Round 7 coming soon!!!

Aug 13, 2010 11:35

Hello again, everyone! Round 7 of the Dramione Awards is about to begin, and this time we will be recognizing all the "little things" we love about Dramione fanfiction -- drabbles, ficlets, and flash fiction! We think you'll agree, it takes a lot of talent for a writer to create a story out of such a small amount of words, and now it's time to award those authors for all their hard work!

We will also be bringing back the "Special Challenge" - where writers will have the opportunity to sign up to write new drabbles, flash fiction, and ficlets, which will up for voting along with our other nominees! Go here for Special Challenge rules and sign-ups!

The awards will open on September 1st, so start bookmarking your favorite short fics for nomination! Only fics of 1000 words or less will be eligible this time around. Here are some resources to check out before things get underway:

Rules, Procedures, & Timeline - Please read these carefully and let us know if you have any questions!
List of Categories - Go here to find out what the categories will be for this round!
Finding Dramione Short Fics - Looking for fics to nominate? Check out this post for places you can find works of 1000 words or less!

Want to help promote the awards? Snag the above promotional banner by copying and pasting this code into your LJ:">">

If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment or email the mods at Otherwise, we will see you all on September 1st! :D

~ Your Round 7 Dramione Awards mods

round 7, pimping materials, mod-post: information

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