the beginning and the end of the world

Aug 19, 2009 09:59

Title: The beginning and the end of the world

Pairings/characters: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/OMC maybe, Torchwood team.

Rating: PG-15

Spoilers: Post-Meat

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood.

Summary: When Ianto Jones was 8 years old, the world ended, he just doesn’t remember it.

Author's Notes: My first attempted at Torchwood fanfiction, English is not my first language so if you find any rare thing along the way just let me know :P
Thanks to
captain_bdsm  for being my beta


When Ianto Jones was 8 years old, his neighbors moved away, it wasn’t nothing important or worth remembering, the Johnson's were an odd couple, they never had children and they lived in their own world; one that the Jones didn’t take part of, not for lack of trying.

When they moved in the couple didn’t have a phone so Mrs. Jones let them used theirs for any kind of emergency, but the days passed and Mrs. Johnson started to have an emergency everyday, that took almost 3 hours to sort out, they went from ‘my best friend’s son broke his leg’ to ‘my second cousin’s cat died’. Mrs. Jones was a kind woman but she wasn’t stupid, so it was in that moment that the Johnson's and the Jones worlds were separated.

The Johnson lived in their own world, but when Ianto Jones turned 8, their worlds collided once again.

º º º

Robert Johnson wasn’t a kind man, maybe it was because of the decisions he made in life, leaving his studies behind, leaving his parents and pregnant girlfriend behind, leaving his job and marrying just for the money his new girlfriend had inherited from some dead aunt.

Robert Johnson didn’t love his wife and his wife didn’t love him, she just married him to annoy her parents that for some strange reason hated him.

So now they lived not happy nor sad, they just… existed.

The doorbell rang and Mary waited, maybe this time his lazy husband will move his ass from the sofa, maybe this time he’ll help her. Mary waited but nothing happened.

With a sigh she left the lettuce and the tomato behind, she dried her dirty hands in a dishcloth and went to answer the door.

But the problem with Mary had always been the same, not self-preservation, when she crossed the street without looking at both sides waiting the inevitable honks, when she left the door unlocked every time she left the house or like right now when she answered the door without asking who was there?

She opened the door with a look of disgust already waiting in her face, ready to get rid of the person that was ruining her already ruined evening, but no one was there, only the black of the night.

‘Stupid kids’ she said under her breath, but when she lowered her head ready to close the door with all her force hoping to wake her husband, she saw him.

A boy, no more that ten looking right through her

‘What do you want?’ Mary wasn’t the mother material type or the more tactful woman with any child or person, but the boy didn’t seem to mind and he smiled at her.

‘Where are your parents?’ nothing, the boy said nothing and just kept on smiling. She was getting annoyed and the only thing she wanted was to close the door and let the kid freeze outside.

‘Go home, kid’ as the door started to close, the boy’s smile got bigger and said

‘Mary’ the door stopped, she looked at the boy again, this time with a frown on her face.

‘What did you say?’ The boy tilted his head to the side, closed his eyes and sing

‘Mary, Mary, the poor girl that become rich, the poor aunt just fell, Mary the poor little Mary’ and the boy continued to smile.

She was frozen; she could only look at the boy in horror while the images passed through her head.

She was tired, so tired, why she had to take her of her, why her parents weren’t here. She was tired, she met a man and he was all right. She didn’t want this, she just wanted for her to disappear and before she noticed her wish came true, her aunt was dead at the end of the stairs. Mary the poor girl become rich, the poor aunt just fell.

Only a few seconds passed while her memories rolled in her mind, searching, hurting her. But no, it wasn’t her fault, she just….fell. And she started to believe it again.

Mary looked down very slowly at the boy who was still there smiling at her, but now she looked closer and she took in the details that she had missed before.

The boy was pale, very pale, she could see his veins in detail like small trees surfing through his skin. But the most impressive thing was his eyes, his blood red eyes.

And the child kept on smiling.

‘we want to live here Mary, do you mind?’ But the boy didn’t move his lips, the voice came from behind him and there he was, a beautiful man with blue eyes, the man smiled at her like nobody had before and she was crying, the tears fell through her face. She was so happy, a beautiful man was smiling at her and only her. He had asked a question, but she couldn’t speak, she didn’t want to stop looking at the kind blue eyes that watch her.

‘I think we could reach an agreement, don’t you think so, little Mary?’ Mary kept on crying and said

‘of course’ she smiled at him and went back inside, leaving the door opened for her visitors.

º º º

When Ianto Jones was 8 years old, his neighbors moved away, it wasn’t anything important or worth remember, but the house didn’t stay empty for long and new neighbors moved in.

Ianto was happy he had a new friend to play with, a ten year old boy that promised he would stay with him forever no matter what or who…

Chapter 1

torchwood, prologue, fiction, the beginning and the end of the world

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