The beginning and the end of the world (1/?)

Aug 24, 2009 09:49

Title: The beginning and the end of the world (1/?)

Pairings/characters: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/OMC maybe, Torchwood team.

Rating: PG-15

Spoilers: Post-Meat

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood.

Summary: When Ianto Jones was 8 years old, the world ended, he just doesn’t remember it.

Author's Notes: My first attempted at Torchwood fanfiction, English is not my first language so if you find any rare thing along the way just let me know :P
Thanks to captain_bdsm  for being my beta


Chapter 1

He believed that sometime in his life, maybe when he was a child, he dreamed of flying, he hoped he dreamed about that, that he dreamed beyond the blood and the metal. Every time he went to sleep, he waited for that moment to happen where his future dreams could become more than nightmares. Jack understood, he didn’t need to say anything, he just knew. Who could understand better the horrors of this world than a man who will live forever.

When they first started to sleep together, Ianto didn’t want to stay it just felt to intimate but Jack didn’t let him go, he just laughed at him and grabbed him, putting his face in the hollow of his neck and breathing in his smell. From that moment on the nightmares went away and he dreamed of nothing, it wasn’t that he didn’t dream, he just dreamed of nothing… a white so vast that never end.

After Gwen and Jack confrontation about Rhys Give Rhys my love and I will see you tomorrow things started to change between Jack and him, he just… let him go. It became sex and nothing more, like one of his tasks around the hub: feeding the weevils, make coffee, sex with Jack and he was getting tired, so tired of this. And everyday that thought enter his mind with more frequency than ever before: breaking up or the equivalent of what he and Jack had.

So the blood and metal returned with a force that he had never felt before, every bad memory he could think of together in one nightmare, Canary Wharf, Lisa, cannibals, he tried so bad to go back to the vast white that knew it was waiting for him in the bottom of his mind.

He tried so hard, maybe too hard and his mind gave in and he entered the white once again.

But it wasn’t like before there was something there along the white, a little boy with blood red eyes, but the boy never said anything he just smiled at him.

And for some reason that made Ianto happy.


Doctor Owen Harper woke up from a dreamless night, he moved the arms slowly to the sides searching for something or someone, and there she was Becky? Jennie?, Owen opened his eyes and looked at his right to the blond woman that slept beside him. He usually sent them away, in a perfect gentlemen way of course, after they were finished but this time he was too drunk to care about the arrangement.

He looked at the clock that rest on top of the table, trying to make sense of the moving red numbers that were display there, but his blurry eyes didn’t want to cooperate with him so he grabbed the clock between his hands and brought him right in front of his face and he said.

‘Fuck… fuck, fuck’ but his companion didn’t seem to mind that he was late for work and kept on dreaming with her chocolate world and the hot model she had seen in a magazine last week.

He jumped from the bed and put on the first t-shirt he found on the floor, next the pants and he ran to the door.

But when he was getting there, he remembered the blond sleeping on the bed and he started swearing again. He grabbed a sticky note, wrote something and put it on the woman’s forehead.

Toshiko smiled at Ianto while he left the hot cup of coffee on her desk, not matter how busy she was she always made sure of thanking him, sometimes when she looked at him she wondered if those thoughts were still in his mind Can't imagine the time when this isn't everything. Pain so constant, like my stomach's full of rats. Feels like this is all I am now. There isn't an inch of me that doesn't hurt. Now more than ever, because she could see the sadness that was there, especially when he looked at Jack, the little details that weren’t there anymore, no more glances, happy smiles, hands touching or mysterious disappearances in the archives and she couldn’t help but feel a little resentful with the way things were, nothing was ever simple in Torchwood.

The alarms blared, the cog doors opened and there he was Owen Harper, Toshiko couldn’t help the feeling that rose in her chest every time she saw him,  she knew from just looking at him that he didn’t sleep alone last night, the same clothes but just a little more wrinkled than the day before.

‘Hi Owen’ and he kept on walking to the autopsy area without saying anything and Toshiko’s heart just broke a little.

Owen entered the autopsy area, grabbed his white coat and looked at the dead man that was waiting patiently for him.

Anthony Stewart - 38 years old - died for unknown causes.


24 hours earlier

Anthony Stewart was running, he always knew that he was going to die but with the years the cause of his death started to change, at the beginning was old age, he was too young to understand something else, when he started stealing he thought he was going to be shot but now he was going to get kill by a monster in the streets of Cardiff.

He kept on running, 5, 10, 15 minutes, until he realized he hadn’t left the place at all, he was running in circles and he always ended up in the same place, in the middle of two buildings facing a red graffiti on a white wall. Resting with his hands against his knees, Anthony took big breaths, trying to calm himself and thinking of a way to escape. Very slowly, he lifted his head, opened his eyes and looked at the wall that was in front of him, still trying to catch his breath, Anthony took in the graffiti that was in the white wall, it was really grotesque, like blood stains in a crime scene. It seemed new, like they painted it right in the moment he entered the street. He didn’t realize but while he watched he got closer and closer to the wall hoping to understand what he was seeing and as he kept on watching the graffiti started to make sense and he was so wrong. It was beautiful, like nothing he had seen before and it was there just for him.

‘Do you like it?’ said a voice behind him, he knew he should be scared of the monster that was breathing down his neck, but he couldn’t stop watching the beautiful swirls and letters that were forming right in front of his eyes.

‘Yes, what is it?’ the monster smiled at Anthony, like a child asking his father a silly question.

‘It says Kudlak’ the monster put his hand on Anthony’s shoulder.

‘What does that mean?’ He kept on watching and the graffiti kept on changing; like watching a movie in white and red, but then it started to go faster and faster and he could see the true horror that was behind it.

‘it means the end of the world’ the monster laughed.

And Anthony screamed.

Anthony lied dead in a place between the two buildings in front of a white wall and nothing else.

chapter 2

chapter 1, fiction, the beginning and the end of the world

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