The beginning and the end of the world (3/?)

Sep 07, 2009 09:53

Title: The beginning and the end of the world (3/?)

Pairings/characters: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/OMC maybe, Torchwood team.

Rating: PG-15

Spoilers: Post-Meat

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood.

Summary: When Ianto Jones was 8 years old, the world ended, he just doesn’t remember it.
Author's Notes: My first attempted at Torchwood fanfiction, English is not my first language so if you find any rare thing along the way just let me know :P
Thanks to captain_bdsm  for being my beta

prologue  chapter 1  chapter 2

Chapter 3

Meredith Jones fixed his sons hair for the third time while he glanced at her with a look of pure boredom. After the ‘mysterious moving’, that’s how she had started to classify it, when her neighbors decided to move away in the middle of the night, not that she had expected a goodbye since the ‘telephone incident’.

Meredith frowned at her own thoughts when she realized that she was doing it again, or as  her husband called it the ‘folder syndrome’, thing that she had been doing all her life, classified every little thing that had happened at her and put it on a mental folder for future reference. She sighted and looked at his son one more time, unsurprised at his disheveled hair that for some reason didn’t want to obey her commands.

‘So, are you ready?’ she asked Ianto while he kept looking at her like he wanted to be somewhere else, probably watching TV in their house. But after the failed attempt to accomplish a relationship with the Johnson's, she was determinate to succeed this time.

‘Well, let’s ring the bell, okay?’ but her son said nothing and started playing with his feet.

Meredith lifted his hand and rang the bell one time, putting a smile on her face, they waited and waited and waited, but nothing happened and her smile disappeared.

So she rang the bell again a little more forceful than before and this time she heard the distinct sounds of footsteps getting near to the door.

The door opened and there he was; her new neighbor. She couldn’t help but blush at the beautiful man that was before her, no matter that she was married, she was a woman after all and she could appreciate beauty when she saw it.

Her husband was no different, how many times had she caught him trying to look at a beautiful woman, while she laughed at his red face when he realized that she had caught him in the act. She never felt jealous or sad, because they were only playing, and in the end they always laugh at each others attempt to be sneaky; but she was always the best, and her husband congratulated her with a smile on his face.

Because their love went beyond that and they knew it, they knew that there was nothing to be scared of.

So she looked at him in the eye and smiled.

‘Hello, my name is Meredith Jones and this is my son Ianto, we're your new neighbors’, she said trying to be friendly. Meredith looked down at the hand that was being offer to her; she lifted her head and took it, shaking them both with the force to show him her strength. She could be friendly but she didn’t trust so easy, especially when her kids were involved.

‘My name is Cameo, it’s a pleasure to meet you,’ the man said with a smile on his face, but as he said that Meredith looked in surprised at the child who was standing beside him, she could  have swore that he wasn’t there a moment ago.

‘And who is this young man?’ she asked while the boy ignored her, he was too busy staring at Ianto or more precisely analyzing him.

‘This is my son, Cai,’ but the boy didn’t seem to hear him or mind that his father was addressing him and he kept looking at Ianto while Ianto looked at Cai with the same force.

‘…inside?’ Cameo was looking at her waiting for an answer to a question she hadn’t heard, while she lost herself looking at the blinking contest that was taking place in her new neighbors door way. Quickly, she filled the question in her mind and said.

‘Yes, we would love to,’ a moment after she said that she started to feel his son staring at her with what she could only describe was a killing look, after all she had promised him a short hello and an ice-cream after that; but she knew he wasn’t going to say anything in front of his new neighbors, she had taught her children to be polite in every situation.

So she decided to compensate him later, maybe a little trip to the toy store, Ianto could be real resentful when he wanted to and the silent treatment was his best weapon.

Cameo opened the door for them and let them passed first, while his son and he stood by the front the door. But if they hadn’t been busy glancing at the interior of the house, they would have seen the worried look Cameo gave his son.


Meredith looked at the house with a surprised look on her face.

‘What’s wrong?’ said a voice to her left.

‘Nothing, I’m just surprise at how quickly you furnished your house, I think we still have boxes collecting dust on the basement from when we first moved in’ she said at Cameo while she kept looking at the beautiful furniture that was in front of her, it looked so pretty.

Walls painted in light brown, red and yellow flowers inside a glass vase on top of wooden table and as she continued to admire the inside of the house something started to bother her in the back of her mind.

When she reached the pile of old books resting on a little table, one of her mind folders opened, and there it was what was bothering her, ‘things she wanted to do to her house if she had the money’. The interior of this house was the exact replica of one the things she had put on that specific folder, it was almost new, she could remember buying a magazine and looking through it, stopping at a photograph of interior design and wishing she could have a house just like that, but she was seeing it in real life now. This house and the photo were exactly the same, every little detail and it was really disturbing, not matter that they could be several reasons for this, coincidence, a fanatic of interior design, but as she thought the possibilities to make herself feel better, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong with the house and Meredith always trust her instincts because they had never failed her.

‘Well, I think it’s time go, we don’t want to bother you anymore’ she said while she turned around to look at the owner of the house, but he wasn’t even looking at her and he had a looked she could only described as surprise/worry that it was surely directly to his son, because she had seen herself in the mirror doing that sometimes when she looked at her children.

But as she followed with her eyes at where Cameo was looking she was surprised to see her own son. Not only the father but also the son were looking at Ianto with the same look and she began to do what they were doing and for a moment she understood why they were looking at him like that, because for a second only a second in the same place where her son was standing the true reality of the house appeared before them. And her instincts started to scream at her.

chapter 4

torchwood, chapter 3, fiction, the beginning and the end of the world

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