Just Dance [The Bar's Grand Re-OPENing!]

Jan 03, 2010 22:50

Characters: Smoke, Grift, Cheers, possibly Goodbye, and OPEN to anyone else coming to the bar's grand re-opening /o/
Date/Time: Monday Jan 4th early evening until Tuesday Jan 5th early morning
Location: Smoke's Bar (Bazaar Island, 2nd Level), now open! [Link here for map reference!]
Rating: PG13 for pub humor, drinks all around, and general ( Read more... )

original: thomas (grift), firefly/serenity: simon (will), ~metalocalypse: skwisgaar (alexi), power rangers: bridge (brooklyn), saiyuki: sha gojyo (smoke), kuroshitsuji: grell (juliet), twewy: josh (composer), ~dogs: badou (eyepatch), bleach: orihime (kagerou), ~hp: harry (prongs), doctor who: romana (fred), ff5: krile (cara), power rangers: sky (spike), ace attorney: ema (rosalind), ~power rangers: jack (ghost), castle: richard (derrick)

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Comments 58

weaver_girl January 4 2010, 15:50:05 UTC
Kagerou had one more friend to see today. No matter that the day had already stretched long, she couldn't very well miss Smoke's opening night. She hadn't seen much of him lately, so what better reason was there? Besides, her short stint at Bastet's clothing shop had provided the opportunity to pick out some articles not adorned with the Angry Penguin. (She had a feeling the moment she left the clothes unattended, it would show up, though. Something about the Sphere seemed to out-thwart any attempts to thwart its whims.)

There weren't too many people around yet when she scampered up the steps to the front door. Early seemed good, though. Maybe she could have a word with Smoke before he got too busy--it was his big night, after all.

"Hello!" she called into the bar as she shrugged out of her coat. "Are early-comers admitted yet?" She tugged on her ponytail, to make sure it was in place, straightened her top and the hem of her skirt, and ventured on inside. "It looks even better now."


AT LAST inthecenterfold January 14 2010, 20:04:37 UTC
"Kagerou!" Smoke couldn't help but walk up to her and wrap her in a hug - whenever she entered the room she just lit it up, all enthusiasm all the time. "Thanks a lot - I raided so much from the Mall. It couldn't have come at a better time!" He took a step back to lift his arms joyfully to the ceiling. "I'm finally back in business!"

Then he put them down and stepped forward again. "So what's up with you? Haven't seen you since I went all furry."


HOORAY weaver_girl January 14 2010, 21:01:35 UTC
"Eep!" Surprised by the hug--perhaps she shouldn't have been, given Smoke's affability in general and his high spirits tonight--Kagerou didn't get so far as to answer it before he released her.

"You don't say," she said, a laugh spilling from her anyway. "It is very convenient, but it must've been a real windfall to you!

"Hooray!" She raised her arms, mimicking his motion. "Oh, same old, I suppose?" (The suddenly raised question of suspect familial relationships aside, but that seemed too tenuous and serious for tonight.)

"I went to the ball, and helped Bastet at the clothing shop, and..." She paused, cocking her head. "Did you get all your old help back? I mean, it must be getting busy here again."


Re: HOORAY inthecenterfold January 14 2010, 21:40:23 UTC
Smoke tried to stay as happy as he could. "The ones before the fire came back, yeah." The rest aren't coming back. "Which is nice but you're right, I'm hoping for a packed house tonight."

He points to the bar. "Used to have two bartenders- " He gestures around himself. "Two waiters." He gestures to the coat room. "Two bouncers." He points upstairs. "And me doing DJ stuff while covering any other bases that need the extra help."

He goes to sit on a stool and gestures to her to sit next to him. "I'm down to one bartender, one waiter, and I haven't heard from Goodbye lately, so I'm worried my 'entertainment' is gone too." Of course he was being snide - he really was worried about Goodbye herself. "But who knows, right? There's always new people showing up here - maybe one of them will want a job here."

He smiles at her anyway. "If not - well I ran the place all by myself for awhile there. So I'll figure it out. I just missed this place a lot, you know?"


Open to anyone and everyone bloody_pens January 4 2010, 18:51:16 UTC
A bar opening? Derrick was SO there. Even his man-twin's weird reaction to the prospect of spiked juice boxes and the fact that he wasn't actually making any money from writing could hardly dampen his spirits.

He decided to take a perch at the bar itself after arriving soon after seeing the entry announcing the opening and stowing his coat in the coat room. He didn't want to dress TOO fancy, but didn't want to look sloppy, either, so he wore his best jeans and a blue button-up shirt, deciding that was a nice comprimise.

Ordering a martini, he settled in to people-watch. Perhaps later could come mixing with the people he was watching and inspiration for more stories...


O hai~ burntorangesky January 5 2010, 03:19:57 UTC
Fred had been down to the mall today, looking for the things on the list Bastet had given her, and she had been unable to resist picking up one or two things for herself. Which is why she was wearing an elegant blue dress as she walked through the door, rather than her usual long-sleeved shirt with trousers. Her hair was, as usual, loose.

Once through the door she took a second to let her eyes adjust to the darker interior, noting that it looked different to the last time she had been in the bar. Hardly surprising, considering all that had happened since then...

Fred wandered over to the bar and looked at the drinks menu--not that she was considering getting anything alcoholic, but it was interesting to look at nonetheless.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the man next to her turn her way slightly, and she realized he looked familiar. Turning toward him, she smiled slightly in recognition. "Hello again, Derrick. Fancy running into you here."


bloody_pens January 5 2010, 03:31:22 UTC
Derrick spotted Fred and raised an eyebrow at her attire, motioning to the chair beside him. She looked quite nice in the dress if he did say so himself- and perhaps he would, if he found the right moment to.

"Evening, Fred. Care to sit with me and people-watch for a while? This is quite a..." He groped for the right word. "AWESOME place. That's about the only way to describe it. This bar has everything."


burntorangesky January 7 2010, 19:20:11 UTC
Fred smiled at Derrick's enthusiasm about the bar as she slipped onto the stool next to him. "People-watching? That sounds most interesting. Have you seen any good dramas thus far, or have there only been comedies?" She smoothed a wrinkle out of her dress absently as she spoke.


Open- hang with Bridge and/or play Rock Band handy_psychic January 4 2010, 19:58:18 UTC
As soon as Bridge had been given the affirmative from Smoke, he was dashing to the bar, Logan at his heel. The robot dog dragged a cart containing several of his newly-acquired video games from the Wilderness, including a Rock Band set.

Bridge was so excited, he skipped putting his coat away or even looking around much at the new look at the bar, making a beeline for the huge television on the stage. In a trice, he had all of the connections hooked up, the game plugged in, and Rock Band set up. Practically shining with joy, he finally tore off his coat, as he was getting quite hot, put it away, and went to sing vocals. He hoped others might join him.

It was twenty years ago today
Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play...

[[OOC: The Rock Band set is totally moddable- you don't have to play with Bridge. XD It's OK to assume he's walked away from it if other characters want to use it.]]


Re: Open- hang with Bridge and/or play Rock Band feathered_earth January 5 2010, 02:18:36 UTC
Cara wasn't very much of a bar person--the idea of a pub was familiar to her, and called up the usual image of strong drinks and possibly dancing girls, but neither of those things had much interest to her personally. She had been to the old bar for the mass birthday party, though, and when she saw Bridge was going to be there she figured she ought to at least drop in.

There were more than a few people, but Cara just wove through them until she spotted Bridge singing up on the stage, in front of some kind of--magic mirror screen. Or something. "Hey, Bridge!" she said, when it looked like he was at a break in the verses. "What is that thing?"


handy_psychic January 5 2010, 03:24:58 UTC
Bridge grinned and waved at Cara when he heard her hailing him, pausing the game and turning to look at her.

"Which part? The TV, the game, or what?"


feathered_earth January 5 2010, 05:09:32 UTC
"Um... all of it!" said Cara. Teevee--oh right! She had seen one of those in Hollywood when she'd had to take care of Skulls after he'd gotten drunk. It had looked quite different from this one... she couldn't tell how it worked at all.


silver_antlers January 4 2010, 20:55:20 UTC
Not much further behind Bridge is Prongs and Sky. Prongs had kept himself indoors for the better part of the last few weeks, with the exception to leaving to do his job. Finally after weeks of pain his headache finally dulled into a vague throb, something he could actually handle. However, he was nervous that the atmosphere at Smoke's bar would aggravate his condition, and his fear showed in his eyes.

He couldn't stay inside forever, though.

Looking up at Sky, Prongs passed a hand through his hair uncertainly. "How long are we staying here again?


blue_shields January 5 2010, 03:03:48 UTC
Sky put a reassuring arm around his little brother and hugged him close before shucking off his coat.

"As long as you feel comfortable," he said. "If you start feeling worse, tell me and I'll walk you home, alright? I'm glad you're better, at any rate." He sighed, looking out with interest at the new interior of the bar. So much had happened lately... he was glad to have a chance to relax like this. For once, nothing weird seemed to be happening, and he was enjoying the breather. "Well, what do you want to do? Just sit for a while? Karaoke? Be a guitar hero with Bridge?"


silver_antlers January 6 2010, 01:47:37 UTC
"Guitar Hero?"

That sounded weird and foreign. Prongs shook his head and looked up sheepishly at Sky. "I don't know if I could take any loud music right now," he said first, and immediately he flinched because it sounded so needy, so weak. His scar throbbed with a familiar feeling.

Shaking his head, Prongs then said, "I think I'd like to just sit down. Um. You think I could get a drink?" For some reason, he feels like back where ever he came from it was perfectly fine for him to have a drink. He forced a smile on his face hopefully.


blue_shields January 6 2010, 16:05:10 UTC
"It's this video game Bridge likes," said Sky, rolling his eyes a little. "It involves playing a toy guitar and hitting all the notes just right. ...It's kinda fun, I guess." Sky wasn't about to admit that he just wasn't good at it, no matter how many times he tried.

"Let's go get a table, then," he suggested, then frowned. "If you're talking about alcohol, I'm not sure you're old enough. I suppose it couldn't hurt to ask..." He tried to hide the disapproval in his voice.


Open! If you don't want to play out getting drinks, feel free to godmod him making 'em! grinninggrifter January 5 2010, 00:42:58 UTC
Grift was excited.

There was only so long that rebuilding and errands held his attention, and frankly, he quite missed the bar. It was the only job that he actually enjoyed, and with the spread of people that he expected to show up, he was bound to get some good conversation in. One of his greatest loves was showing off, and being the man that he was, nobody was going to get away with their drink without watching a bit of fancy fingerwork.

Finishing wiping down the bar one last time, he surveyed the amount of liquor at his disposal (which was beautiful, thank you very much) and grinned at nothing in particular.

Barring another incident of the Roswell variety... it was going to be a good night.


blindedmewith January 5 2010, 15:21:37 UTC
Rosalind had made her way to the bar for two reasons. The first was that Mr. Smoke seemed like a nice person, so it was good to support a happy occasion like this. They'd all lost a lot when the fires had burned everything. Some things...still hadn't come back, and maybe they never would. Not everything could be fixed, but this could.

The other reason was that people inclined toward crime were also often inclined toward alcohol. She wasn't going to spy or anything, but it wouldn't hurt to join the party and maybe learn a few faces for any future need of the Watch.

"Excuse me!" She leaned over the bar, speaking up to be heard over the music and crowd talk. "Do you have any juice?"


grinninggrifter January 5 2010, 16:12:09 UTC
When Grift heard a young sounding voice call out to him, he was in the middle of regaling two young women with stories, hands working furiously with the drinks the entire time, voice and body both animated. "...yes, I'm sure, it's really quite simple! Please, come by when it's not so busy, I'll show you. No! You'll be fine--with a little bit of my help, that is." One of the women - a blonde - tittered merrily to herself, much to Grift's pleasure, and the other simply sipped her martini. "Now, if you two would excuse me, it seems that there's a young lady who's in need of my services ( ... )


Almost forgot about this one blindedmewith January 8 2010, 21:29:39 UTC
Rosalind nodded. "Nice to meet you, M...Grift." He was older than her, definitely an adult, but he just didn't seem like a Mister. But he did seem friendly, so she smiled back. "I'm Rosalind."

"Something with pineapple?" she suggested. Normally she had orange juice with breakfast, but this was a party-time to be adventurous.

She'd dressed up a little to come here, as much as she could, since she didn't have any fancy clothes. The green and pink dress had caught her eye in Bastet's shop, though, so she'd washed and ironed it and pulled her hair back in a braid.


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