Oct 24, 2009 14:53

Date/Time: 1:07PM to approximately 3:07pm October 24th
Location: The ENTIRE WORLD of Edensphere
Rating: Varied I expect, but let's say R to be safe.
Summary: Edensphere burns. Everyone dies. ...Well, not quite everyone. Warning for large-scale character death and ( Read more... )

original: thomas (grift), ~d.gray-man: timothy (ghost), ~x/1999: kamui (stigmata), npc: ?, kuroshitsuji: grell (juliet), trigun: wolfwood (chapel), ~twewy: sho (tybalt), ~power rangers: syd (pinky), ~maximum ride: max (hybrid), ~gundam 00: regene (yehuda), ~ff8: selphie (lucy), ~chrono trigger: ayla (victory), ~marvel 616: logan (phoenix), bleach: yoruichi (bastet), ~hp: harry (prongs), ~digimon: tailmon (ari), ~gundam wing: trowa (nobody), ~young avengers: tommy (dash), ff5: krile (cara), ~gundam 00: tieria (aurora), ~bleach: ukitake (koi), sailor moon: chibiusa (sailormoon), gundam 00: lockon lyle (gene-1), saiyuki: sanzo (moon), power rangers: sky (spike), ~ace attorney: phoenix (truth), ~ace attorney: maya (medium), ace attorney: edgeworth (justice), star wars kotor ii: brianna (handmaiden), ~original: klavier (legion), ~power rangers: jack (ghost), ~original: tsuri (serenity), firefly/serenity: simon (will), ~metalocalypse: skwisgaar (alexi), saiyuki: sha gojyo (smoke), power rangers: bridge (brooklyn), ff4: cecil (paladin), ~d.gray-man: allen (cross), twewy: josh (composer), ~dogs: haine (zombie), ~gundam 00: sumeragi (cheers), ~dogs: badou (eyepatch), ~hp: neville (dumbledore), ~firefly/serenity: inara (companion), ~trigun: vash (geranium), doctor who: romana (fred), ~original: peron (shoanji), d.gray-man: lavi (rabbit), ~original: aideen (grace), ~spirited away: haku (river), ~bleach: yachiru (blood), discworld: vimes (stoneface), ace attorney: ema (rosalind), bleach: renji (kiba), ~fma: al (fullmetal), ~ff7: sephiroth (eternity), bleach: rukia (kazahana), ~fma: ed (alchemy), plus anima: cooro (apple)

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To anyone who wants to be saved - for a while... floating_bamboo October 24 2009, 17:41:24 UTC
The world was on fire, and so were its people. Without warning or signs, the tree had erupted into flames. The marketplace was like an inferno, and there were people screaming in fear and terror. People burning. People dying the most painful death there is.

Part of Koi expected to rush into panic at the sight and the chaos, but for some reason, he was calm. Tensed, yes, and fighting against the sorrow - but calm. As if he was used to insanity like this. Used to take control.

Rushing out, he started to look for people that needed help, doing his best to avoid the flames. Fight for life. Nothing else mattered. Buildings collapsed and when he looked back he noticed that the tea shop was on fire. Moving forward, Koi had to jump over a burning body on the street, rushing past without a second look. Too late to be saved. Next person, don't look back.

Will. Geranium. Kazahana - no, Kazahana had her sword. It made ice, didn't it? Bastet... she would take control. Blood. There were children here! Children burning. The thought made his heart ache and he increased his speed.

Making his way through the area, Koi reached out to the first best person.

"This way! Run!"


I-I hope you don't mind, jumping in earth_uninstall October 24 2009, 19:12:40 UTC
"Stop panicking, you'll only get yourself killed." Aurora ordered, rather annoyed by the stranger trying to usher him away, most likely basing his aptitude on his admittedly delicate appearance.

To say the fire had been surprising would be an understatement. The only warning he'd gotten was the slight shift in air pressure, his instincts telling him something is not right seconds before the Sphere had gone ablaze. Immediately his survival and training had taken priority, and the curious trip to the tea store he'd been hearing about was forgotten.

Secure the others. Find a safe location to work as a temporary base of operations. Plan accordingly from there.

Of course it was never that easy. The fire's abnormal behavior meant that predicting it was impossible; wood would only be singed where metals were burning brightly, the fire spreading illogically. There was no time to think, only to move when the fire allowed it and rely far too much on uncontrollable variables. He couldn't afford to wonder about his house, if his brand new computers had already been destroyed, if Yehuda and Jack had gone up in flames with the couch.

And now he had a civilian on his hands to worry about.


floating_bamboo October 24 2009, 19:26:44 UTC
Koi was a but confused by his words and the barking order. Stop panicking? He hadn't been panicking since all of this started... oddly enough. All he wanted was for the other person to move, before he got a building or two in his head. They couldn't just stand here when there were people in need of help.

"As will you, if you do not move. There are people here that need assistance. Some are trapped."

Perhaps the other person was part of the guard, which might have explained the tone, but even so, the white-haired man felt it was more important to help people in times of chaos than getting snapped at. Orders and plans were vital, but not when people were dying around them.

"Come on."


earth_uninstall October 24 2009, 19:55:03 UTC
"There is little point in wasting time with those already trapped. Their chances of survival are abysmal." Aurora looked at the naive man coldly, his face completely devoid of compassion. Behind him, one of the shops finally surrendered to the fire, the support beams eaten away and imploding on itself with a crack a little too reminiscent of a human scream to be only wood. Aurora didn't even flinch, only stepping to the side when flaming debris threatened to land a little too close.

He wasn't about to trust someone he didn't know to led them to safety and took point, motioning to the other man to follow him. If they were lucky, the bridges would be intact, and they could head to Housekeeping. From there..

"Our destination is Housekeeping HQ, if the bridges are still working."


floating_bamboo October 24 2009, 20:12:02 UTC
Koi shook his head, giving the other a look of slight pity combined with the eyes of someone far too old for bullshit. It must be hard, to have no compassion for others. That coldness was something terribly sad to see in the face of someone who looked so young.

"Then go. It might be to late for some, but not for others. It's never a waste when it comes to lives, and I will not abandon people."

He bowed his head slightly, turning around to hurry over and help someone back on their feet. If it so killed him, he wasn't about to give up on the people here.


Branching off, open if anyone wants to reply. earth_uninstall October 24 2009, 20:53:42 UTC
Aurora didn't understand the expression he was being given, nor did he want to. It was irrelevant to his current task, and if the other man wanted to waste his time and health on saving people who wouldn't survive, than it was not his business. If anything, being rid of such a hindrance was a benefit, and without qualms or words Aurora took off in the direction where the bridge to Housekeeping should have been.

Too many obstacles were in his way. Houses and vendor's stalls in various stages of burning, people panicking in the streets, people trying to assist their loved one, people dead and dying and barely recognizable on the ground. He didn't identify them, seeing no need or desire to, only acknowledging things based on their level of danger to himself and the probability they'd get in his way.

All of his calculations were immediately rendered obsolete the moment he was suddenly covered by a heavy, encasing suit.

Visibility: 10%
Mobility: 23%
Sound Perception: 76%
Internal Temperature: Normalized
Air Quality: Acceptable

Another event created by the Sphere? From what he'd seen there hadn't been anyone else dressed like this, unless the phenomenon had just taken place. Trying to see through the eye slit, he could make out the occasional glint of gold, too artificial to be from the fire, but too infrequent for everyone to have been affected.

What did that mean..?

No, don't dwell on it.

Aurora pushed on, taking full advantage of the flame retardant to make up for his slowed pace, going through paths he normally couldn't have for fear of death. He had to get to HQ, receive intel from his coworkers, get his hands on a journal and try to contact the others.


Have a traumatized Chibi crowsloveapples October 24 2009, 23:24:47 UTC
In the middle of a pathway there was a 4'6" sized suit kneeling in the ash with his arms curled around his bulky middle. Amid the chaos and screams of people in the marketplace, this figure was quiet but clearly alive. An abandoned bag of gumballs lay scattered and melting several feet away. Occasionally one would catch on fire, but Apple seemed beyond caring. Only the tiniest twitch of his helmeted head showed outsiders that the boy was still alive.

Inside the child was beyond terrified. One minute he'd been playing happily in the marketplace with some other youngsters and the next minute the stall next to him had exploded. Then his vision had been obscured by some strange bulky outfit, his arms completely covered by thick heavy clothes that weren't his... Soon there was nothing but the screams of his playmates and stall keepers--all of whom he knew on a name basis, the people he delivered fruit from the farm to, the people who gave him treats--they were all gone. They were all burning. They were screaming, they were screaming at him RUN APPLE RUN RUN RUN RUN! and then not screaming choking and falling and everyone around him was falling not running and not getting up.

Not getting up.

Not getting up.

He wasn't going to get up and run. Can't get up, can't see where to run to. Want Bastet! Want Eyepatch! Want Moon and Raise and Cara and Lucy and nobody is moving. He can't see anyone so they're not moving.

It's quiet. It's quiet. It's quiet in his head.


bawwwwww apple ;____; floating_bamboo October 24 2009, 23:39:41 UTC
There... he could see someone. Huddled up in the midst of the street, with the burning remains of others around. By size alone, Koi could suspect that it was either a child or a woman - but it really didn't matter. Whoever it was, they had to get out of there before something fell on them.

Hurrying over, Koi gently reached out a hand to touch the shoulder of the suit. He burned himself slightly, but ignored that for now. This was much more important - how could the other just leave people like this? The sound from the collapsing building still haunted him, and he kept thinking of some kind of huge flaming bird.

Concentrate. Get people out!

"Hey. Can you hear me? We have to go, it's too dangerous here."


bawwwwwww. Hi Koi. crowsloveapples October 25 2009, 00:20:21 UTC
Apple could hear Koi, but it was like the older man was underwater and far away. Echo-y and unreal.

It couldn't be real. Everyone was gone...

He flinched when he felt a hand touch his suit, but otherwise he made no reaction.


(The comment has been removed)

Moved pretecorrotto October 25 2009, 01:24:24 UTC
Moon was out of almost everything in his kitchen, so he stopped by the Market after work. He was debating between the pears and the apples when fire exploded everywhere and the air filled with smoke and screams.

Moon instinctively dropped to the ground, thinking that one of the buildings had blown up and debris would rain down. Looking up again, he saw the entire column of the Tree engulfed in flames, right before his vision was blocked except for a thin slit.

He was in some sort of protective gear, and it impeded his movement, much to his frustration. Moon backed up against one of the support beams of a nearby porch, watching as the embers began to burn through the roof. He really needed to move soon, but the whole world seemed to be burning. Where were you supposed to go?

While he was making up his mind, the Sphere decided for him. The support beams gave way, and the roof collapsed on top of him, pinning Moon down at his torso with a sickening crack.

With all the panic, he doubted anyone would even notice him.


/fff so confused, what happened with the other post >>; floating_bamboo October 25 2009, 15:32:44 UTC
Another house down, and more people trapped. This was endless, and Koi could hardly breathe in the smoke, his chronically ill lungs protesting wildly. He could taste blood in his mouth, but it didn't stop him from continuing to help people get away.

Noticing another golden suit, he made his way over to the collapsed area, his long hair catching fire on the way. He dropped down not far away from the trapped person, choking the fire with his shirt. It hurt badly, but he managed to avoid searing the back of his head off, at least.

Finally reaching the person in the suit, he leaned down, trying to look through those thin visors.

"Can you hear me?"


YAY MOONY PAPA! crowsloveapples October 25 2009, 20:00:01 UTC
Apple trudged after Koi, holding his hand or staying close next to him as he tried to help out other people. He really wasn't processing anything, just letting his mind go blank as he went into some kind of auto pilot. Even his crying stopped, leaving dried tear marks and dribbles of snot in his helmet.

He noticed with some detachment that the stranger with long white hair (did he know him?) was catching on fire and putting it out himself. He seemed like a god among the flames. Apple's own personal god.

There was no way for him to know that was Moon in the protective suit. So he watched Koi try to save him in silence.


YAY APPLE BB pretecorrotto October 25 2009, 20:51:48 UTC
He was drifting in and out of consciousness when he heard a voice. Moon tried to respond, but only a strangled sort of moan came out. Everything below his shoulders was pinned by the building and his body was ablaze with pain. He moaned a little more - 'I'm here, I'm alive.'

Moon could barely turn his head up to see who it was, but part of him hoped they'd realize he wasn't a corpse yet.


YAY EVERYONE floating_bamboo October 25 2009, 21:17:44 UTC
It was so faint that Koi wasn't quite sure if he had heard it or not - but the hint of a moan was all he needed to start moving debris away from the trapped person.

Making sure Apple stood in a safe place, he then tried to lift one of the largest pieces but failing to do so with strength alone. His hands had little to no skin left on them, but he kept pushing away things, trying to find something to help him move the heavy loads. If he could somehow make a lever...

"I'll get you out! Stay with us!"


Augh gonna have to run off in a few--god moding is fine with me if you want bbs crowsloveapples October 25 2009, 21:26:25 UTC
The white haired God-man sounded scared. But he wasn't scared was he? He was so strong, trying to help people. He wasn't small and useless like Apple. He stood off to one side, staring at his shoes, as if the firepoof boots were the source of his pain.

The moaning sounded ...familiar.

God would make him better.


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