About Me

Sep 06, 2020 19:35

My name is Elise and I am 31 years old (or at least I was the last time I edited this thing, so take it with a grain of salt). I am a French-Canadian (meaning I have both French and Canadian nationalities, not that I'm a Quebecer) who was born in Toronto, Ontario before moving to the South Shore of Montreal, Quebec, nearly 11 years later. Therefore I am fully and perfectly bilingual. I have a neuromuscular disease called spastic ataxia, that I write a public blog about.

My Family
I am an only child, but am relatively close with both my extended families (well, as much as I can be with the one in France). I am perpetually single and don't see that changing anytime soon (or ever really), unless the man of my dreams wanders into my living room one day since I'm a introvert who rarely goes out to actually meet new people. Therefore I live alone with my five-year-old rescue cat Kenji.

My Friends
As previously mentioned, I'm an introvert, and as such have more LJ friends than IRL friends. Those I do have are friends for the long haul though.

My Job
I am a freelance translator/editor/beta-reader. I worked in an office as a translator until fall 2019, but quit when handling my disability, my anxiety, an inaccessible building, annoying colleagues and a two-hour-long commute became too much. Now I'm trying to push more towards editing clients, specifically in publishing, to maybe even be able to drop translation entirely someday.

My Hobbies
In a nutshell, reading, writing and watching TV. Reading; I have a soft spot for historical fiction and Stephen King, but will dabble in pretty much anything that tickles my fancy. Writing; 99% fanfiction, 99% Harry Potter and 99% in French. I'm also attempting to write a novel for the umpteenth time, but if it goes like the others I'll eventually get bored and give up, so don't hold your breath. I also enjoy learning new languages. I'm moderately okayish in Spanish thanks to school and Duolingo, and am learning Italian and Irish, also on Duo. Next up will be Finnish and Korean, but learning five languages simultaneously might be pushing it a bit.

Where Else to Find Me
Twitter ; Goodreads ; HPF (fanfics in French) ; Betaseries (TV) ; iCheckMovies ; Last.fm ; Duolingo


about me

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