These Are My People. Here's My Patch.

Jan 22, 2012 22:04

I was just flipping back and forth between two TV shows - one was an SVU episode where the perp was played by Michael Trucco (you know him as Anders on BSG) and A Cinderella Story on ABC Family. This is a weird enough combination as is, but Trucco also played the uncle of Chad Michael Murray’s character on One Tree Hill - so the combo of watching ( Read more... )

cartoons are for everyone!, the nephew, birthdays, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, one tree hill is my after-school special, videos - various, jason london is delicious, dogs and virgins, my grandparents - my heroes, musicals - life with song, tivo and i will be in my bunk, real life, youtube is an alien-virus, chad michael murray is my douchebag

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ceitfianna January 23 2012, 03:28:06 UTC
I love Les Miz so much. My first introduction to it was at a summer camp where some friends convinced me to join them in singing "Do You Hear the People Sing" for the camp talent show. Les Miz and Newsies songs are what I sing when I'm happy and walking.

Also I've always enjoyed A Cinderella Story, it's such a sweet and fluffy movie.

Your nephew completely rocks by the way and makes me think of my nieces who are a few years older but very much themselves.


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 21:58:18 UTC
Do You Hear The People Sing is a great intro song to Les Mis, like if you want to convince someone that they should see this play or whatever, because it is so rousing.

Les Miz and Newsies songs are what I sing when I'm happy and walking.Those are my top musicals too! (Along with Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat). I always have soft spot for Oliver! because it was the first musical I saw (though my mother insists I saw Fiddler first, I don't remember it) and I love Dodger (obviously) but something about Les Mis and Newsies just draw me in. My brother was also obsessed with Newsies, I can't tell you how many times we watched that movie ( ... )


ceitfianna January 24 2012, 22:00:53 UTC
Yes, and I remember when there were excuses, I heard the whole soundtrack Newsies is just the best, I have it pretty much memorized and it makes me happy.

I think that kind of bias makes tons of sense because they're our nieces and nephews. I've been thinking about meeting up again at some point for watching movies as it was such fun last time.


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 22:29:47 UTC
I've been thinking about meeting up again at some point for watching movies as it was such fun last time.

Ha! Concidence. I was going to call you tomorrow and see if you wanted to pick a day for next week. I saw on your journal you had a ton of work days coming up this week but next week is good for me, as I am not in therapy atm. We can either watch 3:10 to Yuma or The Gilmore Girls, your pick.


ceitfianna January 24 2012, 22:32:54 UTC
This weekend or next week should work for me. During the week, I don't work on Wednesdays, so that's one possibility. Mondays, I don't work until 10 pm and that's online, all the other days have odd points and Saturdays are my best weekend days. Though a Friday might be possible as I work in the morning but I'm usually home by 1 pm.

If you're feeling up to it, we could do a mix. Yuma's not a terribly long movie and we could get in a few Gilmore Girls episodes. I could also bring over X-Men: First Class as I've been meaning to do a rewatch at some point and haven't yet.


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 23:06:37 UTC
Any of those days work for me, as I was figuring like 2pm to 7ish and then if you wanted to stay for dinner, we usually eat around 7, you'd be welcome too.

I have this urge when we watch Gilmore Girls to just mainline a bunch of it - Gilmore Girls is just one of those shows where I can watch a whole slew of episodes in a row and veg out. But I kind of want to watch 3:10 to Yuma (not the least of which so I can read your fic when you post stuff), so let's do that and XMFC and then next time we can do GG.


ceitfianna January 24 2012, 23:14:32 UTC
I'm the same way with it as well. Whenever I find a marathon on, I always lose hours to it. I might also bring my laptop this time so I can share some of the things I'm working on.

Would this Friday work? I always seem to lose my Fridays afternoons to doing nothing but vegging in company is far more fun.


dodger_sister January 24 2012, 23:27:18 UTC
Friday would be perfect actually. I have been a lazy git all week (I know therapy is good for me, but isn't lounging in my PJs good for me too?) so I should be well rested by Friday.

2-ish sound good to you?

Off to eat dinner now and watch Hoarders.


ceitfianna January 24 2012, 23:29:47 UTC
I've been lazy too at least with certain things. There's been writing but need to get myself in gear with job stuff.

2ish should work as I finish work on Fridays at noon, have lunch and get home after 1.

That gives me time to pick up DVDs and things and drive out. I'll bring Yuma and XMFC and there will be fic talking as that always helps me move works along.


dodger_sister January 25 2012, 01:52:27 UTC
Excellent! I will put on pants then. ;)


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