These Are My People. Here's My Patch.

Jan 22, 2012 22:04

I was just flipping back and forth between two TV shows - one was an SVU episode where the perp was played by Michael Trucco (you know him as Anders on BSG) and A Cinderella Story on ABC Family. This is a weird enough combination as is, but Trucco also played the uncle of Chad Michael Murray’s character on One Tree Hill - so the combo of watching ( Read more... )

cartoons are for everyone!, the nephew, birthdays, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, one tree hill is my after-school special, videos - various, jason london is delicious, dogs and virgins, my grandparents - my heroes, musicals - life with song, tivo and i will be in my bunk, real life, youtube is an alien-virus, chad michael murray is my douchebag

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Comments 40

vikingprincess January 23 2012, 03:16:12 UTC
Did you know, DID YOU KNOW?!?!?!!!!!

HUGH JACKMAN will be SINGING Jean ValJean in the Les Mis movie, forthcoming!


(also, loved the stories of your family, as per usual. of course you knew that already, but still.)


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 21:48:32 UTC
DUDE. I KNOW. Like, OMG, I get shaking-excited everytime I think about it. It's like my wet dream come true. I mean, I have such a stupid ridiculous love for Les Mis and Hugh Jackman is just...there really isn't anyone as talented as him these days, he has that old film star quality to him and I just...I CAN'T WAIT.

My sister has the DVD of Hugh in Oklahoma and that was about all I could handle without exploding, this new Les Mis is gonna put me right over the edge.

(Thanks! Even though they often annoy me, my family is quite awesome).


vikingprincess January 28 2012, 22:51:25 UTC
There will not be a dry seat OR eye in the house, I swear. Old film-star quality is exactly right - plus a physique those guys could only DREAM of possessing. RAWR.

And now I think I must find and watch Hugh Jackman in Oklahoma....


dodger_sister January 28 2012, 23:06:18 UTC
And now I think I must find and watch Hugh Jackman in Oklahoma....

Yes, do.


ceitfianna January 23 2012, 03:28:06 UTC
I love Les Miz so much. My first introduction to it was at a summer camp where some friends convinced me to join them in singing "Do You Hear the People Sing" for the camp talent show. Les Miz and Newsies songs are what I sing when I'm happy and walking.

Also I've always enjoyed A Cinderella Story, it's such a sweet and fluffy movie.

Your nephew completely rocks by the way and makes me think of my nieces who are a few years older but very much themselves.


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 21:58:18 UTC
Do You Hear The People Sing is a great intro song to Les Mis, like if you want to convince someone that they should see this play or whatever, because it is so rousing.

Les Miz and Newsies songs are what I sing when I'm happy and walking.Those are my top musicals too! (Along with Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat). I always have soft spot for Oliver! because it was the first musical I saw (though my mother insists I saw Fiddler first, I don't remember it) and I love Dodger (obviously) but something about Les Mis and Newsies just draw me in. My brother was also obsessed with Newsies, I can't tell you how many times we watched that movie ( ... )


ceitfianna January 24 2012, 22:00:53 UTC
Yes, and I remember when there were excuses, I heard the whole soundtrack Newsies is just the best, I have it pretty much memorized and it makes me happy.

I think that kind of bias makes tons of sense because they're our nieces and nephews. I've been thinking about meeting up again at some point for watching movies as it was such fun last time.


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 22:29:47 UTC
I've been thinking about meeting up again at some point for watching movies as it was such fun last time.

Ha! Concidence. I was going to call you tomorrow and see if you wanted to pick a day for next week. I saw on your journal you had a ton of work days coming up this week but next week is good for me, as I am not in therapy atm. We can either watch 3:10 to Yuma or The Gilmore Girls, your pick.


denig37 January 23 2012, 10:21:06 UTC
Hee, The Nephew being badass as always :-D


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 21:59:21 UTC
My nephew is badass, thank you. :) I don't want him to ever grow-up but I also kind of can't wait to see how cool he turns out.


lizibabes January 23 2012, 21:33:30 UTC
Bad Sufy movies rock...some are so bad that they become good lol

Nepthew sounds awesome and talented


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 22:02:08 UTC
Bad SyFy movies are better if you watch them with a crowd, or loads of alcohol! I was on the phone with my dad the other day and I said, "Hey dad, I am watching a bad SyFy movie right now with The Faceman from The A-Team in it," and he says, "Meteors are gonna destroy the earth? Yep, I'm watching it right now too." lol

My nephew is awesome and talented (I didn't even know he could sing!) ;)


lizibabes January 24 2012, 22:50:43 UTC
I tend to watch them with my mum, the latter/earlier you watch the worse stuff, gets, but it's pretty entertaining. Still need to watch megashark v some other monster I can't remember, it looks so bad, but in a way that makes it really fun to watch lol


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 23:09:17 UTC
It was Megashark vs some sort of crocodile, right? Seems like. I am really into the bad 'end of the world' movies for some reason. I mean I enjoy a good well-done 'end of the world' movie too but the really badly done ones are so much fun.


wolfrider89 January 23 2012, 21:34:57 UTC
The Nephew just keeps getting more and more awesome. He's such a cool little dude. :)

Also, that last vid? (can't see the first one for some reason) Woah. I want to see that musical!

Love the family tales, bb. :)


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 22:14:34 UTC
My Nephew rules everything!

The link for Gavroche's song here.

You should totally see Les Miserables! It is epic. You want to get out of your seat and shout, "Revolution!" and then like join the fight. Then you remember it is a play and you have to sit back down. ;)

It has a reformed convict fugitive, revolutionaries, stubborn hard-edge cops, love triangles, abused orphans, streetkids, pickpockets and corner whores. Sounds good, right?

I reccomend, if you ever get the chance, that you see it on stage, it's the ultimate experience. But also, there is a movie coming out (I think they start filming this summer) and it is the first time they have ever done a musical movie of it. They have made several movies of the book, but none of the musical. And this one stars Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean!! (watch the One Day More vid again, Jean Valjean is the guy who sings the first line).



wolfrider89 January 25 2012, 13:19:07 UTC
I does seem pretty awesome! I will have to go and see it sometime when I have the chance. :)

Hugh Jackman, you say? Movie, you say? Musical, you say? I like! Looking forward to that movie, then. And yes, I'd love to see it performed on stage. I love musicals!



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