Spiral: Chapter 8

Jul 24, 2006 09:54

Title: Spiral
Author: lux_apollo
Rating: R for violence.
Pairings: Bobby/John, some minor Kitty/Piotr, Scott/Jean and Remy/Rogue seen in this chapter.
Summary: John has a dream, but is woke up by Pietro. John goes to get his lecture from Magneto, and snoops in on a conversation before getting his balls busted. Bobby and Justin get a cool surprise from Professor X. John gets Wanda to fix up his shoulder.

Notes: Thanks to sarahlu81 and miss_bushido for beta. This fic is cross posted at x_slash and fiery_snowstorm.

[ Prologue | Chapter 1 - NC17 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 ]

Chapter 8

The cold, damp snow cushioned his fall.

He tried to get up, but he was forced to the ground again.

A struggle, fists flying into stomach, face, sides.

But he was never stronger, not even now.

Wrists pinned above his head, he breathed furiously, staring defiantly up into those bright eyes. He struggled again, unsuccessfully.


“Fuck you, asshole. Get out of my way.”

“No. I won’t let you do this.”

“What the fuck do you care? It’s my life! Let me go!”

He began to struggle again, the snow soaking through his clothing. He felt even colder than he thought was possible. The wind was blowing even more snow, swirling around them to blot out the forest and the lake and that god-forsaken dam.

“No. I won’t let you go.”

“You can’t win. You know you can’t win.”

“I know. But I have to try.”

He lashed out violently, now, bucking with all his might, trying to throw off the body holding him down. With a snarl he succeeded, summoning more strength than he thought possible in this midnight blizzard. Now he was on top of his opponent, beating his anger, his bitter regret into the body beneath him.

“You never understood. Not even for a moment! I trusted you! In the end, you are just like the rest of them. Just like my fucking father. And you can go to hell, for that!! Just like he did!!!”


“You said you’d be there, and you chose her! You stayed on that fucking jet with her when I needed you the most! I didn’t ask for anything from you. I just needed you there. I needed you to just be you. But I was never good enough. Not for him, and not for you! Well, fuck you!!”

He spat on the face beneath him and walked away. The wind was deafening, and the snow was sticking to his hair, his eyelashes, his bloody lip…

He felt him impacting into his side, and they toppled to the ground again. He felt tears stinging his face. Were they his own?

“I’m not letting you go.”

“No. I’m leaving. Get the fuck out of my life!”

“But you already left.”

“Then why the hell are you here? Why are we still here?”

“Because you never wanted this. Because I’m still waiting.”

The wind howled, blowing more snow across their faces, freezing time.

“…Waiting for what?”

Bright eyes regarding his cautiously, a cold steady hand brushing ice-tears from his cheek.

“Waiting for warmth, Johnny.”

* * *

“Hey Pyro! Wake up already! My father wants to see you.”

Pyro groaned. His shoulder was throbbing again, and he had a splitting headache. Not to mention that some pretty fucked up dreams kept waking him up. He rolled over, trying to ignore the impatient, pretentious figure of Quicksilver. What had he done to deserve this? Oh yeah, he was a screw up.

“Come on, dumbass. You’re already in enough trouble as it is.”

“Fuck off, Pietro. I’ll see him later. It’s not like I have tons of shit to do on this godforsaken island, anyway. I’m sure he has better things to do with his time than bitch at me for being a fuck-up.” John said irately, and pulled a pillow over his eyes.

“Whatever. It’s your ass on the line, Allerdyce. And if I were you, I wouldn’t let Dominic get the one-up on you. You know he’s looking for an excuse to get you knocked down in father’s eyes.”

“What the fuck do I care about that shit head? Besides, he’s too busy drooling over your sister to have time to actually think. If he’s even capable of thought, that is. We both know that Magneto will never make him a mission leader. Not like I cared if he did, anyway. Now, could you please leave me the fuck alone!” Pyro pulled the blankets up over himself and turned his back to Pietro, even though it was making his injured left shoulder feel eighty times worse.

“Fine. I warned you. Don’t say that I didn’t.” Pietro snapped and zoomed out of the room. Pyro moaned and rolled back over, gripping his shoulder. He wasn’t going to fall back asleep now.

He stumbled out of bed and grabbed a shirt off his desk chair. The one Bobby gave him for Christmas two years ago. The one which John was certain Jubilee had picked out, but whatever. Bobby’s fashion sense was fine -even if it was a little preppy- but a guy buying another guy clothes… That’s just gay. Which Bobby clearly isn’t. Stupid Marie.

Pyro grabbed the stash of Tylenol he kept in his desk and popped a couple pills. This headache was fucking horrible. So bad it was making him think about Bobby again. Pyro didn’t need any more angsty internal drama right now.

If there was one thing he wished this fucking island had, it was a shrink. Not that he’d actually go talk to one, but it would be nice to have the option if he ever started feeling really fucked up again. They made him go see one a lot when he was in that last foster home, after his parents had died, after the first foster home with that fucking bitch and her sick fuck of a husband, after he had been-

John flicked open his shark-Zippo absentmindedly, trying to burn away those thoughts. They were weak thoughts. They belonged to little St. John. But that boy was dead. Only fucked-up John and vengeful Pyro remained.

He surveyed the things sitting on his desk. It was quite impressive, the array of stuff that Mystique had stolen from the mansion for him before Alcatraz. She had stolen some of the clothing he’d asked for and a few other things, but for some reason had not been able to find his favourite lighter. Meh, he had this one, even if Bobby had given it to him and more than anything he wanted to get rid of it. But he couldn’t. Not yet.

No doubt there was other stuff Mystique had taken while she was there, but he had needed clothing most of all. It was perhaps not the easiest way for him to get clothing, but it was cheaper than buying a whole new wardrobe. Anyone who thought that getting into this war-on-humanity business would be all about glitz, glamour and being well-fed and well-dressed was on crack.

Besides, Mystique had been going on a mission there to retrieve some information from the School anyway. Getting a few things out of his closet wasn’t that much to ask. Pyro had actually been surprised when she had asked if he wanted anything back from ‘that labour camp’, as she had fondly called it. Perhaps being stuck on this island with four teenagers was bringing out her maternal side.

Pyro snorted, chuckling at the image of Mystique as a mother. That wasn’t the reason she had done it at all, no doubt. For her, any extra chance to flaunt her prowess in the faces of her enemies (without their knowledge, of course!) was a chance she would take, even if just for her ego. After all, fooling humans was child’s play. Fooling a school full of mutants including more than a few telepaths? Now that was a thrill worth having.

Pyro headed down the hall towards the medical bay. With any luck, the wound on his shoulder would only need some Polysporin and maybe he could pop a few antibiotic pills. Hopefully Wanda would be in there right now. Magneto was making her study some amount of nursing since he had yet to find a mutant with an MD who would willingly join their cause. Her hexing ability made her about as useful a healer as they could get for now. Wanda should know what needed to be done.

Then again, John wouldn’t have minded being examined by Dr. Grey. Well, pre-Phoenix Dr. Grey. She had always had a way of making you feel comfortable and not embarrassed as hell about the whole process. ‘She could examine me any time.’ John smiled to himself, remembering the very embarrassed shade that Bobby had turned when John had told Bobby that when they were fourteen. Just to see how Bobby would react. The look on Bobby’s face had been priceless.

“Really, Erik. Now why would I do a thing like that?”

Pyro stopped. A sultry, haughty voice echoed out of the large room down the hall that Magneto was using as his office and lair.

“Really, Miss Frost. What kind of a fool do you take me for? Allow you to come visit me here, now really! No, this teleconference will have to do.”

“Well, you were the one who was inhospitable enough to just up and steal research from one of my corporations. I know you better than to think that you didn’t know that Biomedix Genomics was a subsidiary of Frost Enterprises. I would have expected the great Magneto to be more of a gentleman, especially to the White Queen of the Hellfire Club! Would it have been so hard to just ask me for that information?”

“I must say that yes, it would have been. Having associated with another powerful telepath for many years, I know better than to leave you to your wiles.”

“I don’t know whether to be offended or pleased by that appraisal.”

“Do be pleased, Emma. You know you have my utmost respect.”

“Why am I not convinced?”

“Perhaps you would be if I told you that there may be something else that you could help me with.”

“Oh really? Do go on.”

“As you are well aware, Charles and his wretched X-men have been plaguing my every move since the Alkali Lake disaster. Although the Brotherhood is quite capable of holding their own against them, I think that it would be to my advantage to recruit a telepath who might be able to help fend off some of Charles’ more aggressive telepathic reconnaissance tactics, among other things.”

A sound of strong, bell-like laughter rang out of the office.

“I’m sorry Erik, I should not have laughed. But really, do you expect me of all people to come out there to help you take over the world? I have much better things to do with my time.”

“You would be a most valued addition. I can give you-“

“You can give me nothing I don’t already have, Erik. I control more economic clout than you can ever imagine having, and I’m an educator dedicated to imbuing the next generation with the values I want them to live by. And with that comes the real power to make things happen in this world. Your world revolves around childish ideals. Mine revolves around a school and a bottom line. It would be both foolish and a waste of my time to conquer humanity and destroy an economy that is currently serving me quite well. You should know better than to ask this of me.”

“I’m sorry that you feel that way Miss Frost. It will be noted that you were unable to be of assistance.” Magneto’s voice sounded a bit strained, the way it sounded whenever he was trying to hold back his anger.

“Oh come now, Erik. I never said I wouldn’t be able to help you. I just don’t care to do it myself. As you know, I do run a school for mutants. The Massachusetts Academy has a number of students with some level of telepathic gifts, after all. Perhaps I could lend you one of the Hellions for a-”

“Pardon my interruption, Miss Frost, but I need someone with much more experience and cunning than some spoiled, wretched teenager. I already have enough of those on my hands, believe me.”

“Oh, I do. Your little rabble has attracted quite a bit of attention recently. Not doing as well as you had hoped? Perhaps they just need some better education.“

“And you think that you could do better than Charles or I did with the Pyro? I have my doubts, Emma. They will grow into their roles, and for now I must just keep them on a short leash. At least my own children are fairly responsible.”

“Yes, so long as no one insults Pietro’s inflated sense of self-worth. I must say, I do see the resemblance. Your daughter may be the only one among them who has any sense. But then again, of course she does: she’s a woman.”

“You’re insults are as velvet-veiled as ever, dearest White Queen. I’m afraid our time has run out. I have business to attend to, and no doubt you have simpering teenagers to counsel and delude. Good day, Miss Frost.”

“I am sorry I couldn’t be more help, Erik. Perhaps in the near future I will have something of interest to you. Do keep in touch.”

Suddenly Pyro realized that he had been standing there eavesdropping for some time now. His stomach was grumbling, and he needed to finish the errand he was on. He attempted to pass by the door to Magneto’s office unnoticed.

“Pyro. Quit skulking around in the hallway and get in here. I asked to see you an hour ago!” Magneto bellowed. Pyro sighed and turned to enter into the large chamber. Might as well get this over with.

“Yeah. I’m here. What is it this time?”

“I am thoroughly disappointed in your performance. I sent you on a mission that was practically impossible for you to fail, and you failed miserably.”

“Hey, I got the data you wanted, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but you attracted attention. The entire point of the mission was for you learn to gather resources covertly. If Charles and his X-men had not already been suspicious, they certainly will be now. What’s even worse is that you left five witnesses who could give a description of you.”

“I thought you wanted me to attract as little attention as possible!”

“Yes, and dead men can’t tell the government what you looked like. If you had to get caught, you should have silenced the witnesses and done so outside of the public eye. They were only humans, after all.” Magneto scolded. “Your methods lack finesse and control. You have no talent for being covert or subtle. And your anger is a liability that I just cannot abide by. Until further notice, you are confined to your quarters. You may go about only for meals, medical treatments, and to use the toilets. If and when I find a need for you, you will be given a task. Until then, I don’t want to hear so much as the click of that damned lighter of yours. And get that bloody shoulder of yours looked after! If you are to be useful at all, you need to be in peak condition.”

Pyro rolled his eyes. “Fine.”

“I don’t think you are taking this nearly seriously enough. I have had enough of your pissant attitude. Mark my words, another failure will result in consequences of a much more undesirable nature. I will not tolerate mistakes or insubordination of any kind. Now get out of my sight before I make you wish it was only your shoulder that was injured!” Magneto roared.

Pyro snorted his distaste and turned to leave the room. Confine him to his quarters? What a stupid thing to do. What the hell was this, the fucking military now? As if being stuck on this crappy little island wasn’t already driving him nuts. At least he’d be able to get some writing done. He stalked his way down the corridor, intent on getting away from his Holier-than-thou-ness as fast as possible.

* * *

Bobby knocked on the door to Professor Xavier’s office. He was running late for the meeting. A meeting that he had instigated when he had told the Professor that he was thinking about going to college in Boston about a week ago.

“Come in, Mr. Drake.”

“I’m sorry I’m late. Training ran longer than-“

“Longer than it should have. Yes, I know. You are excused,” the Professor said with a warm smile. Bobby was relieved. “Please, take a seat.” Bobby sat down next to Justin. Oddly, Justin was the only other person in the room. Bobby had expected at least a couple of the other seniors to come to the meeting, as well as whichever teacher(s) would be supervising the trip.

“I guess I wasn’t the only one late. Where is everyone?” Bobby asked. Justin nodded, as he had been having similar thoughts.

“As surprising as this may sound, the two of you are the only ones who showed much interest in a faculty-supervised trip to look at colleges in Boston. It seems that your peers are all interested in attending a school more local to this institute, or are not planning to pursue post-secondary studies at this time,” the Professor explained.

“So, I guess we won’t be going, then. There isn’t much point running a trip like that if there is only two of us,” Bobby stated, disappointed. The Professor shook his head.

“On the contrary, I think you absolutely should go explore the colleges you had outlined for me. The problem that has arisen is that I’m not sure if we can spare one of the teaching staff for a couple days for this trip. As you well know, Robert, the school has grown quite a bit since you first arrived, and so have the class sizes. We are quickly approaching the limits of what our current teaching staff can cover.

“To further complicate the matter, there has been a rise in possible Brotherhood of Mutants activity on the west coast. If an emergency were to occur in the near future¬ -which I fear may be likely- I need all of the senior X-men here and ready to respond.

“So, what I am going to propose is that the two of you go on this trip unsupervised. You will have the use of a school-owned vehicle, and I trust that you will not abuse that privilege. Robert, you will have to take on all the driving responsibilities, since Justin does not have a license.

“You will be given leave from your classes next Thursday and Friday, and I do not expect you to return until late afternoon or early evening on Saturday. You are, of course, responsible for any homework you miss during that time, Robert. I have set up a tentative itinerary for you, covering the more well-respected institutions in and around Boston that might be of interest to the two of you. I did, though, leave out Harvard, as I suspect that neither of you are interested in pursuing studies there. Arrangements for accommodations will be made once we settle on an itinerary that is satisfactory to both of you,” the Professor told them. He paused to gauge their reactions.

Bobby was smiling, mouth wide open in surprise. Justin looked equally pleased. A trip without adult supervision. And they were being given a car. Who in their right mind would say no to that? Bobby grinned. Kitty, Jubes and the gang were going to be so jealous now!

“Professor Xavier, this sounds great. Thank you for trusting us enough to let us do this. It means a lot to me.” Justin remarked with gratitude. Bobby voiced his agreement, and the Professor dismissed them. He would see to the final details and let them know on Monday exactly how it was going to work.

As soon as they had exited the office, Bobby turned to Justin.

“Can you believe this? I never thought that they would let us do something like this without supervision!” he exclaimed.

Justin nodded. “Yeah, it’s pretty generous. Though, we are old enough that they should be able to trust us with things like this. I mean, it’s not like either of us are really that irresponsible.” Justin pointed out. Bobby shrugged.

“I guess so. I’m surprised that they are giving me two days off classes, though. I would have thought that we would have just done a weekend or something like that.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s true. Which schools did you want to visit? The only one I was really intent on seeing in Boston was MIT. I really don’t know much about the schools down here in the States, so I wasn’t really sure what other school are in the Boston area. I’m not even sure if I want to go to university here. I guess I’m still considering going back to Canada if the Professor thinks I’ll be ready to be on my own again. To tell you the truth, for me this is more of an excuse to see what Boston is like.”

“That’s cool. I think you’ll love Beantown! I guess I was looking for schools with accounting programs, but mostly they don’t seem to have specific accounting concentrations until the masters level, so mostly I’m just looking at BBA programs. I had wanted to look at Boston University, Northeastern, and U Massachussets: Boston.”

“What about the Sloan School of Business at MIT?”

“I guess I might as well check that out too, if you wanted to go there anyway. I don’t really think I’d get in there.”

“Give yourself some credit, Bobby. I mean, it’s not like it’s Harvard. You probably have more options than you think. Stop acting like your marks are horrible. So you were having a little trouble at the beginning of the year. So what. It happens to everyone at some point in their lives. Things are turning around now, right?”

“Yeah. I guess.”

“So, why not? Just keep working hard. And if you get a good score on your SAT, I’m sure you’ll have no problem getting to go where you want.”

“True. Where else were you thinking of applying, other than MIT? What about Columbia in New York?”

“Hmmm… Maybe. I was thinking probably just Johns Hopkins and then a few schools up in Canada, like McGill, the University of Toronto, McMaster, and the University of Waterloo. I think I’m going to apply for studies in cell biology or biotechnology. The research experience I have with Dr. McCoy should help my applications. I’m not really worried about it, though. My marks are high enough that the real problem will probably be deciding which offer to take.”

“I wish I had that problem.” Bobby said sarcastically. Justin sighed.

“Sorry. I didn’t want to sound like a jerk… I’m just lucky that way, I guess.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m just giving you a hard time.”

“Okay…” Justin didn’t look like he believed Bobby.

“You mean, you didn’t feel it?” Bobby asked, giving Justin a look. Justin grinned.

“No, I didn’t. I’m finally starting to be able to block things out without too much concentration. I’m only getting a few flashes of things here and there from people today.”

“That’s great, Justin!”

“Yeah. I never thought this day would come. It seems like only yesterday I was struggling just to make it through a day without being completely overwhelmed by everything. Actually, my progress is probably why the Professor is letting me come with you without a teacher. It’s starting to seem like I’m a bit of a telepath after all. For about the past week or so I’ve been able to hear peoples’ thoughts now and then when they are thinking really loudly if I concentrate hard. He and Dr. Grey seem to think that I just wasn’t ever ‘listening’ properly. It’s kind of surreal… I haven’t decided yet if I like it or not. I’m kind of leaning towards not, though. It’s not as hard to keep other peoples thoughts separate from my own, just like I was hearing them, but still… do I really need to be able to do this? I dunno what to think.

“The Professor says it will never be as reliable or strong as my empathy, but he thinks forcing me to hear people’s thoughts and sorting them out from my own will help me learn to do the same with other people’s emotions. I think he’s full of crap. I don’t know why he wants me to push in that direction. I’ve got enough problems on my plate getting my empathy under control.

“At least my visions have never really been a problem. Well, except for the whole not being able to drive thing. It wouldn’t be good if I got a major vision while driving, spaced out and then crashed, would it? I guess it would be nice to do without the spacing out, but that’s something I can live with, right? I mean, there are lots of epileptics out there who have this same problem, and they get along just fine.

“Anyway, I guess he thinks I’ll be okay away from the school for a few days, since things are getting better.”

“Yeah. You’re probably right about that. I’m glad to hear things are getting better for you. Well, I’ll see you later. I need to get to Calculus, or I’ll be late.” Bobby said.

“Yeah. Later.” Justin said. They headed off in opposite directions, smiling.

* * *

“There you are. I was wondering when you were going to drag your ass in here. Mystique told me you were shot in the shoulder.” Wanda smiled as Pyro entered the small medical bay. Pyro shrugged.

“Yeah, one of the stupid security guards pulled a gun. Just grazed my shoulder. Nothing too serious,” he stated nonchalantly. “I think it got infected, though. It looks too red. Do you have any antibiotics?”

“Yes, but you have to take your shirt off so I can take a look at it first.”

“If I had known getting shot was all I had to do to get you to ask me to take my clothes off, I’d have done it already!” John said with an asinine grin. Wanda rolled her eyes, but smiled.

“Shut up, horn dog. Just because you are hurt doesn’t make me suddenly want to sleep with you.”

“Aww, are you sure? I mean, it’s not like you have many good options on this island. All in all, Dominic and I are probably the only ones normal enough that you’d even touch us with a ten foot pole. And I’m sure you’d sooner sleep with your brother than sleep with Dominic,” John smirked.

Wanda looked disgusted. “That’s for sure,” she said emphatically. “And no, you can’t watch!” she added, noticing the perverted grin that had spread over John’s face.

John pouted for her, flashing his best puppy dog eyes.

“Oh come on, it’s not like you’d actually enjoy watching that. Beyond the fact that it would be gross beyond belief, you’re gay. Watching straight incestuous sex isn’t really gonna cut it for you, Zippo. You’d be better off jacking off to thoughts of Morty and Fred getting it on.”

John paled. ”I can’t believe you just said that. I think I’m going to puke.” The mere mention of the Blob and Toad doing anything remotely sexual made him feel nauseous. Thank God it wasn’t reality. That was just sick.

“Me too. Bleh! What was I thinking!” Wanda said, wrinkling her nose.

“I really don’t want to know.”

“Whatever. Now quit fooling around and take your shirt off. I have work to get done and hot celebrity boys to daydream about hexing into sexual submission,” Wanda declared sarcastically, trying to get him to hurry up. “Have you been putting anything on it?” John pulled his shirt over his head, wincing slightly.

“Nothing. Didn’t exactly have time on the trip back here. That and I didn’t think it was that bad until I woke up this morning and it hurt like hell and my head was throbbing,” John admitted. Wanda inspected the gash left where the bullet had grazed his left shoulder.

“Hmmm… you were right. It is infected. It’s not that bad, though. We’ll just clean the wound out and put some topical antibiotic wound cream on it. I’ll take a sample to culture to see if I can figure out what bacteria are in the gash. If it doesn’t get any better in the next couple of days, I can give you a few doses of oral-”

“Really? I didn’t think you were the type.”

“-Antibiotics. You are such a pervert, Allerdyce,” Wanda finished, walking over to a cabinet to retrieve the supplies she needed.

“You know you love me,” John grinned.

Wanda took a sample with a sterile swab and then cleaned out the wound with saline solution followed by a disinfectant. She started to dress the gash with the antibiotic ointment and some lubricated gauze that wouldn’t get stuck in the wound as it closed.

“This headache is probably just stress or some shit. Between the mission, this infection and anticipating a lecture from your father, I’m sure that’s probably what triggered it,” John complained, sighing. Wanda regarded him with concern.

“Yeah, probably. Seriously though, John, how are you doing?”

“Fine. Looks like I’m going to have lots of time to think about how wonderful life is out here in the middle of the ocean, too. You’re daddy-dearest is sick of me fucking up the missions. I’m pretty much stuck in my room except for meals and meetings until he decides otherwise.”

“Oh John, I’m sorry. And it’s not like you’re the only one messing up, either.”

“Yeah, but I’ve been around longer than pretty much everyone else except Mystique, Toad and Sabretooth. So, I should know better, right? I’m as much a failure here as I have been everywhere else. Not that I really expected much anyway…”

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. Think of it this way: you’ll have more time to write.” Wanda suggested. John shook his head.

“And more time to get caught up in my head. Christ…” John trailed off.

“Still thinking about him?” Wanda asked. John sat there mutely.


“God, John. Why are you still here? I just don’t get it.”

“What kind of a question is that?! Why are you still here Wanda? If anything, you want out of this more than I do!” John stated hotly, ignoring her question.

“I’m still here because the only people I have in my life are here. My father and my brother are here. I can’t just leave them. If Pietro were to leave, I could go. But I can’t just abandon my family.”

“At least you have one.”

“John, they were your family. He was your family, if no one else.”

“It doesn’t matter. I can’t go back. Even if I wanted to, I can’t. The Brotherhood would never let me. Not now. Not after I’ve been through so much. I know too much now.

“Besides, they wouldn’t take me back. Even if they did I’d have to put up with Princess Marie running the whole fucking show as if the whole goddamned world revolved around her. What the fuck makes her so fucking special, anyway? As if it wasn’t bad enough that I couldn’t tell him once I figured everything out in my head! He had to have his heart set on the only girl in school that there is no fucking way to ever have a physical relationship with. Just to goddamn make me even more frustrated and more fucking perplexed.

“No, Wanda. Even if they would let me go, I couldn’t go back there. There’s nothing left. No reason to be there. Yeah he was a good friend a few years ago. But that’s all over. Now I’m a criminal again, and still mildly obsessed with something that never happened and never will. He’s Miss Marie’s straight-laced, perfect little Captain Do-Gooder. That’s not going to change just because I come crawling back there like a pathetic wounded puppy. If anything, it would just give him another reason to hate me. And why the fuck are we having this discussion again?” John finished.

“Because you needed to rant. And because sometimes I need to be reminded why you said no to me when I asked you out almost a year ago.” Wanda said, giving him a small, tentative smile. She took a breath and regarded him seriously.

“And, because you still love him.”

John opened his mouth, planning on spewing out a strong ‘Fuck you.’ But nothing came out. He closed his mouth and looked down at the floor as Wanda finished dressing the gash on his shoulder, her hands glowing softly as she channeled her power into speeding up the healing.

There was nothing to say.

She was right.

rating: r, author: lux_apollo, title: s, fiction: series

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