I watched the Friends reunion, and since there's nothing interesting on TV at the moment, well I gave into the urge to rewatch all 10 seasons for the gazillionth time. I'm on season 5 right now.
... Listening to? Life Burns! by Apocalyptica. I swear I didn't time this so I would get one of my favourite bands for this questions, my Spotify is on shuffle and I have 3K songs saved!
... Playing? The Sims (4) is pretty much the only game I play. I'm more of a player than a builder, so I just play with my little family a few hours a week in houses that come with the game. Oh and also Hogwarts: A Mystery on my phone.
... Working on (job-wise and/or leisure-wise)? I just finished a full month filled with edits (two books and two scientific articles) so I gave myself a day off today before going back to doing stuff tomorrow. I'm a freelancer so I'm not clear on the stuff I'll be doing, but whatever, I'll keep myself busy. Leisure-wise, I always have a novel and multiple Harry Potter fanfics simmering away somewhere (both in French).
... Looking forward to? On Thursday I'm going up with my parents to Quebec City to see my grandfather, who I haven't seen for a year! Excited to visit with him, of course, but also to spend uninterrupted hours in a car to read and sleep!
... Worried/concerned/annoyed about? The website I have for work purposes has been bugging lately, and I thought I'd fixed it, but my dad tried it today and he can't access it, so now I'm grumbling...

What were your last three LJ entries about and when did you post them?
(Technically my latest one is this one, but let's all agree it doesn't count.)
- On Sunday (25/7) I wrote about something my GP does every time I see him that bugs me.
- On Thursday (22/7) I posted a meme that seemed fun.
- On Wednesday (21/7) I amused my f-list with an account of a hilarious mistake I'd just corrected in my manuscript (the author wrote "nocturnal pollution" instead of "light pollution"... If you're not sure what's funny about that, google "nocturnal pollution.")

Anything else?
I have a Twitter and a blog about disability, on which I'd love more followers. I also have a six-year-old rescue kitty, Kenji, who enjoys napping in weird positions.


lil_1337 July 28 2021, 06:11:11 UTC
What a gorgeous kitty!


ellinou July 28 2021, 14:03:31 UTC
Shh, don't say that too loud, it'll go to her head!

(I agree though!)


panda July 28 2021, 07:07:07 UTC
I would love to be friends. Mind if I add you?


ellinou July 28 2021, 14:04:12 UTC
Go ahead! Adding you back ^^


divinedrabbles July 28 2021, 10:28:32 UTC
Reading Harry Potter in Italian sounds like a hard challenge.

The Friends Reunion was really something wasn't it? It gave me so many fuzzies. The nostalgia and just pure happiness.

Important question for me: Are you a metal fan?

We're playing the same game on our phone, console wise i've never been a fan of sims. :(

I love that we're both writers!

Your cat is lovely, I am a dog person myself. I recently lost my GSD and now have a chocolate labrador.

I love that you have a blog for disabilities... people always assume that if you can't see the disability that it doesn't exist. I have a lot of friends with autism and I myself suffer with depression and anxiety. I commend you on your awareness and help blog.


ellinou July 28 2021, 14:11:25 UTC
I've been doing Itaian on Duolingo, and since I already know a few romance languages (French and Spanish), it's easy to guess the meaning of words I don't know. Plus, I've read HP1 in English so many times I basically know it by heart, so that helps too!

Nostalgia and also crying with laughter a few times XD

I enjoy symphonic metal (no screaming), but I'll listen to any genre really.

What's a GSD?

Well, my disability is quite visible, as I'm either walking with a rollator or rolling in a wheelchair :P



divinedrabbles July 28 2021, 14:22:43 UTC
I've never heard of that genre of metal before, I will definitely have to check it out.

A GSD is a German Shepherd Dog.

Ah, I didn't realise it was a visible one. :(

Yes, of course. I will add you now.


ellinou July 28 2021, 16:49:50 UTC
Oh also forgot to mention I love your icon ♥


divinedrabbles July 28 2021, 19:32:14 UTC
Thank you so much <3 I love your athelstan and ragnar one too!


suzanna_o July 28 2021, 22:57:28 UTC
Friending you. That Anthony Doerr book is on my wish list to read!


ellinou July 29 2021, 00:28:59 UTC
I got an email for it from NetGalley and I'd loved the previous one I'd read by him, so I requested it!

Adding you back :)


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ellinou July 29 2021, 19:59:14 UTC
Yay! Added you back in both places!


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ellinou July 29 2021, 19:59:57 UTC


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