Just Dance [The Bar's Grand Re-OPENing!]

Jan 03, 2010 22:50

Characters: Smoke, Grift, Cheers, possibly Goodbye, and OPEN to anyone else coming to the bar's grand re-opening /o/
Date/Time: Monday Jan 4th early evening until Tuesday Jan 5th early morning
Location: Smoke's Bar (Bazaar Island, 2nd Level), now open! [Link here for map reference!]
Rating: PG13 for pub humor, drinks all around, and general ( Read more... )

original: thomas (grift), firefly/serenity: simon (will), ~metalocalypse: skwisgaar (alexi), power rangers: bridge (brooklyn), saiyuki: sha gojyo (smoke), kuroshitsuji: grell (juliet), twewy: josh (composer), ~dogs: badou (eyepatch), bleach: orihime (kagerou), ~hp: harry (prongs), doctor who: romana (fred), ff5: krile (cara), power rangers: sky (spike), ace attorney: ema (rosalind), ~power rangers: jack (ghost), castle: richard (derrick)

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weaver_girl January 4 2010, 15:50:05 UTC
Kagerou had one more friend to see today. No matter that the day had already stretched long, she couldn't very well miss Smoke's opening night. She hadn't seen much of him lately, so what better reason was there? Besides, her short stint at Bastet's clothing shop had provided the opportunity to pick out some articles not adorned with the Angry Penguin. (She had a feeling the moment she left the clothes unattended, it would show up, though. Something about the Sphere seemed to out-thwart any attempts to thwart its whims.)

There weren't too many people around yet when she scampered up the steps to the front door. Early seemed good, though. Maybe she could have a word with Smoke before he got too busy--it was his big night, after all.

"Hello!" she called into the bar as she shrugged out of her coat. "Are early-comers admitted yet?" She tugged on her ponytail, to make sure it was in place, straightened her top and the hem of her skirt, and ventured on inside. "It looks even better now."


AT LAST inthecenterfold January 14 2010, 20:04:37 UTC
"Kagerou!" Smoke couldn't help but walk up to her and wrap her in a hug - whenever she entered the room she just lit it up, all enthusiasm all the time. "Thanks a lot - I raided so much from the Mall. It couldn't have come at a better time!" He took a step back to lift his arms joyfully to the ceiling. "I'm finally back in business!"

Then he put them down and stepped forward again. "So what's up with you? Haven't seen you since I went all furry."


HOORAY weaver_girl January 14 2010, 21:01:35 UTC
"Eep!" Surprised by the hug--perhaps she shouldn't have been, given Smoke's affability in general and his high spirits tonight--Kagerou didn't get so far as to answer it before he released her.

"You don't say," she said, a laugh spilling from her anyway. "It is very convenient, but it must've been a real windfall to you!

"Hooray!" She raised her arms, mimicking his motion. "Oh, same old, I suppose?" (The suddenly raised question of suspect familial relationships aside, but that seemed too tenuous and serious for tonight.)

"I went to the ball, and helped Bastet at the clothing shop, and..." She paused, cocking her head. "Did you get all your old help back? I mean, it must be getting busy here again."


Re: HOORAY inthecenterfold January 14 2010, 21:40:23 UTC
Smoke tried to stay as happy as he could. "The ones before the fire came back, yeah." The rest aren't coming back. "Which is nice but you're right, I'm hoping for a packed house tonight."

He points to the bar. "Used to have two bartenders- " He gestures around himself. "Two waiters." He gestures to the coat room. "Two bouncers." He points upstairs. "And me doing DJ stuff while covering any other bases that need the extra help."

He goes to sit on a stool and gestures to her to sit next to him. "I'm down to one bartender, one waiter, and I haven't heard from Goodbye lately, so I'm worried my 'entertainment' is gone too." Of course he was being snide - he really was worried about Goodbye herself. "But who knows, right? There's always new people showing up here - maybe one of them will want a job here."

He smiles at her anyway. "If not - well I ran the place all by myself for awhile there. So I'll figure it out. I just missed this place a lot, you know?"


weaver_girl January 14 2010, 23:09:57 UTC
His expression wavered, for all this his voice remained cheerful. She'd struck a sore spot, and really, it wasn't hard to see what it had been.

She pulled herself onto a bar stool, tucking her knees together and nodding at his gestures. "I understand. You built this place yourself, of course it's important to you--just like the people who come here. And we have to make our own homes here, right?"

That sounded a little melancholy, so she offered him a tilted smile in reparation. "So... you could maybe use another pair of hands, couldn't you?" Her heart leapt a little. The question was innocuous enough, and she didn't mean to remind him of people he'd lost, but offer what she could: her own help and support.

"I mean, I like making the journals, but I do miss being around people. And I would like to help."


inthecenterfold January 15 2010, 06:56:07 UTC
It was probably the best thing she could've asked to do. He gave her a look that was both relief and genuine happiness. "Like I'd say no to you? ♥"

Ever since Lucy left, and he stopped hanging around Blood, Alexi, and Bridge, and he'd found out about forgetting Ghost, a lot of the joy - no spunk, enthusiasm, zest for life - had left him, on top of losing the bar. But now he had at least one of those back. And if Kagerou helped out around the bar, Smoke would be more than happy to pay her - if only for the energy she'd bring to the place.

"When can you start?" He chuckled a little. "And what position would you like me to hire you for?"


weaver_girl January 23 2010, 21:48:26 UTC
"Well, I couldn't very well know!" She gave him her best affectation of an imperious tone, which wasn't anything to write home about. Still, warm laughter followed her words.

"I can start right after I've told my boss at the journal makers' place that I'll be switching to part-timing?" She tilted her head. "I don't think it would be a big problem, they're not short on staff or anything. Mmm. Bartending looks really fun, but I think I'm a bit young for that, maybe? And I'll probably need some practice before you should trust me to carry a lot of glassware." Something sheepish crept into her expression. "But coats don't break even if you accidentally drop them! And I could help out wherever. I don't mind cleaning or running errands, you know."

Then she slid off her stool and wrapped her arms around him best as she could reach, belatedly returning the hug. "But thank you so much. I can't wait to start, really."


inthecenterfold January 25 2010, 08:33:52 UTC
Smoke returned the hug when she gave it, smiling so broadly. "Awesome, well just let me know. Coats and clean up would be fine, or waitressing if you're worried about dropping glasses - you can take orders at least, even if you don't want to carry the trays."

And as he pulled back from the hug he had an idea. "Or maybe we can get something like a cart on wheels - no dropping involved there!"

He put a hand out in front of himself so that it was level with her waist, measuring it against his own leg. "Right about that height, huh?"


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