Oct 24, 2009 14:53

Date/Time: 1:07PM to approximately 3:07pm October 24th
Location: The ENTIRE WORLD of Edensphere
Rating: Varied I expect, but let's say R to be safe.
Summary: Edensphere burns. Everyone dies. ...Well, not quite everyone. Warning for large-scale character death and ( Read more... )

original: thomas (grift), ~d.gray-man: timothy (ghost), ~x/1999: kamui (stigmata), npc: ?, kuroshitsuji: grell (juliet), trigun: wolfwood (chapel), ~twewy: sho (tybalt), ~power rangers: syd (pinky), ~maximum ride: max (hybrid), ~gundam 00: regene (yehuda), ~ff8: selphie (lucy), ~chrono trigger: ayla (victory), ~marvel 616: logan (phoenix), bleach: yoruichi (bastet), ~hp: harry (prongs), ~digimon: tailmon (ari), ~gundam wing: trowa (nobody), ~young avengers: tommy (dash), ff5: krile (cara), ~gundam 00: tieria (aurora), ~bleach: ukitake (koi), sailor moon: chibiusa (sailormoon), gundam 00: lockon lyle (gene-1), saiyuki: sanzo (moon), power rangers: sky (spike), ~ace attorney: phoenix (truth), ~ace attorney: maya (medium), ace attorney: edgeworth (justice), star wars kotor ii: brianna (handmaiden), ~original: klavier (legion), ~power rangers: jack (ghost), ~original: tsuri (serenity), firefly/serenity: simon (will), ~metalocalypse: skwisgaar (alexi), saiyuki: sha gojyo (smoke), power rangers: bridge (brooklyn), ff4: cecil (paladin), ~d.gray-man: allen (cross), twewy: josh (composer), ~dogs: haine (zombie), ~gundam 00: sumeragi (cheers), ~dogs: badou (eyepatch), ~hp: neville (dumbledore), ~firefly/serenity: inara (companion), ~trigun: vash (geranium), doctor who: romana (fred), ~original: peron (shoanji), d.gray-man: lavi (rabbit), ~original: aideen (grace), ~spirited away: haku (river), ~bleach: yachiru (blood), discworld: vimes (stoneface), ace attorney: ema (rosalind), bleach: renji (kiba), ~fma: al (fullmetal), ~ff7: sephiroth (eternity), bleach: rukia (kazahana), ~fma: ed (alchemy), plus anima: cooro (apple)

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Comments 212

Dash and Cross open to Ghost Jr, section 4 house reckless_rebel October 24 2009, 14:25:52 UTC
Dash had visited Rabbit at medical that morning, and had his head poked at until everyone was reasonably satisfied that he wasn't brain damaged in any visible way--anymore than every other amnesiac in the bowl. After talking to Eyepatch over the journals he'd decided to say fuck it to work, and had hung around until Cross went off duty, harassing Rabbit and the other medics he was on good terms with.

It was when they were getting back home that the weird started.

The couch burst into flames when they entered the door, and before Dash could react he found himself in the most godawful hideous bling bling space suit ever thought up, and he discovered that on top of being horrible in looks? The suit was barely mobile.

"What the hell? That was so not me! What is this...?"


crownofsnow October 24 2009, 14:49:06 UTC
While Dash was stuck in a suit, Cross wasn't so lucky. He'd been on fire before a memory vaguely shaped and dated away when he tried to focus on it. His weapon tried to protect him with the white cloak that covered his body. Yet the flames continued on, taking more and more of him with it until the thing looking out from his eyes wasn't Cross.

It shifted its gaze to Dash before it started laughing like a crazed lunatic, the body burnt away to reveal a ghastly thing underneath. That's what's inside your best friend, and it reaches out with one burning hand. "...Musci...an." The ashes fall away as a white cloaked clownish shape tries to protect them. It turns a very sad mask at Dash before it folds back into a crystal, rolling away from the ashes of its owner at his feet.


reckless_rebel October 24 2009, 15:06:24 UTC
"ALLEN!" Watching Cross catch fire was bad. Watching his best friend burn before his eyes was a nightmare. A bona fide goddamn nightmare from fucking hell. Trying to move yielded little result. Dash was stuck, unable to look away as Cross not only burned, but... Turned into that again.

Dash was hyperventilating, struggling to escape the suit, move, do anything. It was Ran all over again. It was helplessness and fuck that noise. The clown mask, the laughter--he would never, ever forget that laughter. He was going to have nightmares about it, if he ever even slept again.

Musician. The word was burned into his ears and his head, he wasn't going to forget it, though the laughter was what was really going to keep him up at night, along with the image of Allen's face burning away, the sad clown mask.

Horror. It was cold all up and down his spine, just bone-chilling horror and anger. He was crying, and he didn't care, staring at what had been his best friend. He threw up in the suit, taking huge, gasping breaths as he tried to deal with ( ... )


divinebrat October 24 2009, 21:41:06 UTC
Ghost had found himself in the same predicament Dash was in and was hardly happy about it at first. His attempts to understand what was going on (he hadn't possessed Dash again so why was the couch on fire?!) were futile, everything was going by so fast for him to understand.

Laughter. The smaller Ghost looked over to the source of the out-of-place sound with as much horror as Dash. His eyes welled up with tears blurring his vision and the lump in his throat only made it harder to breathe. Why was this happening? Just when he was settling in and getting to know everything, it was ripped out from beneath his feet. He actually liked Cross - Allen, whatever - so why was this happening?

Why couldn't he do anything? This new power that he had discovered on accident was suddenly much less powerful than he thought. Through the small space that he could see through he saw the pile of ashes that was once his - ...friend? Someone important, he knew. He was someone he wanted to look up to because it felt right. He was the direction he wanted ( ... )


For Paladin and River feathered_earth October 24 2009, 16:45:26 UTC
Cara heard the fire start as she was on her way to get something to eat.

The Marketplace suddenly filled with the sounds of screaming people, and a very strange thup sound as some in the crowd suddenly seemed to be wearing very strange--armor. Many did not. Cara was among the latter--but this wasn't a time for her to panic ( ... )


lordofwater October 24 2009, 17:09:01 UTC
When the fires began, it was the tree that had gone up in bright burning flames first--River was watching when it happened. What he'd been used to seeing as the majestic trunk--also the elevator shaft--was a pillar of fire, and tongues of it rained from above, lighting on the stalls, the stores, even people...and incinerating them all. Screams, shouts of warning, the roaring of the fire buffeted his ears.

The bridge he had been standing beside went up almost immediately. River stared at it as it burned, feeling something like an intense prickling underneath his skin, a feeling that he could do something--that if only he could just reach out and shift something, some power in the air or perhaps within him, he could combat this fire, he could defeat it. But it wasn't coming. The feeling remained there, just beneath the surface.

He became aware of someone nearby and turned to see Cara rushing toward him. Others around them wore strange golden suits, but she, like him, was dressed only in ordinary clothes.


mythgravenblade October 24 2009, 23:24:11 UTC
Lunch break.

Paladin had overslept that morning, and had to run out the door in order to make it to Medical in time--leaving him time neither for breakfast nor for bringing something with him for lunch. So when his lunch break came, he had jogged down to the marketplace, musing on the irony of his situation leaving him with less time than normal to eat while being hungrier than usual.

He didn't have the time to wonder about the sudden upswing in heat before everything burst into flames.

Everything except him, that is--he found himself staggering inside--inside what must have been some sort of suit of armor. It took him a while to orient himself--between the oppressive heat and chaotic view of what little he could see outside the armor, his world simply refused to make any sort of sense.

But he caught glimpses--there was the fruit stand, roasting and hissing, people flying by, faces distorted in the glass and in their fear, and there--

Two people he knew, two children. Granted, Cara was a guard, and he was sure that, when he was ( ... )


feathered_earth October 25 2009, 00:10:39 UTC
"River!" Cara shouted, catching sight of the boy, and then began coughing. It was a sudden flash of clarity--even if she was able to avoid the flames, there was no escaping the smoke, and without the armor suit, she would die. She yanked a handkerchief out of her pocket anyway to hold over her mouth and nose, making her way over to him. There had to be a way to get him out, somewhere that was safe.

Looking around wildly, she saw someone in the armor approaching them. "Hey you!" she said. "Can you see the bridge? Is it clear?" The heat pressed in all around her. It was hard to think, hard to breathe--she tried to focus. Get help, get River out. The thought that it was impossible to do so wouldn't get through to her.


Open to anyone in the vicinity... catwouldbeking October 24 2009, 17:02:38 UTC
Tybalt... had been scavenging.

What else?

That is, he had been scavenging before distracting himself "building" again - without a real result in mind, just working, briefly distracted by a wave of frustration by remembering one revisiting of the Marketplace that revealed his lion sculpture was no longer there, whether it was deconstructed or simply moved, simply taking pieces, locking them together as if he were just building a castle of cards ( ... )


Open hik_ari_gato October 24 2009, 17:10:25 UTC
As soon as the fire started, Ari had begun running, through the Residential Area where she'd been resting on a roof, enjoying a cool breeze interrupted by burning air and the roof itself turning into a platform of fire, and now through the Marketplace through whatever path wasn't yet being blocked or burned out.

Structures had been coming down, flames exploding to twice their size, and yet so far she'd been virtually untouched, and she wanted to keep it that way, not slowing her pace for a second.

She did see a few people who had suddenly appeared in bulky golden fireproof outfits, all at once - not all of them, nor did it happen a second time, leaving those who hadn't gotten the protection the first time without it.

Why not? A fluke, bad luck?

And now she was seeing some animals in versions of them as well - she'd seen a dog stumbling out of a burning house in one of the things.

Did that mean she could have gotten one as well but just had no such luck?

In that case, trying to avoid the flames was her only choice...


Re: Open pinkmoonrabbit October 25 2009, 04:34:30 UTC
Sailormoon had heard the noise and felt the fire. She was afraid. She didn't have the power to save them but she could feel there was something inside of her. Something strong just out of reach. She wanted to call out to it but she couldn't remember the words. She had to find her friends.

Quickly, she dashed outside to see Ari dashing about. "Ari-chan!"


Re: Open hik_ari_gato October 27 2009, 00:12:37 UTC
She froze in her tracks - stumbling backwards, almost falling over - and whipped around at the sound of a familiar and young voice.

"Sailormoon," she called back, "You made it outside!"

Something pulled her all of a sudden, and the intensity of the moment kept her from contradicting any such thing.

Ari turned back and sprinted toward the little girl.


Re: Open pinkmoonrabbit October 27 2009, 03:38:05 UTC
"Ari-chan!" her voice shook a little. "What's going on? Where did all this fire come from?"

She was admittedly scared. She couldn't reach that light which protected her in her dream. The angel wasn't anywhere near by either. She was helpless. She was lost. She was.... afraid.


To anyone who wants to be saved - for a while... floating_bamboo October 24 2009, 17:41:24 UTC
The world was on fire, and so were its people. Without warning or signs, the tree had erupted into flames. The marketplace was like an inferno, and there were people screaming in fear and terror. People burning. People dying the most painful death there is.

Part of Koi expected to rush into panic at the sight and the chaos, but for some reason, he was calm. Tensed, yes, and fighting against the sorrow - but calm. As if he was used to insanity like this. Used to take control.

Rushing out, he started to look for people that needed help, doing his best to avoid the flames. Fight for life. Nothing else mattered. Buildings collapsed and when he looked back he noticed that the tea shop was on fire. Moving forward, Koi had to jump over a burning body on the street, rushing past without a second look. Too late to be saved. Next person, don't look back.

Will. Geranium. Kazahana - no, Kazahana had her sword. It made ice, didn't it? Bastet... she would take control. Blood. There were children here! Children burning. The thought made his heart ( ... )


I-I hope you don't mind, jumping in earth_uninstall October 24 2009, 19:12:40 UTC
"Stop panicking, you'll only get yourself killed." Aurora ordered, rather annoyed by the stranger trying to usher him away, most likely basing his aptitude on his admittedly delicate appearance.

To say the fire had been surprising would be an understatement. The only warning he'd gotten was the slight shift in air pressure, his instincts telling him something is not right seconds before the Sphere had gone ablaze. Immediately his survival and training had taken priority, and the curious trip to the tea store he'd been hearing about was forgotten ( ... )


floating_bamboo October 24 2009, 19:26:44 UTC
Koi was a but confused by his words and the barking order. Stop panicking? He hadn't been panicking since all of this started... oddly enough. All he wanted was for the other person to move, before he got a building or two in his head. They couldn't just stand here when there were people in need of help.

"As will you, if you do not move. There are people here that need assistance. Some are trapped."

Perhaps the other person was part of the guard, which might have explained the tone, but even so, the white-haired man felt it was more important to help people in times of chaos than getting snapped at. Orders and plans were vital, but not when people were dying around them.

"Come on."


earth_uninstall October 24 2009, 19:55:03 UTC
"There is little point in wasting time with those already trapped. Their chances of survival are abysmal." Aurora looked at the naive man coldly, his face completely devoid of compassion. Behind him, one of the shops finally surrendered to the fire, the support beams eaten away and imploding on itself with a crack a little too reminiscent of a human scream to be only wood. Aurora didn't even flinch, only stepping to the side when flaming debris threatened to land a little too close.

He wasn't about to trust someone he didn't know to led them to safety and took point, motioning to the other man to follow him. If they were lucky, the bridges would be intact, and they could head to Housekeeping. From there..

"Our destination is Housekeeping HQ, if the bridges are still working."


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