The beginning and the end of the world (2/?)

Aug 31, 2009 09:49

Title: The beginning and the end of the world (2/?)

Pairings/characters: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/OMC maybe, Torchwood team.

Rating: PG-15

Spoilers: Post-Meat

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood.

Summary: When Ianto Jones was 8 years old, the world ended, he just doesn’t remember it.

Author's Notes: My first attempted at Torchwood fanfiction, English is not my first language so if you find any rare thing along the way just let me know :P
Thanks to captain_bdsm  for being my beta

prologue   chapter 1

Chapter 2

Jack stared at the report that was in front of him, like he had been the last hour, trying to pretend that he wasn’t thinking about Ianto. For the tenth time he re-read the first paragraph of the first page but his mind wasn’t in it. He closed his eyes trying to concentrate once again.

Time passed and Jack kept his eyes closed until sleep claimed him.

Drip drip drip

Drip drip drip

Drip drip drip

A strange noise woke him up from his light sleep and he slowly opened his eyes, he looked around  trying to orientate himself, he took a deep breath and then lied back in his chair, trying to rest his eyes.

Drip drip drip

Drip drip drip

Drip drip drip

The noise that had bothered him before made itself stronger so he started to search for the source of it.

And there it was, in the middle of his office, water was falling thought the ceiling, little drops that seemed to be descending in slow motion. Jack grabbed his face between his hands and sighed, his first thought was to call Ianto but he quickly dismissed it and decided to deal with the problem himself.

He stood up from his comfortable chair and walked to it, a little puddle was already forming on the floor but it wasn’t anything big that a simple sheet of paper couldn’t fix, and for a moment the idea of using the report that was resting peacefully on his desk was really tempting.

While he stood there he started to imagine Ianto’s response to his attempt to explain the situation of the mysterious missing report, and Jack smiled, until he realized he was thinking about Ianto once again.

With a frown on his face, he looked at the ceiling hoping to find the fissure that was wetting his floor, but nothing was there. He forced his sight and tried to look a little closer, but no matter how much he looked, the water seemed to be coming from nowhere. So Jack gave up and decided to grab a few sheets of paper to dry the wet floor but as his lower his head he looked in surprise at the man that appeared before him.

Jack took a step back and very slowly looked for his gun that unfortunately was resting along side the unfinished report.

The man looked at Jack with a frown on his face and said: ‘You’re not enough,’

‘It seemed you don’t know me very well then,’ Jack responded with a smile and the man said nothing, so he took the opportunity to look at him properly.

At first sight he seemed a man in his mid twenties, with dark brown hair and black clothes but the not so human red eyes gave him away, although it wasn’t the peculiar color what surprised him, it was the feeling behind them, hate. So he tried to remember if he had seen him before, ex co-worker? ex-lover? But as he was thinking in the different possibilities, the man gave him an answer to an unasked question.

‘We haven’t met before,’ Jack looked at him in surprise and realized too late that the person who was in front of him had entered his mind.

‘What do you want?’ Aliens with telepathic abilities were really dangerous; if you had a weak mind it could easily be destroyed, luckily for Jack, all time agents received a proper training for this kind of situations and in a second he raised his shields all he could. But what worried him the most was his team, who were unprepared for this type of attack and Jack cursed himself for not training them after the Mary incident.

‘I won’t hurt them, don’t worry--,‘ Jack froze completely at hearing the name he hadn’t listened in centuries and suddenly he understood the true nature of the alien’s power, and it didn’t reside in his mind but in his dreams.

‘Neat trick, so what’s with the water?’ He tried to change the conversation and avoided thinking of his team or himself in anyway. The man looked at him not comprehending what he was saying.

‘You know, the puddle of water that it is wetting my imaginary office, He looked down but nothing was there and Jack thought it was another attempt to play with his mind, but as he looked up at the man that was in front of him, he realized how wrong he was.

The alien had a look of pure horror in his face and he was trembling, as he looked at him a drop of water fell in his forehead but before anyone of them could see where it came from, something started happening at the alien’s feet.

‘I was too late.’ the man looked at him with a smile on his face, knowing that those were the last words he was going to pronounce. And there it was again, the puddle of water, forming under the man’s feet. But this time it was more than water.

Jack could only hear the screams that came out of the man’s mouth while the ‘thing’ swallowed him whole in seconds and only water remained.

Minutes passed and he just stood there looking at the place where he had disappeared trying to process the thoughts that where running through his mind.

But he just couldn’t comprehend what had happened, for a moment the idea that it was all a dream was really tempting but all his experience had taught him different, but before he could reached a concrete though, he felt a hand on his shoulder and Jack froze.

‘It’s not time yet, wake up, captain,’ said a voice on his ear.


Jack Harkness wake up from a light sleep; he lied back in his chair and rubbed his eyes and then looked at the unfinished report with a little hate but decided to finally start it after a dreamless sleep.

chapter 3

fiction, the beginning and the end of the world, chapter 2

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