
Sep 26, 2010 02:05

Who: Ravemon, all of Tetha, Various DATS and other members
What: Ravemon's Darkness - Finale
When: Monday, September 27th
Where: Tetha

The fallen army. The fallen soldier. Citizens who want to take back their home. The end of a legacy. )

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[Air Battle] simonthedigger September 26 2010, 07:30:11 UTC

... )


3/? helix_princess September 27 2010, 04:14:53 UTC
Rather than scream in terror, Nia let out an excited squeal as they went over the edge.

Death-XDORUgamon? Screamed.


4/4 simonthedigger September 27 2010, 04:29:45 UTC

Death-XDORUgamon swooped down the same as Lagann, both racing to catch up with their partners.

Simon merely chuckled, looking at the open sky below him. It and Tetha were alight with the fires of battle. It had been awhile since he had seen something like this. It wasn't something he ENJOYED to see...

But all the same, he was far more comfortable in it than he had any business to be.

"Now's the time..." he said, holding Nia close as they fell.

"Now's the time to show Ravemon just who he was fucking with! All of us may be strong as one, but together, all our power united is stronger than anything in the universe... The greatest power IS POWER COMBINED!"

With that shout, both his and Nia's D-Comms began to shine bright, as energy swirled out from Simon's Core Drill, around them... and up towards their partners.



"JOGRESS EVOLVE!"In a flash, both Digimon were one, rocketing down below their partners. It was Breakermon but... different. Most dramatically, a winged backpack, which existed for an ( ... )


1/? spacekingkittan September 27 2010, 04:52:39 UTC
Okay, that?

That was probably one of the coolest goddamn things Kittan had ever seen. Unfortunately, while he stood there gaping at where Simon and Nia had gone overboard, a missile had been steadily coming closer.

SuperStarmon almost began to run before he realized his Tamer was distracted.


Without waiting for a response, SuperStarmon grabbed Kittan's arm and tossed him out of the blast range before jumping away from where he had been standing.

Unfortunately, he was a little too slow. Caught just at the edge of the blast range, SuperStarmon disappeared into the dust cloud. A few moments later, he hit the deck and rolled several feet away, now Starmon.



2/? thestars_scream September 27 2010, 04:58:50 UTC

... )


3/? spacekingkittan September 27 2010, 05:10:08 UTC

... )


4/4 thestars_scream September 27 2010, 05:13:50 UTC
"Do I really have to do the call out?" whined Swindle.



Light burst from Starscream's arm, where his D-Comm was installed, and the glow shot towards Swindle, whose form mixed with that of Starmon's.

Swindle's body grew taller, and more humanoid, while Starmon formed and reshaped over him like armor. Then, the five points of his star-shaped body grew out on the back, becoming pairs of wings and a tail. The transformation completed, and the new form declared its name.

"CYBERDRAMON!" it roared, before firing off its Erase Claw.


soul_on_light September 27 2010, 05:40:27 UTC
"Heh..." Hoshi said, while suspended in mid-air. She decided to take Nanoha's advice and landed on the deck of the Halberd. But, she wasn't going to be on there long, nope.

"Asuka, Tsubasa, come forth!" she called out and in two big bursts of energy came out who she was both a thousand years pass, same as five hundred years pass. She took the fragments of her soul and integrated them inside of her body. "One Hundred Percent Soul Completion!" she exclaimed while grabbing her dagger once more.

She studied her situation before a smirk crossed her face. She then ran off the area she landed on and took to the skies once more. But, while she was getting her flight, she drew two circles in front of her. In the process of this, however?

"Angewomon! Now!"

"Right, Hoshi!" Angewomon responded and flew right beside her tamer.

... )


dive_npc September 27 2010, 05:56:15 UTC
A loud, mournful din filled the air as numerous Birdramon and Sabirdramon were knocked out of the sky, their Digi-Eggs raining down on the ground below. But as attacks burned through the sky, only one of the unknown birds ended up being hit.

But it didn't break apart. Instead, it fell, screaming towards the deck. It had been seriously wounded - too much to fly - but it wasn't going to go down like a weakling. Its body shown with bright light as it neared the hull of the ship... it was a kamikaze attack.

The digimon was self destructing. And its three brothers rained down all of their armaments to keep their opponents unable to interfere.

Their targets? Everyone. They had more than enough firepower to do it.


1/2 mazin_power September 27 2010, 06:06:44 UTC
"NO!" Mazinmon shouted, watching the Digimon crashing down on them. With the others striking down on them, it seemed like there was no way to stop it in time.

"We have to stop it! No matter what!" Kouji shouted. "GO! MAZINMON, BREAK THROUGH THEM!" With a roar, Mazinmon charged forward, the rain of ammunition slamming into it.

"I'm not going to fall! I'm going to save everyone!" Mazinmon shouted, the Digimon taking damage as it came to a stop, pulling back it's fist. As it did, Kouji's D-Comm started glowing. "MAZINMON, EVOLVE!"


2/2 mazin_power September 27 2010, 06:10:28 UTC

With that, the Digimon started glowing, its body growing larger, its frame morphing into something demonic. And as the Digimon thrust its fist forward, it launched forth, its forearm spinning like a turbine towards the kamikazing Digimon.


The force of the attack sent the Digimon backwards, but it wasn't content to stop there.

"Let's show them your true power!" Kouji shouted, grinning.


With that, Kaisermon launched its other fist, intending on pulverizing the Digimon.



sunsetsandwomen September 27 2010, 06:20:38 UTC
As Kaisermon surged up to attack the Kamikazeing MailBirdramon, it seemed that there would be a little more help to deal with its brothers.

"MOONSTONE CANNONS!" Gilder announced from the wheel of the Claudia as the ship came streaking out of a cloud bank, her Jolly Roger flying high. "Wevles rounds! Let's cool off those blowhards and take some heat off the flagship!"

The Claudia's guns lit up as she passed the battle, sending dozens of cannonballs streaking towards the MailBirdramon, their damage enhanced by gale force winds that ripped through the air at the point of impact. Maintaining controlled flight under such an assault would be a challenging feat.

"Sorry we're late," Gilder said, transmitting from his D-Comm to the Halberd's crew. "We had to pick up a few things on the way."


1/3 simonthedigger September 27 2010, 19:24:18 UTC

... )


2/4 lyricalmagical September 27 2010, 19:45:10 UTC

... )


3/3 alteredfate September 27 2010, 19:49:37 UTC
"Uh... huh," Alicia Testarossa mouthed as she and BishopChessmon watched Digi-Eggs fall through the sky. "Sorry; thank you, Miss Nanoha!"

It wasn't that she found herself FEELING necessarily overwhelmed; Alicia felt strangely comfortable in this fight, and the air, now. She had just lost sight of her target, and then outnumbered. ACTUAL combat experience, despite extensive training, was ... limited.

Still, they needed everyone they could get in the sky.

Nanoha nodded, and pointed to the Halberd. "It's fine, but to the ship!"

Alicia gave a fierce nod, and with blasts from Qilinmon and BishopChessmon covering them, they Mages took off back toward the Halberd.


soul_on_light September 27 2010, 22:09:02 UTC
Hoshi listened to the transmission coming from Nanoha, and with a nod, she began to scan the battlefield itself while making a beeline for the Halberd and Claudia. She was but a big yellow blur at the moment, using Reiko's advanced flying capabilities to soar through the battle ridden sky at an amazing speed. Similarly, Angewomon was flying right beside her in a flash of white light herself.

She braked herself, skidding in the air while panting. She shook her head, overseeing how her allies were doing. Her eyes drifted over to the DATS commander, narrowing just a bit in concern. Now, she knew what it looked like to overexert one's self. Hell, she just recovered from furyoku exhaustion herself ( ... )


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