Oct 24, 2009 14:53

Date/Time: 1:07PM to approximately 3:07pm October 24th
Location: The ENTIRE WORLD of Edensphere
Rating: Varied I expect, but let's say R to be safe.
Summary: Edensphere burns. Everyone dies. ...Well, not quite everyone. Warning for large-scale character death and ( Read more... )

original: thomas (grift), ~d.gray-man: timothy (ghost), ~x/1999: kamui (stigmata), npc: ?, kuroshitsuji: grell (juliet), trigun: wolfwood (chapel), ~twewy: sho (tybalt), ~power rangers: syd (pinky), ~maximum ride: max (hybrid), ~gundam 00: regene (yehuda), ~ff8: selphie (lucy), ~chrono trigger: ayla (victory), ~marvel 616: logan (phoenix), bleach: yoruichi (bastet), ~hp: harry (prongs), ~digimon: tailmon (ari), ~gundam wing: trowa (nobody), ~young avengers: tommy (dash), ff5: krile (cara), ~gundam 00: tieria (aurora), ~bleach: ukitake (koi), sailor moon: chibiusa (sailormoon), gundam 00: lockon lyle (gene-1), saiyuki: sanzo (moon), power rangers: sky (spike), ~ace attorney: phoenix (truth), ~ace attorney: maya (medium), ace attorney: edgeworth (justice), star wars kotor ii: brianna (handmaiden), ~original: klavier (legion), ~power rangers: jack (ghost), ~original: tsuri (serenity), firefly/serenity: simon (will), ~metalocalypse: skwisgaar (alexi), saiyuki: sha gojyo (smoke), power rangers: bridge (brooklyn), ff4: cecil (paladin), ~d.gray-man: allen (cross), twewy: josh (composer), ~dogs: haine (zombie), ~gundam 00: sumeragi (cheers), ~dogs: badou (eyepatch), ~hp: neville (dumbledore), ~firefly/serenity: inara (companion), ~trigun: vash (geranium), doctor who: romana (fred), ~original: peron (shoanji), d.gray-man: lavi (rabbit), ~original: aideen (grace), ~spirited away: haku (river), ~bleach: yachiru (blood), discworld: vimes (stoneface), ace attorney: ema (rosalind), bleach: renji (kiba), ~fma: al (fullmetal), ~ff7: sephiroth (eternity), bleach: rukia (kazahana), ~fma: ed (alchemy), plus anima: cooro (apple)

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reckless_rebel October 24 2009, 15:06:24 UTC
"ALLEN!" Watching Cross catch fire was bad. Watching his best friend burn before his eyes was a nightmare. A bona fide goddamn nightmare from fucking hell. Trying to move yielded little result. Dash was stuck, unable to look away as Cross not only burned, but... Turned into that again.

Dash was hyperventilating, struggling to escape the suit, move, do anything. It was Ran all over again. It was helplessness and fuck that noise. The clown mask, the laughter--he would never, ever forget that laughter. He was going to have nightmares about it, if he ever even slept again.

Musician. The word was burned into his ears and his head, he wasn't going to forget it, though the laughter was what was really going to keep him up at night, along with the image of Allen's face burning away, the sad clown mask.

Horror. It was cold all up and down his spine, just bone-chilling horror and anger. He was crying, and he didn't care, staring at what had been his best friend. He threw up in the suit, taking huge, gasping breaths as he tried to deal with what had just happened. He was paralyzed and shaking. It was probably the longest two hours of his life.


divinebrat October 24 2009, 21:41:06 UTC
Ghost had found himself in the same predicament Dash was in and was hardly happy about it at first. His attempts to understand what was going on (he hadn't possessed Dash again so why was the couch on fire?!) were futile, everything was going by so fast for him to understand.

Laughter. The smaller Ghost looked over to the source of the out-of-place sound with as much horror as Dash. His eyes welled up with tears blurring his vision and the lump in his throat only made it harder to breathe. Why was this happening? Just when he was settling in and getting to know everything, it was ripped out from beneath his feet. He actually liked Cross - Allen, whatever - so why was this happening?

Why couldn't he do anything? This new power that he had discovered on accident was suddenly much less powerful than he thought. Through the small space that he could see through he saw the pile of ashes that was once his - ...friend? Someone important, he knew. He was someone he wanted to look up to because it felt right. He was the direction he wanted to turn to for reasons he couldn't remember.

He wanted to protect this! Although he couldn't remember what he had promised in his dream, here he promised to protect this. Or rather... he wanted to protect this. In his hyperventilating state he didn't notice the glow of bright blue in his suit near his eyes or the warm, phantom fingers on his shoulders. Instead he tugged on Dash, not wanting him to end up like Allen.



reckless_rebel October 25 2009, 00:48:53 UTC
Pull yourself together. Dash mentally slapped himself and forced the ungainly suit to move, grabbing hold of Ghost's suit's arm and hauling them both one ponderous, painfully slow step at a time out of the house. It wasn't much better outside, everything was burning, and Dash looked around for any route that looked remotely safe or free of fire.

There didn't seem to be such a thing. But he had to get little G safe, that was priority, everything else could wait.

"Cross will be back." He shouted over the roar of the fires around them. He has to be. He added mentally, terrified that he was wrong. "This way, G." And he tugged Ghost towards the safest looking path, there going slow, almost glacial. Focus, focus... Is Code okay? Bastet? Justice, Rabbit? Big G? Alexi? He couldn't afford to worry about friends, he had one right here he needed to protect.

It seemed like days, those two hours of trying to find someplace relatively safe. When the suits finally came off, and the fires went out, they were up in the branches away from the housing. But things were still cracking, falling. Dash had time to shove Ghost out of the way when one of the upper branches crashed down where they'd been, burning him and cracking ribs and who knew what else. The smoke was too blinding to even see if he'd gotten Ghost out of the path of harm, and breathing hurt like hell.


divinebrat October 25 2009, 01:18:48 UTC
It was after the suits were off that Ghost noticed the blue light emitting from his forehead. The colors caught in his teary eyes and were almost pretty if it weren't for the situation he was in.

'Best keep an eye on th' things 'round ya, don't ya think?'

He turned around at the sound of the voice, not yet noticing Dash didn't seem to hear it. "Wha...?" But his question was cut short when he was suddenly pushed to the side, only to see Dash being crushed under the weight. He screamed.


Instantly he moved over to him, new tears spilling over his smoke-stained cheeks. What was he supposed to do. "D-Dash..."


reckless_rebel October 25 2009, 01:36:52 UTC
Dash was trying to take stock. He was half crushed under burning wood, it hurt like goddamn hell. He was pretty sure it wouldn't be sissy to scream, at this point. But Ghost's voice snapped him out of the pain. A bit. Focus.

"Hey." His voice was raspy and he ended up coughing with the smoke he inhaled. And that hurt like a motherfucking bitch. Lungs had to be fucked. "Check..." He had to stop to get his breath. "Check the journals kiddo. See if anyone's still alive. Might give us a little hand." He sounded so much calmer than he felt, he was internally freaking out. But most of him was saying not in front of the kid. Had to act like it was okay.

He tasted blood in his mouth and his skin was going numb where it burned. "You look like a crybaby." He teased.


divinebrat October 25 2009, 01:46:00 UTC
He was sobbing now, eyes squeezed shut so that he didn't have to see the blood. It made him sick to his stomach, but he swallowed hard and nodded his head at Dash's words. Ghost was too upset to properly yell at him for calling him a crybaby.

"N-Not..." But he stopped himself to concentrate on pulling out his journal. His fingers shook violently but he managed to write out a plea for help. The figure was standing next to him, he could feel it there. Ghost looked up at it - him? - eyes suddenly wide. It was the man from his dream!


codenamewiccan October 25 2009, 02:37:36 UTC
So this flying thing from his memory? He wasn't sure how to do it and damned if he was going to worry about that right now. Code wanted it. It would happen. He leapt off the edge of the tree and threw all of his will into the thought of flying. For a moment he plummeted down like a stone. Well cr-

It happened like a shot and he rocketed up like a swallow. Awesome. Code didn't focus on it as he awkwardly soared over the tree and moved through the air. It took picturing a ball on a string to sweep lower and catch sight of Ghost and Dash. He dropped down a bit too fast, his stomach doing flip flops. He touched the ground with both feet before them. Okay.

How the hell were they going to- wait. He'd use this want to get them there. If it didn't work the first time he'd just keep trying. Code was already running over to them, carefully lifting Dash and reaching to clasp onto Ghost.

"Hold on G-man. Don't die on me, Quicksilver." Wing clung to the ashes of his former master, rubbing his face in them before he snatched up the glowing crystal and swallowed it. He fluttered over to settle around Dash's shoulders like a golden mantel, his little hands patting him. Don't go too.


reckless_rebel October 25 2009, 02:48:57 UTC
"Good job kid." Dash ruffled Ghosts hair a little roughly, his nerves weren't firing correctly. Was it minutes or hours later that Code showed up? Time was doing odd tricks on him again, kinda like being on the fourth floor--okay his mind was wandering.

"Hey cool. The cavalry's here." Code was flying, right? That wasn't a hallucination. He recognized magic, that was real. Right? Oh god he hoped he wasn't hallucinating. The pain when Code picked him up convinced him he wasn't though, and he grabbed Ghost's shoulder just in case. don't leave anyone behind.

Timcampi got his head pressed against it, before Dash closed his eyes. Yeah, magic, he recognized the feel. It'd be okay.

"Took you long enough." He muttered, breathing shallowly. "Li'l G could use..." Whatever he thought Ghost needed slipped away as he passed out.


divinebrat October 25 2009, 04:20:28 UTC
Ghost clutched at whatever he could of Dash in desperation. The flying man could earn his surprise and awe later, currently his mind was focused on trying to keep itself together. He was just-

He was just a kid! What was he supposed to do? What could he do? Holding the hand on his shoulder, Ghost muttered something to the white man next to him. "What do I do?"


to Triage! codenamewiccan October 25 2009, 15:58:52 UTC
"Stick with me. That's all you need to do." Code breathed as he kept his grip on both of them and reached for that want again. He wanted to be in the clinic. He wanted it so badly it was like his throat was parched with the burning yearning for that one thing. The feeling grew as he shut his eyes and focused on it. His magic failed at times, he wouldn't let this time be one of those.

"iwanttobeinthecliniciwanttobeinthecliniciwanttobeintheclinic." A blue aura twisted and whirled about them as the power grew, focusing in his hands and washing outward. The more he repeated the phrase the stronger it grew until they simply - disappeared...


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