Spiral: Chapter 13

Aug 19, 2006 23:17

Title: Spiral
Author: lux_apollo
Rating: NC-17 for non-con.
Pairings: Bobby/John
Summary: Jubilee confronts Bobby. John has a dream. John wakes up from dream. John freaks out massively because something horrible has happened, and he couldn't stop it. He's still not in control of his life, no matter how hard he's tried.

Notes: Thanks to sarahlu81 and miss_bushido for beta. This fic is cross posted at x_slash and fiery_snowstorm. Sorry for the delay. I'm on vacation in Halifax.

[ Prologue | Chapter 1 - NC17 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 - NC17 ]

Chapter 13

Bobby snuck quietly back into his room, careful to shut and lock the door noiselessly.

“Where have you been? I’ve been sitting here for two hours.”

Bobby whirled around. Jubilee was sitting on John’s bed. John’s bed that was messy because Bobby had slept in it several times this week, trying to fight back the ghosts of his memory. Or maybe he had been giving in to them.

“I was out for a walk,” Bobby said, startled.

“Oh, so it’s okay to leave your room when no one else is around, is it? Well, at least you actually left your room,” Jubilee said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“Why are you here?” Bobby sat down on his desk chair. “Shouldn’t you be asleep? What time is it, anyway?”

“It’s 3 am, and I think it’s pretty obvious why I’m here: to knock some sense into you! Jeez, Bobby! Do you honestly think that hiding in here is going to make things any better?” Jubilee got up and crossed the floor to stand in front of him.

“No…” Bobby uttered quietly.

“Then why are you still doing this?”

“I don’t know.”

“Bobby, everyone is worried sick about you. I don’t know why the teachers aren’t making you go to classes like the rest of us, but this is getting ridiculous. Sure, take a week off, get some stuff sorted out. We could understand that. But two? Come on Bobby! It wasn’t your fault that Justin was captured. Professor Xavier told us that much, at least. Hiding isn’t going to bring him back.” Jubilee lectured.

“I know. That’s not…” Bobby trailed off, sighing. “Look, I’m tired. Can we talk about this in the morning?”

“Not a chance, Icy. You’ve held out on me long enough. Now you are going to tell me everything, including why you’ve been sleeping in John’s bed, why you smell like cigarette smoke, why you are wearing one of John’s sweaters and you are going to do it right now!” Jubilee demanded.

Bobby’s breath caught in his throat. He looked down. Indeed, the sweater he was wearing wasn’t his, and the pack of cigarettes he’d found amongst John’s stuff that he’d tried smoking was hanging jaggedly out of the pocket of his jeans… Why the hell did he have to get caught while like this?


“Alright, alright!” Bobby said angrily. “You want to know what happened? I’ll tell you. I fucked up. The Professor lied when he told you guys that Justin was influencing my decisions. He wasn’t. I broke the rules. I went with Justin and we tried to stop the Brotherhood from getting what they were after. We were hiding the virus samples when Justin suddenly insisted that I get out of there. And for some idiotic reason, I listened to him. I left him by himself in that lab and now he’s a hostage.

“And as if that in and of itself wasn’t traumatic enough, I had a fight with John after I got out of that building. That was the reason I was so beaten up when Nightcrawler teleported back with me. It was fucked up. I couldn’t bring myself to hurt him. John was pissed, but he wouldn’t burn me when I wouldn’t use my powers so he tried to get me to fight with my fists, but I didn’t do that either. He stopped and he looked so hurt, so broken… He kept saying I must hate him, but I couldn’t deal with that. I just couldn’t.

“He’s my best friend. Even with all the stupid things he’s done, he’s still somebody I care about. He can’t believe that about me, even if he’s fighting for them now, he can’t possibly believe that so I started to tell him that there was no way I could hate someone I’m in love with, but that was when Kurt teleported me to safety so he probably didn’t even hear and I don’t fucking know what to do. It’s all my fault. All of it. God, Magneto probably still got what he was coming for anyway, even after all that. I let everyone down, especially Justin. I can’t believe I did that to him, right after we-”

Bobby stopped himself. He was ranting and he was tired, and he almost told Jubilee that he’d kissed Justin. But he didn’t tell her that. That was okay. Wait. Why was she staring at him like that?

Oh fuck.

“Bobby…?” Jubilee said slowly.

Bobby panicked. He bolted up and looked at the door. She was closer. He looked at the window. He could jump out the window and get away and he could-

“Bobby, get a hold of yourself!”

“I… I... I…” Bobby backed up a few steps.

She was next to him, gripping his arms. Bobby was trembling like he had hypothermia, a shocked look engrained on his face. Jubilee shivered. The temperature in the room had dropped at least 10 degrees. Bobby couldn’t speak.

She knew. Now everyone would know too.

Bobby could feel a dam inside him burst. His eyes watered over, and he began to cry. Jubilee pulled him tight against her, even though he was so cold that it almost hurt. Bobby sobbed into her shoulder.

“Shh… It’s okay. Let it all out. Just let it all out.” Jubilee whispered softly. “You’re safe, Bobby. Everything is going to be okay. Shh…”

Bobby slowly stopped his sobbing. He pulled away from her, grimacing as the ice tears that had solidified on Jubilee’s shoulder broke away from the skin of his cheeks. Jubilee regarded him intently.

“How long have you known, um… that you- uh, liked other guys?” She asked tentatively. Bobby looked away. Why had this been so much easier with Justin? Oh yeah. Justin was empathic, bisexual and had already gone through part of this whole process. Bobby was nowhere near ready for this. It was too soon.

“This summer, I started… feeling this way, but I don’t know why.”

“Is this why you and Roguey¬-”

“No. We broke up before that. And she broke up with me. You already know that. She wanted Remy.” Bobby cut her off, sounding bitter. “She doesn’t know about me. No one does. Well, that’s not true. Justin knows now, but that’s because... Um…”

“Oh my God, you and Justin?! That’s so cute Bobby!” Jubilee said, hugging him. Bobby shook his head.

“No. Nothing happened. We’re not- Well, no, that’s not true. It’s just, well…” Bobby trailed off. He couldn’t find the words. He was in shock. Jubilee gave him a funny look. “I’m sorry, Jubes. This isn’t exactly easy for me to talk about. I wasn’t prepared for any of this, and I thought¬-“

“You thought we’d all hate you?” Jubilee finished. Bobby nodded dully. “Oh Bobby, we’re your friends! We could never hate you. So you like guys, so what? I mean, come on! There are people at this school who have lizard tongues and who look like demons and monsters, and we don’t treat them any differently. So why would this be any different?”

“I don’t know, Jubes… It is, though. It really is.” Bobby sighed. “You might not hate me, but the others… You can’t speak for them. You don’t know how they will react.

“Anyway, what I was trying to say was that Justin found out about me in Boston. We were at the hotel, and he had gone for a walk. I was worrying about- well, about this, and Justin came back. He was having a problem with his powers… he was being flooded I guess, and he accidentally picked up on what I had been thinking. I had been thinking about how I like… guys… I guess I freaked out a bit, but it was okay. You see, Justin is bisexual, so he understood where I was coming from, I guess. We talked a lot that weekend. I guess we have a lot in common. Both of us fell for our best friends somehow.

“Anyway, to make a long story short, while we were at MIT I got brave and I kissed him. In hindsight, maybe it was a stupid thing to do. I was just so glad to have finally found someone I could talk to and- I don’t know, be myself around, maybe? Justin was surprised at first, but after that we talked about dating. But then he had a vision, and the fight happened and I saw John again and I… I…”

Bobby felt tears beginning to trickle down his face again. Jubilee hugged him.

“I love Johnny, Jubes. I love him so much it hurts. And I don’t understand why I never saw it while he was still here. He’s gone, and there’s nothing I can do about it. But I can’t stop thinking about him. I need him. And it’s killing me.”

“Oh Bobby, I can’t believe you went this long without telling anyone! It all makes sense now. No wonder you’re such a wreck,” Jubilee said, the pieces falling together in her mind. “Bobby, you have to promise me not to bottle up things like this anymore. It’s going to tear you apart.”

Bobby nodded mutely.

“Jubes… can you please not tell anyone about this, especially not Rogue?” Bobby asked her. She began to protest, but he shushed her. “I’m not saying that I’m not going to tell anyone… I just need to deal with it on my own time when I’m ready to do it.”

“Alright, Bobby,” She agreed reluctantly. “Maybe that is for the best. I guess you don’t want to rush into things. At least now you know you can talk to me about this stuff if you need to, right?”

Bobby nodded, giving her a small smile.

“Come on.” She pulled him towards the door.

“Wait, where are we going?” Bobby asked, confused.

“To the kitchen, of course! You need a triple chocolate milkshake, pronto! There’s nothing better to help drown out your troubles. And you take the cake when it comes to that right now, buddy.”



“Thanks. You’re the best.”

“No problem, Icy.”

* * *

John smiled. He was at the door of the room he shared with Bobby. He’d been so distracted all afternoon, just knowing what was waiting for him when he got back from their second last class of the day. He couldn’t skip chemistry with Dr. Grey, but he was going to skip his next class. Not like Miss Munroe really cared if he was there or not. She’d just give him another detention, which he probably would have got if he sat through her boring class, anyway.

John’s dick was hard as a rock already, straining against his jeans. It was so hot when Bobby gave him that dirty grin before dropping a note on John’s desk on the way out of Mr. Summers’ class. John had read the note, just knowing it would be good.

It had been the list of things Bobby had decided he wanted to do with John this afternoon instead of going to their last class, like be eating ice cream at the cone and shake shop in town, or skating on the fountain. Farther down the list, though, things started to get interesting. Really interesting. Number 11 was circled darkly: Get fucked by John so hard that he came without even touching his dick.

And then the bastard had gone and sat with Piotr and Sam during chemistry. Right where John could see him and watch him the entire time without Dr. Grey noticing that John was staring. Well, not unless she was prying to make sure everyone was paying attention. And God, had Bobby ever made it hard to pay attention.

John licked his lips, and reached for the doorknob. It was cool to the touch. He grinned, entering their room.

Bobby was sprawled on his bed, unfortunately fully clothed, smiling at him knowingly. Bobby looked over at his clock.

“I thought you were never going to get here.”

“Sorry. Rogue tried to convince me to come to the mall with everyone after class. She kept giving me this strange look. Whatever,” John explained.


“What?” John said, caught off guard by the Summers-like tone in Bobby’s voice.

“Take your clothes off. Slowly. Then come take mine off me.” Bobby commanded. John grinned, and did as he was told. He peeled his shirt off, and threw it aside. Then, he unbuttoned his jeans and they slid to the floor. John had just known going commando today would be useful. His rigid cock sprang up to slap against his belly. Bobby’s eyes raked over John’s thin but very toned body.

“Like what you see?” John asked, his voice growing husky.

“Oh yes. I like it.” Bobby grinned sexily, beckoning John over to the bed. John bent down and claimed Bobby’s mouth, pressing his lips against Bobby’s. Bobby moaned softly into him, kissing back urgently. That was all it took, and John was back in control of the situation. John’s hands slid down Bobby’s torso, stopping to pull the shirt up over his head. He kissed Bobby again, grinding their bodies together. John could feel Bobby’s erection through his jeans, twitching against John’s hard penis. John began to kiss his way down Bobby’s body, making short work of the pants and boxers that were in the way of the parts he really wanted.

Bobby groaned as his dick was finally set free from its prison, and John looked down at it hungrily. He turned his gaze back up to Bobby, who was staring back with eyes half-lidded.

“What do you want, Bobby?”

“I want you to fuck me, St. John. I want you to fuck me until I come screaming your name without having touched my cock once. And I want it now.” Bobby demanded huskily.

“As you wish.” John smiled, sliding a condom on and lubing up. He lifted Bobby’s legs up around his waist and brought himself to Bobby’s entrance. Gazing into Bobby’s beautiful eyes, he slowly pushed in. Bobby moaned in pleasure as John’s cockhead grazed his prostate. John stopped moving for a moment, waiting for Bobby to adjust. Bobby’s hand came up and touched John delicately on the cheek, drawing his lover down for another kiss.

“Fuck me.”

John obeyed. He fucked Bobby like an animal, hard and fast. Bobby was groaning louder and louder. Soon, he began to clench around John’s cock as it slammed into him.

“Harder Johnny, harder. Make me come. Unhhh, unhhh… Oh yes! Oh fuck!! Johnny!!!”

Bobby’s body began to convulse underneath him, and John lost control. He thrust into his lover wildly until John’s own orgasm ripped through his body seconds later. After it passed, John collapsed down onto Bobby, exhausted. Bobby kissed him passionately.

“Thanks.” Bobby murmured against John’s neck.

“No problem. That was fucking hot, Bobby.”

“You’re damn right it was. Remind me to seduce you into skipping class again sometime. Mmm… Did you still want to try and go to the mall with the others?”

“No… I’m tired. Let’s just stay here for a while…” John said, feeling himself drifting off to sleep. “I love you, Drake…” he whispered, closing his eyes.

* * *

John shivered.

“Mmm… Bobby, quit making it so cold in here…” He moaned into the nape of the body beside him. Bobby was so warm. Too warm. Why was it so cold in here if he’s this warm? What’s going on-

John’s eyes flew open. He was naked. He was naked, in the cell, and spooning the naked body of the hostage. What the fuck was going on!?

John bolted upright, falling off the cot onto the damp cement floor. He heard a dry, raspy chuckling behind him. John turned around. Mastermind was leering at him sickly through the bars.

“What the fuck! What did you just do to me, you bastard!” John yelled, his hand instinctively reaching for the lighter that wasn’t there. It was in his clothing, on the guard’s chair, outside the cell.

“Nothing you didn’t want, young Pyro. He was a good fuck, wasn’t he? Almost as good as the real thing, I bet. I knew you would enjoy the chance,” Mastermind said, as his eyes raked across John’s body. Humiliated, John felt the rage and disgust growing inside him. He stalked out of the cell.

“How dare you! If you ever do anything like that to me again, so help me I’ll-“

“You will do nothing. You are a weak, pathetic excuse for a mutant. I can see why Magneto doesn’t need you around anymore. You don’t deserve your gifts. I give you something that you want, and you can’t even thank me? You ingrate! I ought to-“


Pyro pulled his fist back. Mastermind howled on the floor. His nose was gushing blood. It was probably broken.

“Get out of my sight, or I’ll make you wish you had never been born! If I ever see your face again, here or anywhere, I’ll incinerate you without mercy before you can even scream ‘Oh fuck’!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!” Pyro bellowed hoarsely. Mastermind cowered in fear, and then ran from the room.

John stood their naked, clenching and unclenching his fists, trembling.

This did not just happen. It did not just happen. No way. He couldn’t have done what he thought he did. He couldn’t have. No.

No, no, no, NO!!!!!!!!!!

Pyro cried out and slammed the cell door shut, its locking mechanism somehow managing to click back into place. He felt sick. This didn’t just happen. God, he didn’t know…

John quickly pulled his clothing on. He needed to get out of here. He needed some air. He grabbed his writing pad and ran upstairs. He was heading towards the front door. Fuck Magneto’s orders for him to not leave the building. He couldn’t do this. This wasn’t him. This wasn’t him. He felt so dirty, so disgusting. He didn’t mean it. It wasn’t his fault. He was forced to do it.

“John? What are you doing off duty so early?”

He raped him.

John felt the bile rising in his throat as he pushed past Wanda into the bathroom. He barely made it to the toilet in time before his stomach clenched and he vomited violently into the porcelain bowl.

“Oh my god, John!” Wanda ran to his side. Hot tears were streaming down his face. He didn’t know whether they were from the pain of his constricting, wretching insides or the disgust and shame that was overwhelming his mind. He couldn’t speak, because his stomach was still trying to void itself. Wanda’s hands were rubbing his back in sympathy. John started to tell her to stop, but his stomach heaved again and his throat burned as he spat up acid yellow bile.

After a few minutes the clenching slowly ceased. John sat back, leaning against the wall of the bathroom. He was breathing heavily, and still shedding tears. Wanda tried to wipe his lip off with a piece of toilet paper, but John grabbed the tissue roughly from her hand and did it himself.

“How long have you been feeling sick? Do you have a fever?” Wanda questioned him. Pyro turned and looked at her in disbelief. She thought he had the fucking flu. So much for her excellent powers of observation.

“About since I woke up to find myself naked in the cell with our as-of-yet nameless hostage, who was also naked, and Mastermind grinning at me like some sick, perverted child molester through the fucking bars!” John screamed hoarsely through his tears. He was hiccupping now too. The colour drained from Wanda’s face.

“I raped him. I fucking raped him, Wanda! And I thought I was dreaming, dreaming about Bobby, but it was him and that bastard was controlling me and I FUCKING RAPED HIM!!” John felt himself spiraling out of control. He was hysterical. His mind would - no, could- not accept this.

He might be a criminal, an arsonist, a terrorist, a fucking murderer, but one thing he definitely was not was a rapist. How that had made him any better of a person was anyone’s guess, but he had never been that. In his mind, it was the worst possible thing that could happen to anyone. He knew it.

He knew it because it had happened six and a half years ago to a troubled, orphaned boy in foster care named St. John. That boy had died that day, the hidden scars leaving only the callous John and the heartless Pyro behind.

At least, that’s what he’d thought until now.

The boy St. John began to sob uncontrollably, burying his face against Wanda’s shoulder. Wanda was rigid at first, but relaxed and pulled him tighter against her, whispering to him calmly and rubbing his back.

The young boy St. John could only cry in her arms.

rating: nc-17, author: lux_apollo, title: s, fiction: series

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