A Moment In Time.

Dec 29, 2017 18:41

Just doing a very quick review of my 2017! ( My 2017! )

scratch my back & i'll scratch yours, emotional waxing, real life, friends 4evah, new years rockin eve!

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Comments 6

yeuxdebleu December 30 2017, 03:23:25 UTC
Very interesting. My year was mostly filled with health problems for both my husband and me. The whole year was tainted because of the election of the egomanical pathological liar who I'm ashamed to think of as our president.


dodger_sister January 2 2018, 22:58:47 UTC
Very interesting. My year was mostly filled with health problems for both my husband and me.

Oh that's a shame. How are you both doing now? Better I hope.

I have to say, I did fairly well health-wise, all things considered - like what a stressful year it was for me, but I managed to stay on my feet. more or less. I'm trying not to hold my breath waiting for the other shoe to drop though, you know what I mean. But so many health problems with my mother, throughout the year and towards the end, just horrible to watch her go through that. And the family losses were big this year.

The whole year was tainted because of the election of the egomanical pathological liar who I'm ashamed to think of as our president. I agree there. I am afraid to look at the news headlines when I get up every day - like what happened while I was sleeping, a fear of that. I tried to do my part to counteract it, as much as I could. But it makes me sick to my stomach to think of him sitting in the oval office, walking across the eagle rug. He is a ( ... )


dodger_sister January 2 2018, 23:00:48 UTC
Happy New Year!!

Thank you so much for obliging my request to get caught up on your life! I was wondering how the move had gone and how you (and Shiremom & ShirePup) were settling.


bugeyedmonster January 12 2018, 05:18:23 UTC
Well, had foot surgery back in September. I'm supposed to be getting an orthopedic insole (I forget what it's called.) However that has not arrived yet.

Not much happened around with my parents (good thing) but because I work retail, it was super busy in November and December. I can't remember if I've posted pictures of the stuff from Fall 2017 semester.

I need to check that this coming week....

I already have the idea for the project I'm doing this coming semester. I'm going to do a yard art project. Like a 'tower' of large beads. About 5 to 6 of the 'beads' with 'spacers' in between, and they'll be on a piece of rebar.


dodger_sister January 13 2018, 22:31:36 UTC
Well, had foot surgery back in September. I'm supposed to be getting an orthopedic insole (I forget what it's called.) However that has not arrived yet.

I'm glad to hear the surgery went well and I hope the insole helps. Our feet are so sensitive and we stand on them so much, especially as you are in retail, goodness!

I already have the idea for the project I'm doing this coming semester. I'm going to do a yard art project. Like a 'tower' of large beads. About 5 to 6 of the 'beads' with 'spacers' in between, and they'll be on a piece of rebar.

Oh, please post pictures when it's up, I would love to see that!


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