Saturday musings

Dec 16, 2017 08:00

Finally I have time for a short update!

Shiremom and I watched "Unleashed", a movie released last year, and it's such a super-sweet film! I think anyone who loves cats (or dogs) would enjoy it. Justin Chatwin (whom I had never heard of before) is a hoot, and Sean Astin is such a cutie-patootie.

I'm nearly finished with my Yule Fic Exchange story, wooo hooo! It's pure fluff, what a shock.

It's cold today (21F/-5C) and it snowed again, but thankfully Ms. Pip is getting used to the white stuff. Now if only her mommy could get used to it! I'm already weary of shoveling and scraping, and yesterday it was scary driving in a snowstorm. By the end of this first winter back east I'll have learned a lot, and no mistake.

I had wonderful news yesterday -- after FOUR MONTHS of waiting, my application for New Jersey Medicaid (low income) health insurance was finally approved. That's SUCH a relief. :)

Shiremom had her first cataract surgery on Thursday, with the second scheduled for January 11th. Her vision is still a bit blurred, but she's suddenly seeing colors much more accurately and brightly than before. She went to the eye surgeon yesterday, and he said everything looks great and she should expect continued improvement over the next few weeks. I wonder if the delay in her improvement is due to her age? She turns 86 next week, and it will be awesome if by then she can see well enough to read her birthday cards.

Well, time to get the day started. Pippin is still buried under the blankies (her new 'morning normal' when the house is cold in the morning), but mommy has a lot to do today.

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